other sane, Tis I Mandao writing to you from the extensive voyage.The ship reeks of musky men and hardwood ,as the ship ripples through the crystal clear water , the smell of the salty sea is enhanced and one of the small pleasantries on this compressed vessel.The fresh air was the only counter for the violent seasickness that spread throughout the ship. The Mayflower had two decks and a cargo hold. The captain lived at one end of the upper deck. The crew lived at the other.The ship was crowded with little breathing room,it felt like being confined like b.The weather has been harsh,from cold winds to blistering rain,The weather has caused some slight damage to the ship,promptly slowing our quest. The food rations are inconsistent …show more content…
Life is a little hard ,I was so used to a daily routine back in europe.We’ve seen many exotic animals not custom to europe.I am remorseful for the battle that engulfed between us and these natives,and by the mercy and providence in god we left unharmed. I will bring you back many small items as a souvenir I feel like I have become weak and restless,from the lack of efficient water and food.The disease scurvy is spreading throughout the crew almost half are dead,it is becoming a burial ground,we will make sure we inform the families of the deceased and may god bless them.This trip has been filled with many endeavors we have seen many different things.An unexpected pivot in our exploration came when we met one of the natives who guided us to their leader Squanto who was described as their noble leader,and the reason for their survival.We made a peace agreement not to harm each other with these people,creating a mutual bond.We exchanged ideas and beliefs,and they provided us food and entertainment ,including a place even seen a new way to harvest corn I hope we establish ourselves in this new land and through the providence of god we shall suffer no more casualties.I hope we make it back safely to the our homeland.I promise I will see
Eighth Grade. The year I wanted to try something new. I was getting tired of my boring middle school day, and I didn’t feel like I was being challenged enough. I looked for online schools that could work, and found Boulder Universal. Through more research, I learned that I could do a hybrid schedule. This meant that I would do some classes online, and some classes at my middle school, Broomfield Heights. To my surprise, after some consideration, my parents said yes! This is my experience.
To start off, Assurbanipal was born to Esarhaddon and Sennnacherib. He grew up in a palace built by his grandfather. The palace in which he grew up was built when his grandfather was crowned prince. Assurbanipal grandfather was assassinated so his father took the spot as king in 681 BC. After the death of the queen Esarhaddon he decided that once he dies he would have Assurbanipal rule Assyria and Shamash-shum-ukin would rule Babylon. While Esarhaddon was travelling to reinvade Egypt he died out of no were. Assurbanipal did not get the throne till about a year after his father’s death.
I'm Eli located in Taiwan. I’ve been working for Fairchild for 12 years. In my free time, I like hiking, playing badminton and roasting coffee at home. I‘m a beginner of the home coffee roasting. If someone is roasting coffee at home, please let me know.
The journey from the English Channel across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World was rigorous for the one hundred and two religious refugees aboard the Mayflower. Along with the one hundred and two, passengers there were crewmen, chickens, pigs and goats. With limited space in the ship, it was crowed and cramped. Seasickness soon began too many of the passengers onboard, causing the heavily loaded ship to stench. The conditions onboard the Mayflower only worsened as the high compulsion of salt began to cause dehydration and hypertonia. The supply of fresh water was impossible to maintain, so the passengers would each drink a gallon of beer per day, including the children. The journey across the Atlantic was not effortlessly done, the rough sea
Throughout human history people used to capture the reality of their time, express their feelings and share their impressions by copying both literally or figurative the mundane. The so-called artists have had different impacts in society all along the centuries. Only a few are currently taught in school, although the reverberation of their work is still impregnated in XXI Century. Nowadays, the term ‘artist’ can be used in reference of painters, sculptors, writers, singers, choreographers and other professions whose production are considered valuable culturally speaking. One of the main problems is that their work produce such a magnificent impact on the audience the artist is set aside and usually forgotten as a person, so they feel their rights to be violated.
