“To Catch a Trader” To Catch a Trader is a Frontline’s video that describes some moments of the internal situation in the Wall Street, stock’s machinations and their consequences. The main topic of the movie is a usage of inner information that helped traders and hedge funders to earn fortunes. The video provided several examples, like a founder of the SAC Capital Stephen Cohen and CEO of the Galleon Group Raj Rajaratnam. Both these men commanded the services of informers and expert networks to get the inner information and turn to account. The usage of the inner information is the main ethical issue of the video. These actions are infraction of regulations on one side. During Cohen’s interview in 2011 the rule 10b5-1 was mentioned that “states …show more content…
Traders and hedge funds need the information for their business. It is impossible to cut these people of all informational sources, and it is difficult to separate inner information and gossips. The possible decision is the policy tightening both in the FBI and involved companies. Last participants should fine or fire employees who were suspected in the disclosure of the inner information. Traders and representatives of hedge funds should get similar punishment. The videos showed it is really difficult to call “big fishes” to account. The FBI or other officials should have rights to suspend suspected traders from business with the ban on trading activities. The violation of this ban should increase the consequences and make the punishment worth. Traders and representatives of hedge funds should be suspended or fined because of the ignorance of rules. Cohen tried to “hide” behind it during the interview in spite of his 30-year experience. The other possible decision is to make expert networks to decrease their service fee. According to the video, their prices were too high and traders wanted to get accurate information for these money. Tightening of control in the sphere of expert networks would also help to improve the
When assessing the economic damage to due to Paul Thayer and those that he tipped off about the acquisition of Campbell Taggart, it should be noted that some argue that this kind of insider trading circulates information and forces the stock to its “true value.” If we assume this argument to be flawed, then part of Anheuser-Busch stock dip after the announcement was due to the insider trading and the fact Anheuser-Busch probably paid more to acquire its target. Thayer and his friends trade the Campbell stock for nearly a month before any public announcement of the merger. On July 27 nearly half the volume was insider volume controlled by those individuals who were in violation of rule 14(e)-3 (See exhibit 2). The increased volume might
Convictions of the Bernie Madoff conspirators prove the Ponzi scheme could not have been the work of one person. Furthermore, the conspirators each played a critical role in facilitating the Ponzi scheme and concealing it from regulators, and auditors. For instance, Annette Bongiorno, was employed for Madoff for approximately 40 years as his secretary (Lappin, 2014). Consequently, Bongiorno was charged with manufacturing the false statements sent to clients that indicated they were worth a lot more than they actually were. Moreover, Bongiorno transferred $50 million of client’s funds into her own private account (Lappin, 2014).
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio rendered an Order for Final Judgment against John R. Bullar and a Consent Order against his company, Executive Management Advisors L.L.C., requiring that restitution be paid by Bullar and Executive Management Advisors, L.L.C. in excess of $6.2 million. Additionally, Bullar and Executive Management Advisors L.L.C. are required to pay civil monetary penalties in excess of $24.8 million for fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, and operation of a Ponzi scheme. They were illegally posing as Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) and Commodity Pool Operators (CPOs) but had not registered with the CFTC. Permanent trading and registration bans were also imposed prohibiting them from committing
This episode of American Greed presents the subtle yet very dangerous white collar criminals, whose tactics lead to financial losses with harrowing effects. The criminal in this particular case, Mr. Steven Palladino, manages an ice cream store in his neighborhood of West Roxbury and as such is a widely trusted man. The trust he obtains be founded from having been born and grown here as well as having his entire family as the mascots for his fraudulent enterprise. Having studied finance and finally making his way successfully through college to become a registered stock broker, he makes use of his social status to start in the pursuit of a Ponzi scheme under the appearance of Viking Financial. On the flip side, his investors seem to have unwavering trust in him despite the location of his office, a small
For this assignment, use the Internet to research high-risk investment brokerage firms that have been indicted or convicted of ethical violations to provide insight and understanding of this market segment.
Bernard Lawrence “Bernie Madoff” is an American former stock broker, investment adviser, non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock market, and the admitted operator of what has been described as the largest Ponzi scheme in history. (Bernard Madoff, 2011) This paper discusses the massive Ponzi scheme that Mr. Madoff created and those that were affected by it.
