How the modern person was back then and how the modern person is now. To be a modern person in the 1920’s to be a modern person in 2016. When you ask someone what does it mean to be a modern person they refer to how society is now. Being “modern” is looking at society and comparing each other. In the 1920’s if you didn’t wear what everyone is wearing you weren’t “cool”. Did it stop ? No in today’s world most people think they need to start wearing popular clothes or dress some certain way to fit in. Talking about the world today people compare themselves to the popular celebrities such as Kim Kardashian. The question is why? The world is so distant with each other why can’t everyone get along like in the 1920’s where there wasn’t much …show more content…
Everyone went to those parties if What’s sad about today’s world is that they let that get into their heads. To be a modern person you don’t have to do all the things the popular people or the celebrities are doing. People need to stop comparing each other. To be a modern person don’t need to their bodies half naked or be out doing drugs that’s so horrible. I understand people are confident with their own bodies The reason people compare themselves a lot is because of the internet. If we didn’t have the internet there wouldn’t much hate around the world. In the 1920’s it was the roaring 20’s where being modern was nothing. The flappers changed everything so there was so much hate for change there’s no problem of being different. Different is good. Confidence is the key people think to be a modern person is dressing some certain or people need to look some type of way. Don’t compare being a women is hard when there is lots of competition and “hate”. Don’t follow popularity don’t follow the crowd that only destroys the soul. People don’t have to be “modern” even when it was the 1920’s people weren’t modern and even now in 2016 there isn’t no modern because no one is
Newspapers had once been the only mass communication & entertainment. The demand for new products that emerged in the 1920s created a new industry, advertising, which enticed buyers to purchase new products, and now that the radio had emerged, advertising was integrated into this media outlet . Radio shows like Amos n' Andy, became a nationwide hit. The advertising industry grew with the emerging industries of mass culture, especially radio and cinema. For the first time, from coast to coast, Americans experienced the same shows and used the same advertised products due to mass culture. The first commercial radio station aired in 1920 and broadcast music to a few thousand listeners. By the end of the decade, thirty-three
The 1920’s was a great and important decade for the United States. After World War I, the United States went through events and changes that, overall, made the United States a much better place to live. New advances in technology and industry improved American life in more ways than just one. Americans had better wages during this time, more leisure time, and overall, had a better life than ever before. In addition, the 1920’s advocated social and cultural change as well. During this time period, the United States did not return to Normalcy, and instead developed attitudes that changed the life of the people of the United States forever thanks to social changes, cultural changes and changes in technology.
The 1920’s, also known as the “Jazz Age” or the “Roaring Twenties”, was a time of decadence. The “Roaring Twenties” was common with constant variation in diplomatic, ethnic, and religious standards. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses The Great Gatsby as an account for the unstable time of egotistic pursuits of wealth and satisfaction.
In the time of the 1920s, a group of women decided that they were done being shown around like dolls and given no respect. These women wanted rights and to have independence, and to not constantly have to rely on a man to get the job done. They decided to get and hold onto steady jobs and became single, young, middle class women. These women were called flappers. They were ones who went to jazz clubs, vaudeville shows, and danced the Charleston. You could also find them smoking and drinking just like any other man would. Flappers extinguished any social double standards about women that was out there in that time. The look of that time was one that has stood out in history since it was first worn. Bobbed, shoulder length hair, loads of makeup,
The 1920s were a period of tension between new and changing attitudes on the one hand and traditional values and nostalgia on the other. What led to the tension between old and new AND in what ways was
The Roaring Twenties started in North America and spread to Europe as the effects of World War I diminished. In Europe, the years following the First World War (1919-1923) were marked by a deep recession. Europe spent these years in rebuilding and coming to terms with the vast human cost of the conflict. Unlike in the aftermath of World War II, the United States did little to try to rebuild Europe. Instead, it took an increasingly isolationist stance (Answers, 2006).
Throughout American history and the 1900’s, fads have been a hugely successful form of self expression. From fashion, to recreation, to dumb and sometimes dangerous things that youths do, fads are a way to distract from the troubles of the world and find something else fun to do.
Women in the 1930’s were expected to dress in a certain way and style. For females in the 1930’s it was unusual for them to be seen in any other piece of clothing besides a dress. “ You should be in a dress and camisole, young lady! You’ll grow up waiting
The 1920’s were a booming time for the United States. Massive change was occurring and this led to a lot of new types of conflict about different reasons than ever before. The war had just ended and with that started a new era of people who unlike before had different morals. This was one of the biggest conflicts of the time. During the 1920’s the biggest cause of conflict were the old generations vs. the new generations because of the rapidly changing morals and the new ideas being accepted by society. This also led to a lot of changes in the United States as a whole with the result of us being more open to new ideas and new freedoms. There were some major reasons for some conflict in the United States during this time and they all were connected to the idea of old vs. new.
The 1920’s should be considered a time of prosperity in American history. America was introduced to new a modern identity. There was many cultural norms in the 1920’s. The decade also saw an economic boom, through new modern industries and the automotive age. The government went back to a hands off, “Laissez-Faire”, government. The government and politics were going for the return to normalcy type of outlook.
After World War One, the United States went through a decade full of industrial, economical, and social growth. This decade is known as the Roaring 20s. The 1920s was a time of important historical events and technological advancement. The development of consumer goods, such as fridges, typewriters, radios, and cars, created jobs and helped the American economy grow. However, not everyone was able to enjoy the advancement that the boom had assured. Although there were many wealthy people, there were still many people who could not afford to live luxurious lives. Many immigrants were not welcome into to United Stats. Prejudice and racism were spread throughout the country. In spite of the prosperity of the 1920s, the
Men were not the only people changing during these times. Women's lives changed just as much as men’s. Women stepped out of the role of housewife. Women started drinking alcohol and marriage was no longer a concern. They also changed their traditional appearance. Women did away with long hair and cut it to shoulder length. Dresses rose above the knee, and makeup was applied more than usual. These women would later be called flapper
The 1920s, often referred to as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of great change and a time of powerful enthusiasm in many areas of society. The world had just finished the biggest war in history, the First World War, and the United States was left almost unharmed by the war. The United States was able to experience a decade of peace and success following the war. During this decade, America became the wealthiest country in the world (Trueman, 2000). The people in the United States went through a colorful period during the twenties. However, at the same time the 1920s was also a very rebellious and difficult time for many. The culture of the 1920s has influenced the culture of America’s society today.
themselves. They felt as though they could dress and act however they wanted. The term
The period of the twentieth century, specifically the nineteen-twenties, was a historically significant event in history due to the dramatic changes politically and socially. In this time period there was many altercations between two specific groups who had completely different outlooks on change. Modernists, or people who tended to be in favor of new ideas, styles and social trends, embraced the idea of change during this time period whereas traditionalist, or people who are opposed to change, had deep respect for long held cultural and religious values that they believed should not be broken under any circumstances. The disputes between the traditionalist and modernist over religious beliefs made way into the woman’s lives leaving pop culture to rise rapidly.