About The Book
What does the worst day of your life look like? Many of us wonder, and few experience it, but I did. What happens when a pastor’s healthy wife suddenly dies in childbirth? Does his faith help remove the sting of his loss? Does he endure moments in which he struggles not to be anger at God? Will he accept or reject commonly repeated comments about God’s plan and his wife being in a better place? Will these words ever sustain him enough to bring him the peace he needs to survive the pain of living his life without her?
Timothy Anglin faced the loss of his young wife while serving as a minister at church in San Diego, California. Overnight he became a single parent and a grieving widow. In this real, honest, and heartfelt book,
A woman name Angela Hundley and her family were away on a family vacation in the Dominican Republic. While there Angela ate fish that caused her to become very ill. Two weeks after they returned home from their vacation she was diagnosed with ciguatera poisoning. She could not open her eyes or lift her head. The doctor informed the family that the poisoning was untreatable, and an incurable. Angela felt like she was in a comma, she couldn’t move but she could hear everything. She could hear her children playing but she couldn’t play with them. She remembers her husband taking her to her church for prayer and at the alter she recalls her pastor asking her “Angela have you thanked God through any of this, even if you don’t see another day,
Cynthia Johnson is a 26-year-old single woman from Birmingham, Alabama. Has 5 children from non-marriages with different fathers. Not having received a high school or college education she can’t obtain a proper job to take care of her children. At an early age she became all to familiar with the idea of grief. Because of this reoccurring history of grief, Cynthia suffers with severe depression, has a history of substance abuse, and an overall unhealthy life style.
Her job responsibilities are checking animals in for surgeries and or appointments. She also is responsible for prepping animals for surgery and cleaning surgical instruments. Also making sure that the animals are recovering well and alerting the doctor if there are any problems. During appointments she has to question the owners about the pet’s problems or if it is in for vaccines then ask how their year has been or if they have any questions that they want to ask the doctor. Also draws up vaccines and get them ready for the doctor to take them into the room and also dispense medications for the doctor to send home. If an animal in the kennel left a mess then she has to clean it up. What she likes about her job is working with the animals and most of the owners, knowing that she helps them feel better. What she dislikes about her job is getting bit and when the animals have accidents on her.
Others may not consider the pastoral caregiver maybe going through their own physical or emotional stresses. Dykstra stated, “Over time, the sheer accumulation of these kinds of encounters began to take their toll on my faith and ministry. In the face of steady exposure to tragedy and death, I began not only to doubt whether I had anything of substance to offer the victim and their families, but also to question god’s loving and faithful nature that I had previously taken for granted.” I have learned that pastoral caregivers are human not super human. They have strengths and weaknesses like everyone else. I also gained a true sense of what it takes to be a pastoral care
Cynthia Johnson is a 26-year-old single woman from Birmingham, Alabama. Being young herself, she takes care of her 5 children from non-marriages with different fathers. Not having a high school or college education, it is hard to obtain a proper job to take care of her children. At an early age, she became all too familiar with the idea of grief. Because of this reoccurring history of grief, Cynthia suffers with severe depression, has a history of substance abuse, and an overall unhealthy lifestyle.
The human experience is what connects people to one another. What we experience defines who we are and who we become. It also defines how we interact with others. The amazing thing is that not only do the events that bring joy, peace and happiness connect us but also those that bring anxiety, fear and despair. This brings to light the fact that God somehow in his sovereignty uses all things for the good of those who love Him. These ideas are brought to light in Jerry Sittser’s book, A Grace Disguised which is his personal journey of loss and the insight and experience that was gained in the face of great tragedy. In his book, Sittser discusses various insights he has gained, such as how Christian’s view sorrow, how families recover when
Ann Byle analyzes and describes the memoir written by Danny Gokey, Hope in Front of Me: Find Purpose in Your Darkest Moments, about the difficulties Gokey faced with his hope and will to live after losing his wife, Sophia, in 2007. ¨Gokey writes about the hopelessness [h]e felt when he lost Sophia, his depression, and how close he came to ending his life.¨ (Byle 1). Thereafter, facing the devastation of losing his wife, he found comfort in God. Danny found meaning in his life once again after starting Sophia’s Heart Foundation, a foundation that focuses on providing relief for the homeless in the Nashville area. The organization has provided shelter and basic supplies for people who have fallen into hard times since 2008. Gokey has found joy and rediscovered himself after facing the misery and grief of losing his wife in helping others who are struggling, as he once
Reading this book has been interesting and heartbreaking experience. A Year of Magical Thinking, a journey through the grieving process. While dealing with the death of her husband, she is confronted with the sickness of her only child. This book touches me, and it makes me think of what would happen if my loved one died. This paper is a reflection of my thoughts and feelings about this woman’s journey that has been explored by book and video. I will also explore the author’s adjustment process, and how she views her changed self.
Marriage is a long lasting relationship. This eternity love cannot break or torn apart from hash weather, budget… but what about an abusive husband? The short story “runaways" describes a young female suffers from her spousal relationship. The abusive husband shatters the family apart leaving an unstable life for the mother and kids. Through her adventure abscond from her husband, she regains hopes and dream; hope: a place to settle, dream: where she could be loved again. The author Karen Brennan’s short story "runaways” displays words with connotative meaning, and symbols to reveal her opinion that if we have hope we can achieve our dreams.
It is safe to assume that the author is no stranger to death. He has seen many people close to him grieve. He has noticed that everyone grieves differently. He understands the need for God’s grace in the midst of grief to get one through the stages of grief.
Bowen,D.E, & Strickler,S. L. (2004). A good friend for bad times: helping others through grief. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortess
This case raises many interesting questions concerning the record setting issuance of corporate debt by WorldCom, Inc. (“WorldCom”). Both the surprisingly voluminous structure of the proposed issuance and the foreboding macro-economic climate in which it was slated spark concerns over the risk and cost of the move. One of the first questions that must be addressed is whether WorldCom’s timing was appropriate. Next, the company’s choice of structure for the bond issuance must be analyzed. Finally, the cost of issuing each tranche of debt must be estimated in order to determine how much WorldCom is actually giving up to achieve the $6 billion in funds.
The book is neither meant to be a theological treatise nor an academic exposition but a toolkit to unleash human potentials; a resource for intervention in dealing with human life hurts and as a channel of Gods healing and liberation through Jesus Christ.
To be an accountant requires hard work. The road to success is full of challenges. To reach a dream, one must work hard and exert effort.
Mothers find hope in their beliefs not only for themselves, but also for their children. Danticat’s story “Night Women” shows a mother clinging onto the hope that her faith gives her for herself and her