
To Kill A Mockingbird Chapter 1 Summary

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The introductory chapter. This chapter established and described the setting, Maycomb County, a small, quaint community. It also touched on the dark story of the Radley family, and introduced the main characters. Chapter 2 Scout goes to school for the first time. In the beginning of the chapter, she expresses her longing to learn and play with the other children, but once she begins school, it is found that she has learned quite a lot by watching Atticus constantly read. Chapter 3 Walter Cunningham comes to dinner at the Finch’s house. The story of the Ewells is introduced after a conflict between Burris Ewell and Miss Caroline. Scout worries that she will be punished for reading with her father after her teacher tell her that Atticus has taught …show more content…

Anxieties about the Radley place becomes more prevalent. Chapter 5 Dill and Jem begin to leave out and mistreat Scout, driving her to spend time with Miss Maudie Atkinson. Jem and Dill go on a quest to bring Boo Radley out of his house. Atticus catches them trying to leave a note at the Radley place, leading him to scold them. Chapter 6 On the last day of summer, the day before Dill’s departure, Dill and Jem create a plan to catch a glimpse of Boo Radley. Not wanting them to go alone, Scout tags along. They sneak into the backyard of the radley place. They are seen by Boo, who shoots at them as they leave. This wakes the neighborhood, and the three successfully evade being found out. Chapter 7 Upon going back to school, Jem and Scout discover that someone has been leaving valuables in a hole in a tree. They begin to appear on a regular basis, as if someone knew that they were being taking by Jem and Scout. They write a thank you note to the stranger, only to find that Boo Radley had filled up the hole with cement, claiming that the tree was dying. Chapter 8 The winter sets in. Mrs. Maudie’s house catches fire. Jem reveals some of his secret interactions with the Radley’s to Atticus. Chapter

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