
Titans Vs Perseus

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This semester in Greek Mythology, we read the story of Perseus, and watched the movie “Clash of the Titans.” Both of these stories are based on the same person, Perseus, so there are some similarities. Even though they are about the same persons life, there are some differences too. In the movie, Perseus was born as the son of Zeus and King Acreseous’ wife. Perseus grew up and while him and his family was sailing, they got caught in a war between humans and the gods and Hades killed his family in the crossfire. Perseus finds out that he is part of a prophecy to kill the Kraken, so that is what he sets out to do. In the story version, Perseus was born as the son of Zeus and King Acreseous’ daughter, Danae, and because of a prophesy that claims the Kings grandson will kill and overthrow him, he orders Danae and Perseus to be killed. Perseus …show more content…

Another difference is that Perseus had a sibling in the movie version and no siblings in the Greek story. Also, in the movie version, his family was killed but in the Greek tale, his family plays a big part in the whole thing being that they are the reason that he went to cut off Medusa’s head and they eventually become king and queen. In the Greek tale, Perseus meets a princess named Andromeda and they get married, but in the movie version Andromeda is not a love interest of Perseus’. As well as in the movie version the prophecy that Perseus is a part of is killing the Kraken, and in the Greek story, he is part of the prophecy stating that he will overthrow and kill his grandfather, King Acreseous. Perseus becomes king of Argos in the story version but in the movie he turns down becoming the king, and that is another difference. Even though the movie and the story are based on the same character, the two are fairly different from one

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