T&D 飛訊第113 期發行日期:100 年02 月16 日
第 1 頁,共 13 頁
Organizational Change and Development
Jeaw-Mei Chen∗/Mein-Woei Suen∗∗/Mei- Jong Lin∗∗∗/Fu-An Shieh∗∗∗∗
Organizational change is an important issue in organizations. It is actually a process in which an organization optimizes performance as it works toward its ideal state. Organizational change occurs as a reaction to an ever-changing environment, a response to a current crisis situation, or is triggered by a leader.
Successful organizational change is not merely a process of adjustment, but also requires sufficient managing capabilities. However, there are many topics to be considered to achieve successful change. Hence, this paper discusses the causes of
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The targets of organizational change
The influential factors of organizational effectiveness are widespread, including factors that are related to external environmental changes, and factors which will improve the internal managerial effectiveness. The organization must consider the reasons for change, the external environment, and the internal situation to decide which factors to change.
The most common known targets of organizational change include vision, strategy, culture, structure, system, production technology, and leadership style
(Yang, Zhuo, & Yu, 2009).
Vision includes a firm’s organizational core value but one that also adapts accordingly to the external environment. When an organization undergoes change,
T&D 飛訊第113 期發行日期:100 年02 月16 日
第 4 頁,共 13 頁
its core value needs to be determined so that in the process of transformation, it can be preserved.
Strategy refers to the organization’s long term goals and the steps and resources needed to be considered in its decision-making. The strategy change can be divided into the enterprise strategy change (Ex: low cost strategy), the overall strategy change (Ex: multiple-angle management), and the global expansion strategy change.
Culture is referring to its members’ collective value, norm, and basic assumptions. The change involved is altering the content of this collective value and/or basic
All companies have core competencies that they use to differentiate their company, product, or service from the competition, Sears is no exception. Also, it is common for a company’s core competencies to change, as their industry progresses through phases and shifts its emphasis between product and process innovations (Regis University, 2011), Sears is no exception. Yet, when a company’s core competencies become misaligned and no longer supports their strategic intent the business is in danger of becoming obsolete (Regis University, 2011), as their customers no longer perceive the unique benefits the company has
Identify some core values of this organization as best as you can. What do they believe in (beyond organizational success or profitability)? How might their revealing these values to customers and employees create opportunities to exceed expectations? How can they translate core values into actions to produce A-plus value, thus strengthening relationships?
After his latest nominations for the best actor and supporting actor, Jamie Foxxs career, accomplishments and talents have constantly been rising, seeing as though his performance in the film "Ray" was remarkably astonishing. Surprising critics his entertainment skills have improved so much, but those skills Jamie says "Were there all along". It doesn't seem like he has been in the business for 15 years, it seems shorter than that. But how did this entertainment star come about?
Suggestions and Recommendations: Create Company Core Values. CFS needs to provide core values for all employees so they understand what is important for the company and its employees. Although CFS may have a set of core values in place for CFS, a set of core values tailored specific to the operation of Devil’s Den may need to be developed.
How will your knowledge of critical appraisal of studies (i.e. clinical research articles) allow you to contribute to the goals of your employing hospital or facility when you graduate as an advance degree nurse?
“Heart religion” is another strong characteristic of evangelicalism. Since the reformation, when Martin Luther (1483-1546) called the sacramental system of the medieval Roman church as the “Babylonian Captivity of the Church”, protestants had the tendency to distrust tradition . But the process of the Protestantism was changing the meaning of faith from faith-expectancy to faith- doctrine. People even once attempted to verify one’s position as a Christian by accepting correct creeds . Only when the era of Evangelicalism came, personal conversion was seen as a norm for Christians, there was an outburst of desires to have powerful, transforming personal encounters with God. Religion became a personal choice based on personal experience not just
A core purpose, as the second part of a core ideology, is the organization’s reason
Key when it is of fundamental importance in gaining competitive advantage and is a make or break component in the success or failure of the plan.
The use of value-based method performance method, secondly is the use of advanced technological infrastructure and thirdly is effective collaboration;
When many corporations were struggling in unstable and unpredictable competitive environment in the 1990s, the proposition of the concept of core competence became the dominant framework in management theory (Liu, 2006). This essay will review the article entitled “the core competence of the corporation” by Prahalad and Hamel from three aspects. Initially the position of the article will be analyzed compared with the Porter’s positioning perspective followed by the presentation of three theoretical assumptions of the article. In the last part, the strength and weakness of the article would be critically investigated.
As some people may know, socialization focuses on the childhood. However, it actually focuses on several different stages that we may encounter throughout life, commonly categorized as childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. According to the book, the sociological significance of the life course is twofold. First, as you pass through a stage, it affects your behavior and orientations. You simply do not think about life in the same way when you are 30, are married, and have a baby and a mortgage, as you do when you are 18 or 20, single, and in college. Second, your life course differs by social location. Your social class, race—ethnicity, and gender. [85]
Business should be market oriented that means to get a better place in the competitive market by providing better quality.
Through an internal environment analysis, companies can identify and understand their own unique resources, capabilities, and competencies that are required for their sustainable competitive advantage. Resources, capabilities, and core competencies are the foundation of competitive advantage. There is no competitive advantages are permanently sustainable in any companies, so they have to consist on their current advantages and develop new advantages by internally understanding and analyzing their resources and capabilities. Competitors have their own unique resources, capabilities, and core competencies to create values for their customers. Both tangible and intangible resources, which include individual, social and organizational phenomena, are combined to generate capabilities. In turn, company’s capabilities are used to build core competencies. Also, core competencies are as a source of competitive advantage for a company to win in the competitive market.
This will ensure that the time and money invested in training and management development is linked to the mission or core business of the organization (Watad & Ospina,