
To Kill A Mockingbird Allusion Analysis

Decent Essays

In the book, “To Kill A Mockingbird” there are many allusions the author uses to impact the story and characters. Two of them, which stood out was “Let this cup pass from you”(Lee 117) and “Garden of Gethsemane” (Lee 159). The second quoted is from Atticus, who knows that he can’t win the Tom Robinson case, but he still must do it, similar to how Christ knew he would have the bear the worlds cross, so we could one day spend eternity with him in heaven if we believe in him. Christ also didn’t want to bear the cross because he knew what would happen to him, even though it was his job. The two of them had to face their fates, which were no-win situations. The second quoted is from Jack, who knows how the trail has affected Atticus. The two of

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