
Time In Blue Analysis

Decent Essays

Brief #6 – writing #7 (Art Museum)
Art is intricate as it can be simple. The art piece “Time in Blue No. 29, 1996” By Tatsuo Miyajima, shows that simplicity can still be thought provoking even if the art piece is merely blue numbers on a pitch black background. What the art piece meaning is beyond me, but I believe that the art work might mean that even if you are in the worst time, you can still continue on or something along those lines. Other than meaning or a purpose all art has set ways that it has used the elements of art and the principles of art. The way that “Time in Blue No. 29, 1996” uses the elements and principles of art is simple and basic. Since the art work only has a single color which is as the title implies is blue which is also conveniently surrounded by pitch black darkness meaning the value of the art is on completely different spectrums as it goes from bright to dark black. Speaking of the dark black that surrounds the numbers, this also means that the space is nearly entirely negative. The lights or the numbers in this case also have a very high intensity since they glow and are also being highlighted by the surrounding darkness. A strange thing though is that there are bright blue lights right next to a dark surface so there should be surrounding glow, yet there is not any which would mean that the graduation is almost nonexistent …show more content…

29, 1996” By Tatsuo Miyajima, is a flat, simple, random, and mono-hue, yet it was vastly differing in colors and intensity. The colors pop from the pitch black background and bright lights for colors along with the numbers being exactly the same in size making it not focused on anything allowing free movement along the entire canvas. The art work as stated previously is simple, but the message that it may be trying to covey is still fairly big, for when times are dark there will still be a dim light that is bright in this pitch blackness even if it shows that the days are

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