I wanted to share with you the behavior problems that we are having with Tiffany Parra in class. On Tuesday 2/9/16, she kept asking to go to the counselors office. I asked if she had an appointment. Her reply was that she did not need one and kept texting on her phone. A few minutes later a male student came to the door asking for her at the counselors office. I later email her counselor, Ms. Nibbelink, if she has call for her. Ms. Nibbelink informed me that she had saw her earlier in the day, but not during 5th block. I saw her walking on the side walk in front of the new building instead of being in class or at the counselors office.
In class today Ms. Minor had to kept asking for her to stop talking so she could have instruction
Currently, Jaikayliah is enrolled in school full-time at Churchland Middle School. In the last three months, Jaikayliah has attended school regularly, but there has been intervention by school administration. Jaikayliah is currently failing math and physical science. She has A's in academic lab and health and physical education. She also has C's in English and US History. Jaikayliah is currently not involved in any school activities, but reports an interest in participating in track. Jaikayliah believes school is beneficial to her and her placement at Churchland Middle School is appropriate. Mr. Wilson reported historically Jaikayliah has done well in school and has never repeated a grade. Jaikayliah has a history of requiring mediation from school officials and being defiant. Her defiance is usually in the form of verbal disrespect or
Thanks very much for your timely feedback and advice. We will spend more time with her and work on her social and communication skills. Please connect me and my wife to the student’s services at Westmount, we would like to talk to them first then talk to Anh before connecting Anh to student services.
Tiffany Rascon grew up in Gilbert, Arizona and is currently studying at the W.P Carey School of Business for her Economics major. Her decision to come to Arizona State University is credited to the fact that her older sister and brother both came to Arizona State University as well. So far, she enjoys the overall experience that Arizona State is offering her. The diversity the campus has within its student body is one of her favorites. She loves meeting people from all different walks of life.
Antazia is working to complete grade level work. Antazia has reported behavioral issues. Antazia’s number of referrals decrease during this period. The school has reported Antazia’s behaviors include verbal and physical aggression towards peers and adults, defiance and refusal
This email serves to recap the alarming telephone conversations concerning CSUSB Graduate Counselors, Jayne Archibald and Desiree Jaramillo, who are currently co-facliating a small group at Serrano Middle School. On Friday, February, 26th, Ms. Summers, Program Specialist at Serrano Middle School, called me at approximately to reveal some disturbing information that was disclosed to her in conversations with Jayne and Desiree. Incidents pertaining to another CSUSB Graduate Counselor during the fall quarter, Ms. Summers stated that Jayne and Desiree have been disclosing information all quarter pertaining to the incidents involving another CSUSB Graduate Counselor during the fall quarter. The most recent conversation on Friday, February 26th
She gets caught passing notes frequently and she is punished appropriately. This behavior is ongoing which means that she is not a rule follower. She does not pay attention to the lessons at hand because her attention is taken up in communicating with her peers. Stephanie does not like to work. She is unable to either keep her desk clean or turn in homework assignments within reasonable time frames. Friendship comes easily to her, but it is usually short lived. Notes: Stephanie loves to interact with classmates but she is not a rule follower. She does not focus on lessons at hand, she does not like to work and her desk is a mess. Friendship comes easy but it does not last.
