
To Kill A Mockingbird: Alcmene's Narrative

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Alcmene felt as if she were on the edge of a blade. Her body ached in ways that no woman's should. But she had held herself at a much higher standard than most and had yet to faultier or reveal her unshakable need. Still that didn't mean that staring at the very method of her release didn't make thing more difficult. She finished her grape and lean back, allowing her eyes to roam over Atticus's body. A smile slowly slipping to her lips as he spoke. Of course he would speak of honor and glory, but that was not what she wanted from him. But the sudden shift in conversation gave her a bit of unvoiced hope. "You speak so very boldly for a gladiator, and man of the sands looking beyond his station." Alcmene spoke as she sat up and reached for

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