Commentary on the text provided for analysis The text is an excerpt from the graphic novel Tintin and the Cigars of the Pharaohs, showcasing the exploits of the titular character Tintin. It follows his latest escapade in an Arab country, and seems to tell a fast-paced action adventure story. Hence, its purpose is mainly to entertain its audience (which would presumably consist of the readers interested in reading such stories, especially in comic book style), and this essay will explore how the author Hergé does so while capturing their attention and captivating their imagination, all within the constraints and conventions of this visual medium. First off, he keeps the layout simple. Each panel consists of three or …show more content…
It is very distinct and a mix of realistic and cartoonish features. Hergé’s use of thick brush strokes with no variation the width of the lines, solid colouring with no shading, and a palette composed almost entirely of warm pastel shades renders the art style to seem a tad flat, but aesthetically pleasing all the same. The backgrounds are detailed and usually feature the location in which the action is taking place, and in this particular excerpt include elegantly drawn scenery from the Arabian region. The rugged landscape and shots of the sea are eye catching and suggest an action-packed adventure story before one even begins to read. Varied camera angles, including aerial shots, medium shots and master shots make the scenes dynamic and add a touch of flair, apart from enhancing the audience’s understanding. The clean, pleasant and visually stimulating art style attracts the reader and draws them into the story, rather than distracting them. This particularly suits the genre and narrative structure of the book, where the plot unfolds quickly and the action taking place is always at the centre of …show more content…
The subject-to subject transitions are used to set up the scene and help the audience construct a clear metal picture of the events taking place. They feature side characters and camera angles that have them in the foreground. This also gives the effect of a third person point of view. Showing the readers action that isn’t visible to the eyes of the protagonist and providing them with clues so they can connect the dots while not divulging actually pertinent information in order to keep them on their toes is a common element of this genre and the author uses it well to engage his readers. The action-to-action transitions appear when the protagonist is at the centre of the action and we are seeing the scene through his eyes. The events in these scenes unfold in rapid progression. Another frequently occurring element used to emphasize action is emanata. It takes many forms in this text, including sweat drops, multi coloured stars, lines to denote physical actions like running, swinging a gun and shouting. It exaggerates the actions and produces a comical, cartoonish effect that is conventional in comic books and makes the scenes
Although books full of words are more efficient in delivering and describing what the author feels, sometimes pictures can give a deep meaning depending on how they are organized. The Veil by Marjane Satrapi’s is a graphic novel that’s organized in a particular way, to deliver a certain message through the pictures. Marjane includes different sizes and frames that serve what she is thinking and feeling. Choosing certain sizes, frames and colours isn’t arbitrary. As each box increases in size, it means that she wants to emphasize the message behind that box, or show her relation to that particular text. Contrast is also one of the main elements that Marjane uses in her graphic novel. For example, on page five, there is a big picture of
Lohr designs a pleasing effect of graphic images for the reader. “They liquefied ochre gathered from cliffs on the islands’ beaches and painted their faces in traditional white, orange, and yellow patterns passed down from their fathers.” For the “Achuar” article, Wallace also uses detailed images to create an aesthetically pleasing view for the readers. “Their huts are tall impressive structures approximately 25 feet high. The huts have roofs made from palm fronds. The floors are dirt. For the most part the homes are open on three sides so friends can come and go.” (Wallace). Both articles use literary description to enhance the reader’s imagery on the
Eighner is relating to the reader something that others can easily link to and can imagine. He also uses imagery by recounting the way he goes down into the dumpster, the way he reacts to fire ants, and when he describes his dog, Lizbeth. He does a well job with his imagery.
Despite the efforts made by the animation version to display through colorful graphics, the green land, the sky, and the blue water, the color implementation and image composition lack accuracy. Bradbury’s description of the world makes emphasis to the bright green color that covers the planet, “It was the freshest green color they had seen since childhood.” However, in the animation the grass seems to be yellow rather than green, there is not “sea of green golf links” in there. In contrast, the illustrations presented by the live action exhibits fields like golf courses. Perhaps the use of different technology to create the images gives the humanistic adaptation an advantage, since realistic images can capture real objects to which the reader can more easily relate to.
For this paper, I read the graphic novel, American Elf 2, by James Kochalka. Unlike most graphic novels, Kochalka’s novel doesn’t follow a storyline per say. In this follow up to his previous novel, American Elf, this copy features daily diary entries from January 1st, 2004 to December 31st, 2005. American Elf 2 details the daily life of Kochhalka and his family. As a reader, Kochalka’s personal life is told in several mediums.
