
Thyroidism Research Paper

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Hyperthyroidism is a disease or condition that is often called overactive thyroid. You are diagnosed with overactive thyroid when the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone, thyroxine. It’s a very common disease in women and not so much in men, but it can be treated easily.

One of the most common causes of of hyperthyroidism is Graves’ Disease which causes the thyroid gland to produce too much thyroid hormone. Your metabolism will most likely accelerate. Some other causes are: toxic adenoma, Plummer’s disease, and thyroiditis. The two main hormones that the thyroid produces are: thyroxine (T-4) and triiodothyronine (T-3). They influence all the cells in your body by doing things like maintaining the rate that your body uses fats …show more content…

It can affect young adults or young children, but also older adults. The symptoms are different for all age groups and there isn’t really an exact age range. You can be as young as 11 years old up into your 50s to get it. African Americans and Asians are more likely to be affected than Whites or Hispanics.

Some of the signs you should look out for are nervousness, frequent bowel movements, sleep disturbances which include insomnia. Some of the symptoms are sudden weight loss or gain, rapid heartbeat, increased appetite, tremor, enlarged thyroid gland, and more. If you have trouble sleeping and is your thyroid gland seems a little swollen, you could be entering the early stages of …show more content…

These kinds of medications reduces the symptoms by preventing the thyroid from producing excess amounts of hormones. Another name for methimazole is Tapazole. By taking these medications, your symptoms will begin to improve within six-12 weeks, but that doesn’t mean you can stop taking them. In fact, you might be taking them for about a year and a half. Other types of treatment are: surgery (thyroidectomy) and radioactive iodine. If the medication doesn’t help, surgery will most likely be your next option. It’s a safe procedure and after having it, you will need lifelong treatment of levothyroxine (levoxyl, synthroid) which will supply your body with the normal amounts of thyroid hormones. Taking the medications are very effective and the surgery is as

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