
Tiny Smiling Daddy Mary Gaitskill

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The short story “Tiny, Smiling Daddy” by Mary Gaitskill is presented as a third person narrative. In this form of writing, the narrator is only observing the story and uses the main character's perspective to project the events. With only the perspective of the main character, Stew, there is a constraint with a limited knowledge point of view. The reader is only exposed to what Stew knows, observes, and on occasion, feels: “How could she have done this to him? She knew how he dreaded exposure of any kind. She knew how ashamed he had been when, at sixteen, she announced that she was lesbian.” (36-39). Gaitskill provides background memories from Stew’s perspective as well, which makes it even more skewed and subjective. His daughter Kitty, is the only Kitty that Stew envisions and nothing else. …show more content…

Monologues aid in exposing the inner most consciousness of a characters private and most inner thoughts. In the story, the main character, Sister, strains throughout the books that everyone is against her: “Papa-Daddy woke up with this horrible yell and right there without moving an inch he tried to turn Uncle Rondo against me.” (1370). It is hard to verify if the events that took place are either false or valid due to nothing implicating either to be the case. Everything that the reader knows is through Sister’s thoughts as she constantly brings to light this slight paranoia of her family turning against. In turn this makes the reliability of this being true quite precarious. Nevertheless, in all possibility the events that Sister reports could be highly

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