After living there for a while he soon wanted to explore the new world and experience this new place full of mystery and the unknown. So he decided to take his wife on the mayflower to this new land but soon he’d realize that the ride over was terrible. He would also soon lose something he held very dear. So on the journey over he experienced many bad things like cramped conditions and sickness that spread over the ship. Lucky im and his wife dodge the sickness that spread around the ship and its people. On the ship it was really crowded and some people even slept on the floor and even on the deck of the
When April arrived, the crew of the Mayflower raised its sails and set off for England, offering to take any Pilgrim who wished to return to England. Faced with the choice of the harsh New World, or the religious intolerance of the King, they all stayed.
In response to Desperate Passage: The Untold Story of the Mayflower, it was clear that what was experienced vs what we read and hear about in today’s literature is two completely different stories. Never will we know the torture experienced by our ancestors that ultimately questioned their faith and courage. The grueling adventure is documented in detail by William Bradford but to the sailors, woman and children on board, the experience was far more miserable than anything put on paper.
These are my plans to succeed in the rest of the 8th grade school year.
The year was 1620, I remember it as if it was yesterday. We expected a 3-week voyage and were met with a 3-month trip, low on supplies and tight on space we knew we needed to get off the ship soon. Sure enough, God answered our prayers and land was spotted. Our ship landed on a blistering Friday afternoon, beads of sweat were dripping down our faces as we finally unloaded our ship. However, the heat didn’t bother us; we were far too excited to finally be off that dreaded ship. As we unloaded, my father, Thomas, and the governor of my pilgrim group, Oatis Quaker, organized the community. They decided where each person was to begin to construct their homes, when and how to build, they organized everything. In England we had a comfortable life,
My tenth grade year in october I was moved from my seat because my teacher decided to move the whole class because we were talking. He moved all the students to were he thought we would all be quiet. But that only made it much worse and there were kids screaming across the room just to speak with someone I was in the back of the class because my teacher knew that I didn't like to talk much. In his mind he thought that if he put the most annoying kid next to me that would keep him quiet. He didn't always yelling and screaming never stopping, I put in my headphones and ignored him. I always put in my headphones whenever someone that annoys me sits near me, I don't care what other people say as long as they don't touch my headphones at all. I
In modern medicine, there are many different options for the treatment of diseases. There is a multitude of drugs available on today’s market claiming to treat a wide spectrum of ailments ranging from the simplest to the most severe. Furthermore some man-made medications will certainly yield positive results, however others might prove less effective. A few drugs may even cause far worse issues from the associated side effects, than the original issues being treated. Therefore it is important to become educated on a drug before using it as an option for treatment. Here we will take a look at a common prescription drug known as Eliquis.
I appreciate your words and your standpoint helps me to gain more understanding over the lecture discussed. I am sure that we always have to have a strength reserve to face the situation of caring a suicidal patient. our experiences. I believe in Jesus our Lord and all the knowledge He left to us regarding love others (NKJV, 1982), and always have at hand His words about not being “anxious” about anything: …and do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, not have and anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you” (Luke 12:29-31).
In the United States, starting salaries for teachers who have completed a four-year degree are far lower compared to many other professions, which also require a four-year degree. In most states, teachers must undergo testing and other rigorous certification requirements, but they are given the same consideration or status as beginning professionals in other areas. Although attractive incentives are offered, the compensation does not compare to the long hours of work and schooling required for a teaching career.
William Bradford created a detailed picture in our minds of the hardships the Pilgrims endured, especially during their adventures on the Mayflower and Speedwell to find new land in hopes of escaping England’s control. Between furious seas, disease stricken passengers, and a cracked beam on the Mayflower, the hope Pilgrims’ once had, was almost lost. Only the writings of William Bradford could allow us to see what grueling torment our ancestors had to overcome. Some of the many hardships that the sailors and passengers endured included furious storms, terrible seasickness, abuse from the sailors and crew, dehydration and overall misery. The lack of drinking water in combination with seasickness and no sanitation quickly grasped the bodies on board.