The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, and deliberate persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime. It is a word of Greek origin and means “sacrifice by fire” Shortly after Adolf Hitler gained power in the Third Reich, he began to implement horrific measures designed to disempower the German Jews from economic and social positions. Life for the Jews became increasingly worse when the onset of WWII came along in 1939. The Germans began to strip the Jews of their lives, and began deporting (or resettling as the public believed) them to the East to Ghettos and later to concentration and extermination camps. At the camps, the Germans either worked the Jews to death or gassed them in massive gas chambers, then destroyed the evidence by burning the copious amounts of bodies at a time in the colossal crematoriums. During the six years of the War, there were around 6 million Jews, including 1.5 million children that were murdered by the Nazis, and around two million other “undesirables” also exterminated. Hitlers annihilation of the Jews killed one third of the Jewish world population, and two thirds of the European Jewish population.
“Satrapi’s Persepolis appeared, significantly, at a time when memoirs have been experiencing a great surge of popularity.” (Malek, 2006: 8) The time of the publication of the memoir deemed critical to its success. It was published around the time where graphic novels were coined “the most important narrative mode of our contemporary culture.” (Miller, 2000: 421) It shared the lime light with other graphic novels, the likes of Craig Thompson’s “Blankets” and Joe Sacco’s “The Fixer”. (Time, 2003) Satrapi chose the perfect time to debut her graphic memoir as she was able to ride ‘the literary high’ comics were experiencing at that point in time. A
In Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi disproves preconceptions of Iranian culture through the use of illustrations in a graphic novel format. Originally written in French, Satrapi’s graphic novel is set in Iran during the Iranian Revolution, and tells the story of Satrapi’s childhood, through her childhood self, “Marji.” In the graphic novel Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi incorporates religious icons to suggest that a loss of individuality leads to the invalidity of preconceptions of Iranian oppression. Allusions towards God and Karl Marx are used to show opposing viewpoints that went through Marji’s mind during the revolution, both sides of her persona are seen fighting for her full attention. Marji admired both figures, although their perspectives towards the relationship between religion and government are contradicting.
A graphic novel consists of both a narrative and its accompanying illustrations, which are capable of providing insight through a collection of images. Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical novel, Persepolis (2003), is a collection of her comic-strip memoirs, written and illustrated by Satrapi herself. Persepolis tells the story of Marjane’s growing up and coming of age in Iran’s capital, Tehran, during the Islamic Revolution. It is a story filled with noticeable moments, all of which are supported by the artwork Satrapi has decided to include. Further analysis of Satrapi’s artistic decisions reveals her choice to include symbols that often represent Marjane’s emotions. Objects such as mirrors and the use of body language in certain characters,
We can also see the use of black shades to create a hole at the bottom part of the rock. With his excellent use of colors, we can identify the good, healthy and green grass from the bad, unhealthy, brown grasses. Looking beyond the main focus of the painting, he uses colors to separate the sky from the land in the background creating a solid form of perspective on the painting. He also uses colors to create water forms as seen behind the young character. Now, for the sky, he uses shades of white to magnificently differentiate the thick clouds from the light ones. He also uses this to create a source to light to the whole area. All these put together creates a splendid, realistic and familiar atmosphere for the viewers to relate with.
The texture of the painting gives it depth and a distinguishable foreground and background. The different values of white feathers on the eagle give it an extreme realism that is unprecedented. The mountain lion’s striping
The composition is simplistic. The colors used are only the three primary colors, red, blue and yellow along with black and white. All the planes of colors are edged by vertical and horizontal black lines of uniform width, forming a big dominant red square surrounded by a distribution of smaller rectangular blocks of other colors. Looking closer, you will find that even though all the lines and angles are sharply defined, the edges of the vertical and horizontal lines are not perfectly neat, but instead a little bit messy.
“… And in her violent and now final death-agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse, and a victim to the terrors he had anticipated.” (***) “The Fall of the House of Usher” is a short story by Edgar Allen Poe in which the theme is that madness is overwhelming. A man meets his friend in his final days of sanity and watches him deteriorate. Poe uses characters, mood, and actions to address madness.
In graphic novels the placement and dialogue of characters is rarely an accident. This is true for Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel, Persepolis. This story follows a young girl growing up during the Iranian revolution and the Iran-Iraq war. The revolutionaries were pushing for a more fundamentalist Islamic republic. Under this new government, gender roles were enhanced. Women and men were separated in schools and women were forced to wear the veil. Men were given power or indoctrinated and sent off to fight in war. In her book, Persepolis, Satrapi represents men and boys in positions of power in order to illustrate the power structure and her experience as a woman in Iran.
I feel that the death penalty was and is a very effective form of punishment. The death penalty is the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime. I also feel that the death penalty should be practiced in all fifty states and be the punishment for more crimes.Since 1976 there has been over fourteen hundred deaths caused by the death penalty. I also feel that if we see the ability to get the punishment at lower standards such as for rappings or for harder drug cases, then we will see that the crime rate will drop. I feel that this would be worth it even though each death penalty case cost about three million dollars a piece.