
Timbre Essay

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Assignment 1 Timbre is what allows a listener to distinguish between two different sounds. It allows the listener to recognize the difference between different songs, such as ABC (The Jackson 5) (1970), and Back in Black (AC/DC) (1980). It also enables the listener to decipher a variety of notes in a piece of music, and even recognize individuals by the sound of their voice.
The Sound I chose the song Imagine (John Lennon) (1971) because of the powerful lyrics that hold so much meaning, and how relevant the lyrics still are 40 years later. People will be able to relate to the piece for years to come, as Lennon paints a world which many dream of, but will never achieve. The piece also has very strong timbre, and is a very recognizable piece …show more content…

There are many aspects of timbre in this piece, all which allow us to identify the song, and feel the emotion that Lennon is trying to convey. Different types of timbre in this piece include voice, piano, drums, and violin. The piece begins with a solo piano, which sets the tone for the song. It introduces the listener to the piece in a way that allows us to understand that the song will be slow, and ballad-like. The sounds of multiple violins playing at once, as they do later in the piece, gives the listener a sense of unison, which is one of the main messages the piece is trying to convey.
Why Is It Meaningful? This piece is renowned for having a very deep meaning. Lennon describes this vast idea of a world without concepts that separates the human population into distinct segregations, and brews a hate for each other. He discusses how the world would be a better place if there were
no such things as religion, no war, no countries, and no hate. Lennon pictures a world without disparity, hunger, and suffering.
Anyone can relate to these ideas if they reflect on their lives, as most people have received some sort of hate, or intolerance in their lives. This could include sexism, racism, homophobia, or intolerance towards people who have mental or physical disabilities. The world that the lyrics in this song paint is something that almost every person has wished for, sometime in their

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