
Timothy Findley Analysis

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War takes effect on almost every aspect of a community. It can alter the way we think about fellow people, it can create prejudices or injustices, it can destroy huge amounts of land, culture, and other tangible parts of a community and it can drastically drop the number of people within a community. Timothy Findley makes a point to show his readers the amount of deaths have occurred as one reads the novel. Effect this has is to remind people that war is not simply an event in which many good stories have came out of it, it is a time of tragedy and the author makes a point to highlight the importance of recognizing the number of men and women who have dedicated their lives to defending their country. Thousands of people die in the war and hundreds …show more content…

This quote is to put emphasis and equal importance into each live that had been lost. Furthermore, this quote opens the readers eyes into realizing the real impact the war has had on the number of people alive on this earth, one can only imagine the amount of losses in a community, losses in jobs, increases of broken families there had been as a result of the 557,017 people dead. Although there is Roberts story going on, one must take into account the amount of stories (lives) that had to have been ended as a result of the casualties of war. Next, as a result of propaganda and a not-so-humble pride in one’s own country, in times of war, society bands together and creates prejudice towards the enemy. This not only encourages, but promotes hateful thoughts and actions towards the enemies race. Due to this, society as a whole is affected since they now become more hateful and less openminded towards creating a solution to the issue they are fighting …show more content…

At once there was a shot. Robert fell.” (Findley 83). Here, Levitt represents all of society, he sees the enemies as direct threats and he must always be on attack mode when they are near. While on the contrary, Robert represents reality where he realizes the reality of the war and sees the humanity in all people whether they are enemy or allies. Findley’s message here is that although one of the effects of war is to hate one another, people must fight the urge to hate and remember that the war is full of human beings one just as vulnerable as the other. Even though the war had extensive effects on the people of a community as a whole, it also has immense effects on the landscape and the actual land communities are built on. In the novel, Robert returned to his home town and barely recognizes what he’s seen. Everything seems to have changes, there is destruction and all the city had turned into a city that feeds the war (for example factories to make weapons). This is often what takes place when a country is at war, changes in what products are being made and most work efforts are to aid in the

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