Intervention: MHS reviewed the previous session. MHS discussed with client about her disrespectful behavior at school. The client’s teacher reported the client has not been doing her work and she has been being very disrespect to adults at school. MHS explained to the client that she will have to learn how to have respect adult at home and at school. MHS discussed listening and obeying and following the rules without any negative behaviors like talking back to teachers and school workers. MHS explained how people don't like to be around rude and disrespectful children and her behavior can be affecting her grades
Rodriguez to tell me what is going on with her son. She informed me that he is being bullied by other students in his class and nothing is being done about it. I then turn to Andrew and ask him to explain to me what’s going on. He told me that when they’re in the gym and it’s time to pick a team member that he’s never gotten picked by the other students. He further advised that today while in the restroom today that he accidentally wet his pants while using the urinal and three of his classmates laughed at him. I then asked if he told his teacher(s) about the incident and he said, no. I asked him if he has told any adult inside the building about his situation and he said, no. I asked Andrew if he has ever seen me in the hallways or the cafeteria during lunch time and he said, no. Ms. Rodriguez advised at the beginning of the school year an incident happened and she spoke with the Principal, Mrs. Hinton. I
In the case scenario provided, Jeff Bliss though that the teacher was not teacher as it is expected of her. According to Bliss, students need to be taught on a face to face basis in order for them
When I arrived DD was home and her behavioral specilist was at the house. DD started cooking dinner. DD cooked hamburger helper, peas, carrots, and corn. DD's roommate did not eat, DD was upset when only herself and one other roommate ate. DD became vocal about how no one wanted to eat her food and how she worked hard to cook the food. DD and I went to dollar tree and to her coach's house. While in the coach's house I asked DD for her coach's number and DD did not know or have his number on her. When we arrived DD would not go knock on the to the door. After I told her to go knock on the door. Finally the coach came out. DD barely spoke to him. DD and I went with her roommates in the Wintergreen house. While at the wintergreen house DD spoke
After a short morning meeting with the substitute we took the children to gym class. I watched gym for a few minutes before heading back to Ms. Keane’s room. Ms. Keane was back and talking to the Penn State student (special education major) that is in my classroom Monday-Thursday. Ms. Keane also said that she had a student teacher on Fridays. Ms. Keane seems
I am not in school today, but just read your email and suggest that you, Katey Sue, Mrs. Rhodes and I sit down to talk about this matter. I was not aware that this was an ongoing situation since I no longer work with Frances and I wasn't aware that they even had classes together. I feel that due to the nature of your concerns we should meet face to face. I am including Mrs. Rhodes on this email since I feel she should also hear your concerns.
Student becomes very argumentative and disrespectful when told to sit or enter the building without pushing others and throwing his book bag. He may push others around verbally or physically. He makes inappropriate verbal gestures and exhibited a bad temper, foul mouth and throws tantrums when he does not get his way. The verbalization of threats, name-calling and intimidation of other students, on duty staff members, and teachers tends to escalate more and more every day. The on duty staff members and teachers continue to remind him about the consequences of this actions, concerning touching others, hurting others, bullying and bothering others students, entering the school by running and pushing others, staying and remaining in the designated
The girl who was always full of life was now apathetic and I had no idea what to do to help her. All I could think of was to ask how her was doing and if she needed any assistance with her studies. It got to the point where she broke down crying at the most unexpected times. It was difficult to seeing her like this constantly, which was why I finally decided to take action and help her in the best way I could think of. I thought back to where her change in behavior first started occurring. The only reasoning I could come to was that Jenny was exhausted from not taking breaks while continuously studying for her finals. The first step I took to try and help her was by disrupting her studying at a reasonable time to get her to take a break. We still had a few weeks until finals took place, so I know she had the time to relax rather than constantly studying. I went to the place that she studied the most, the library, to see how she was doing. Likewise, she was occupied with her books. The first thing I did was disrupt her in a polite manner to see how long she had been there for. From what I correctly guessed, she had been studying for a few hours without any breaks in
The school year was ending soon and Olivia and I managed to almost make it the whole year without Brooke trying to ruin our friendship. But as the end of the year neared Brooke became more rude and violent. It was the day of the class play, I sadly forgot which play it was, but we were backstage getting into our costumes. Brooke, who I vividly remember playing the tree, was in a horrible mood. She was screaming at everyone and making sure she got her way. Once she realised that Olivia and I were in the play too she was infuriated. She even tried to sabotage Olivia’s costume, hiding it so when she found it her scene would be almost over. Then when the play started she struck. She purposely tried to ruin the play, she trashed the whole backstage then blamed it on Olivia. She should've thought about her “master” plan a little better because there were cameras. The principal had to have an extremely long talk with Brooke, Olivia, and I about what happened. As soon as Mrs. Polly learned that it was Brooke who planned it all just to frame Olivia, she got suspended. When her parents came to pick her up she was livid. She was screaming at us and even tried to hit Olivia. Finally, we thought, she would be gone for a while, but soon we got an even better