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T&D 飛訊第113 期發行日期:100 年02 月16 日
第 1 頁,共 13 頁
Organizational Change and Development
Jeaw-Mei Chen∗/Mein-Woei Suen∗∗/Mei- Jong Lin∗∗∗/Fu-An Shieh∗∗∗∗
Organizational change is an important issue in organizations. It is actually a process in which an organization optimizes performance as it works toward its ideal state. Organizational change occurs as a reaction to an ever-changing environment, a response to a current crisis situation, or is triggered by a leader.
Successful organizational change is not merely a process of adjustment, but also requires sufficient managing capabilities. However, there are many topics to be considered to achieve successful change. Hence, this paper discusses the causes of
organizational …show more content…

The targets of organizational change
The influential factors of organizational effectiveness are widespread, including factors that are related to external environmental changes, and factors which will improve the internal managerial effectiveness. The organization must consider the reasons for change, the external environment, and the internal situation to decide which factors to change.
The most common known targets of organizational change include vision, strategy, culture, structure, system, production technology, and leadership style
(Yang, Zhuo, & Yu, 2009).
Vision includes a firm’s organizational core value but one that also adapts accordingly to the external environment. When an organization undergoes change,
T&D 飛訊第113 期發行日期:100 年02 月16 日
第 4 頁,共 13 頁
its core value needs to be determined so that in the process of transformation, it can be preserved.
Strategy refers to the organization’s long term goals and the steps and resources needed to be considered in its decision-making. The strategy change can be divided into the enterprise strategy change (Ex: low cost strategy), the overall strategy change (Ex: multiple-angle management), and the global expansion strategy change.
Culture is referring to its members’ collective value, norm, and basic assumptions. The change involved is altering the content of this collective value and/or basic

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