Jordan Belfort is the notorious 1990’s stockbroker who saw himself earning fifty million dollars a year operating a penny stock boiler room from his Stratton Oakmont, Inc. brokerage firm. Corrupted by drugs, money, and sex he went from being an innocent twenty – two year old on the fringe of a new life to manipulating the system in his infamous “pump and dump” scheme. As a stock swindler, he would motivate his young brokers through insane presentations to rile them up as they defrauded investors with duplicitous stock sales. Toward the end of this debauchery tale he was convicted for securities fraud and money laundering for which he was sentenced to twenty – two months in prison as well as recompensing two – hundred million in
It is a romping tale of decadence and depravity that draws heavy criticism for having few redeeming literary or moral qualities. However, the memoir presents several unique and inherently valuable qualities. It presents a rare viewpoint of a specific moment in American history through the eyes of a great fraudster. Additionally, The Wolf of Wall Street’s writing style presents a unique opportunity for a non-fictional account criminal activities, a genre that is relatively small. Finally, the book has become a cornerstone of American culture and has even received a film adaptation. Regardless of Belfort’s ethical or legal standing his memoir is a valuable work that portrays a twisted version of the American
The question before our society is not whether corporate crime is a victimless crime, rather the question is what should be done about it? Corporate crime doesn’t just do harm to the investors that can be unknowingly damaged by these crimes, it has a much more insidious nature to it as it has done harm on global scales. Corporate crime is almost a misnomer because many of these criminal wrongdoings are for the most part legal, when not taken to their ultimate conclusion. Society within the United States has been taught that the man in the brief case, yelling at other men in dark coats on the flow of the stock exchange are the smartest guys in the room. This paper will attack that idea on many levels, the first salvo will be
This paper introduces Bernard L. Madoff a fraudster who orchestrated a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme. The paper discusses elements that make up a Ponzi scheme and explains what a Ponzi scheme is. The paper goes on to introduce some of the victim’s and examines some reasons why someone might fall victim to a Ponzi scheme. The paper describes the three elements making up the fraud triangle and how they relate to the fraud and the fraudster. This paper covers Bernard Madoff’s background and history and how he committed the fraud analyzing the fraud triangle. The paper describes ways to correct the issue, accounting principles violated, and recommendations for a fix. Finally, the paper looks at internal and external controls violated and ends with a conclusion.
In today’s society crime occurs everyday across all aspects of life. One particular crime is that of white collar and corporate level crime. It is important that we as a society study this type of crime in depth because many individuals believe that white collar and corporate level crimes are victimless crimes when in reality they have the potential to destroy major corporations and economies all with one single case. The news or media rarely talk about this type of crime because it is often difficult to understand and individuals typically lack interest in these types of cases. One particular case is that of Jordan Belfort. Dubbed the infamous “Wolf of Wall Street” Jordan Belfort is a former stockbroker who robbed investors of over $200 million dollars to create his wealth through “pump and dump” schemes, insider trading, money laundering securities fraud, and stock-market manipulation. As an attempt to further understand these complex cases I will break down Belfort’s case as far as the methods and means as to how he got started, his use of “pump and dump” schemes and other means as to how he acquired his wealth. In addition to this I will discuss the sanctions and disciplinary action that Jordan Belfort was given, how the case affected society and what new regulations were
Enron was being named by Fortune “America’s Most Innovative Company” for six executive years. However, under the mask of being one of the world’s major electricity, natural gas, communication, pulp and paper companies, they were revealed that their financial condition was planned accounting fraud. They are driven by the profit impulsion and distorted moral philosophies. Traders are direct people who move power around west and make profit for Enron. In order to meet Enron’s objective, they contempt any value except making money.
Jordan Belfort is the notorious 1990’s stockbroker who saw himself earning fifty million dollars a year operating a penny stock boiler room from his Stratton Oakmont, Inc. brokerage firm. Corrupted by drugs, money, and sex, he went from being an innocent twenty – two year old on the fringe of a new life to manipulating the system in his infamous “pump and dump” scheme. As a stock swindler, he would motivate his young brokers through insane presentations to rile them up as they defrauded investors with duplicitous stock sales. Toward the end of this debauchery tale he was convicted for securities fraud and money laundering for which he was sentenced to twenty – two months in prison as well as recompensing two – hundred million in
The fact that the insider trading charges were thrown out, but the conspiracy charges stuck is curious. It appears, yet again, the judicial process and mainstream social construct of acceptable behavior collided with what Martha, her broker, and fellow investor touted as ‘nothing wrong’. Knowing more of John Savarrese’s role as Martha’s pretrial counsel, gives two more important points about Martha’s case of white collar crime. The first is questionable ethics and the other is arrogance. Mr. Savarrese has been criticized by legal analysts for not providing ethical legal advice to Martha or making the right professional choices himself. The belief is that Savarrese knew or at least suspected, Martha and Bacanovic planned to perjure themselves. As Martha’s legal counselor it was ethically negligent of Savarrese not to advise Martha of the legal repercussions of lying to the SEC. If Martha insisted on presenting her fraudulent story, Savarrese should have immediately withdrawn as her counsel (Hoffman, 2007). More importantly than if Savarrese knew or not, in her arrogance, Martha never thought this issue of a mere $45, 637 would develop into charges nor a prison sentence! She was simply above the laws and saw no reason to tell the
““The name of the game, moving money from your clients pocket to your pocket”, Mark stated. “But if you can make your clients money at the same time it’s advantageous to everyone, correct?” “No, Mark replied…Okay, first rule of Wall Street-nobody and I don’t care if you are Warren Buffet or Jimmy Buffet- knows if a stock is going up, down or sideways, least of all stock brokers. But we have to pretend we know.”” (8)