
Tiktaalik Research Paper

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The picture of the cover of the magazine features Tiktaalik, a creature that is intermediate between fish and primitive land-living animals. Tiktaalik has fish-like characteristics with scales on its back as well as fins with fin webbing. However, it also has a flat head and a neck similar to early land-living animals. Inside the fin, one can also see bones that correlate with the parts of the wrist, forearm, and upper arm. All of this is inside a fin with webbing. Shubin once dissected a cadaver, but was never emotionally attached to it until he dissected the hand. It was when he unwrapped the hand did he come to the realization that this hand once belonged to a living person who used it to move and touch. Later on in his career, Shubin discovered Tiktaalik which revealed the early stages of the parts of our hand evolving: the finger area, palm, and wrist. Shubin expressed that seeing the wrist of a fish was just as worthwhile as unwrapping the fingers of the cadaver because during both times, he uncovered a deep relationship between his humanity and another being. Sonic hedgehog is a gene named by fly geneticists Tabin, McMahon, and Ingham. The name was given to the chicken version of hedgehog because the flies with a mutation in the gene possessed bristles and this reminded them of a hedgehog. In …show more content…

In humans, the first arch forms the upper and lower jaws, the malleus and incus, and all the vessels and muscles that supply them. The second arch forms the stapes, a tiny throat bone, and the majority of the muscle that control facial expression. The third arch forms the nerves, muscles, and bones located deeper in the throat that is used for swallowing. Lastly, the fourth arch forms the larynx and the surrounding muscles and vessels that help it function

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