
To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, I’ve learned a great amount of moral lessons and reminders about our world and the people in it. To Kill A Mockingbird takes place in Alabama during the Great Depression. The story is told through a young girl name, Scout Finch’s perspective. Scout has an older brother name Jem Finch and her father is Atticus Finch. Her father Atticus is an attorney for a black man name Tom Robinson who is being accused of rape. Atticus pushes to prove Tom’s innocence. Throughout the book you see Scout and Jem come of age with everything that’s going on in their town and in their lives. Boo Radley was another character who’s important in the story because he saved the kids lives when they were attacked by Bob Ewell, the prosecutors (Mayella Ewell) father on Tom Robinson’s case. Also he gave them gifts when they were curious to see him and make him come out of his house. To Kill A Mockingbird shows the goodness and the evilness in people. The title To Kill A Mockingbird comes from the belief that it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird because all they do is sing their hearts out for us. A few people in the book represent a mockingbird. To continue with the themes in the book the ones that stuck out to me were empathy and justice.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share feelings of another. Lessons the children learned that connect with empathy is when Calpurnia talks to Scout about Walter Cunningham when he came over for dinner. “-,and don’t you let me

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