
Thucydides Observations Of The Good Life

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It can be said that Thucydides claims are empirical when it comes to his concept of the good life. Observations of the environment and the community in which he lived seemed to have influenced his beliefs about what is considered to be the good life. His perceptions of his environment and experiences with what was normal and customary is what shaped his ideas, attitudes and behaviors. It can be inferred that Thucydides viewed strength, power and wealth as representations of the good life. Thucydides also believed that the good life is only for the strong, powerful and wealthy individuals of society. In other words “survival of the fittest” (Spencer, Principles of Biology, 1864)… Thucydides was of the mindset that “the strong …show more content…

Living a life according to one’s desires is an artificial and superficial representation of the good life, which can lead to bad or immoral choices that will eventually destroy one’s soul. Knowledge was a key component for Plato. According to Plato everyone in society has a place and a role within that society. Individuals should have specific knowledge of their roles and how to use that knowledge for to do what is best for society as whole. The leaders should have extensive knowledge of their roles and learning for these individuals start in childhood. According Plato the leaders of society should be in the learning process for decades in order to have the knowledge to lead the Utopian state properly. Another theme in Plato’s concept of the good life is justice. According to Plato knowing one’s place, position and duties in society will allow that society to be just. Also, one must be just to one’s self by not being in conflict with his soul. Harmony is an intricate part in achieving a just society and through harmony the individual in society can become at peace and just with

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