The introductory chapter. This chapter established and described the setting, Maycomb County, a small, quaint community. It also touched on the dark story of the Radley family, and introduced the main characters. Chapter 2 Scout goes to school for the first time. In the beginning of the chapter, she expresses her longing to learn and play with the other children, but once she begins school, it is found that she has learned quite a lot by watching Atticus constantly read. Chapter 3 Walter Cunningham comes to dinner at the Finch’s house. The story of the Ewells is introduced after a conflict between Burris Ewell and Miss Caroline. Scout worries that she will be punished for reading with her father after her teacher tell her that Atticus has taught …show more content…
Anxieties about the Radley place becomes more prevalent. Chapter 5 Dill and Jem begin to leave out and mistreat Scout, driving her to spend time with Miss Maudie Atkinson. Jem and Dill go on a quest to bring Boo Radley out of his house. Atticus catches them trying to leave a note at the Radley place, leading him to scold them. Chapter 6 On the last day of summer, the day before Dill’s departure, Dill and Jem create a plan to catch a glimpse of Boo Radley. Not wanting them to go alone, Scout tags along. They sneak into the backyard of the radley place. They are seen by Boo, who shoots at them as they leave. This wakes the neighborhood, and the three successfully evade being found out. Chapter 7 Upon going back to school, Jem and Scout discover that someone has been leaving valuables in a hole in a tree. They begin to appear on a regular basis, as if someone knew that they were being taking by Jem and Scout. They write a thank you note to the stranger, only to find that Boo Radley had filled up the hole with cement, claiming that the tree was dying. Chapter 8 The winter sets in. Mrs. Maudie’s house catches fire. Jem reveals some of his secret interactions with the Radley’s to Atticus. Chapter
Towards the beginning of the novel, Scout
She starts arguing more with her father and eventually gets in trouble for backtalking and messing with the neighbors garden. She is forced to read and do chores for her elderly neighbor, and she ends up changing during this as well. She realizes that not everyone has a support system, but a family. During this time, her father is a defense attorney for a sexual assault trial in town. Along with realizing that not everyone has a support system, Scout realizes that not everyone is liked due to their skin tone.
The first theory I will introduce was that Boo Radley had said he would sneak out at night
#3 Scout was telling the story about Boo Radley, she said Radley was locked up in a basement as a teenager for once getting in trouble with police. Boo has been locked up in the house ever since and people think he goes out at night.
Scout comes home, frustrated about her first day at school. Scout’s positive expectations of school were crushed when Miss Caroline tells her to stop reading because she has been taught incorrectly. After school Scout explains her day at school to Atticus, and her teacher’s cluelessness and unreasonability. Scouts most valuable lesson from her first day of school comes from her father, where she learns to try to see situations from the others point of view. Ironically, Atticus teaches more to Scout and Jem, than their teacher, Miss Caroline,
Although they did get off on a bad foot, all three of the children hit it off after by spending time together. Because Dill didn’t know much about the neighborhood, Scout and Jem started telling stories about one of the most frightening neighbors, Boo Radley. This includes tales such as how Boo Radley peeks into bedroom windows or likes to kill and eat animals for fun. Even though Dill didn't know much about Mr. Radley, Jem and Scout claimed that they did and were intimidated by him. For example, whenever the children are about to pass by his house, they run for their lives in hopes that Mr. Radley won’t hurt them. Unfortunately for Jem and Scout, Dill was more than happy to know more and more about Boo Radley. This all goes downhill when Dill teases Jem about his fear toward Mr. Radley and dares him to run up and touch the house, which he does. Jem, Scout, and Dill’s relationship with Boo Radley is based on terror and mockery from the kids point of
While in the summer, Jem and Scout befriend a boy named Dill, who journeyed to Maycomb to visit and explore for the season. He becomes intrigued by the ominous nature of the Radley residence, which entertains Jem and Scout. When summer was over, Scout goes to school for the first time; on their way to school/home, Jem and Scout find gifts left for them in a knothole inside of a tree on the Radley residence. Atticus takes note of Jem and Scout’s sudden fixation in the Radley place and insists that they should see life from another person’s perspective before they judge anyone. Later, before Dill leaves again for the end of summer, the kids sneak over to the Radley house. While there, they are scared off by the shooting of Nathan Radley while
Jem, Scout, and Dill had been fascinated by the stories about the Radley house. One day when they were all playing, Dill dared Jem to
Scout claiming the school year going slow for her and her grade is released a half hour earlier than Jems so Scout has to pass by Boo Radley's house real quick by herself every afternoon. One day Scout noticed something shiny in a tree thats in the radly yard. When she goes back to investigate and look she finds a gum. Jem scolds her for taking the gum but Scout keeps checking the knot whole all the time. On the last day of school, her and Jem find coins in the tree and they took them lol Dill comes two days later to spend the summer After a fight with Sc they play a new game they made called Boo Radley which Scout sees as Jem's try to prove his bravery THEY KEEP PLAYING AND HAVING FUN until Atticus finds out about the game. They started
In the movie Scout goes to school with Jem Just like in the book similar to the movie there is a change sound coming from Jems pocket. Scout wanted to go with atticus in the movie but with some persuading they changed her mind and they she went with Jem to school running by the Radley place of course. Then it skips to the scene where Scout is beating Walter Cunningham helplessly and jem comes to stop
She goes through the crowd of furnished men and stands next to her dad. Jem and Dill go along with her before the correctional facility entryway as Scout starts her guiltless discussion with one of the angry men. Her gracious ways and youthful suspicions constrained the gatecrashers to feel embarrassed about their plotted thought on aggravating Mr. Robinson. Scout's brave activities and splendid personality influenced the crowd to get out and allow Tom to sit
The lesson of facing ones fears pays off for Scout in the end. After Scout’s unpleasant first day of school, she tries to convince her father, Atticus, to allow her to
if this was said about anyone they would be very hurt. Jem, Dill, and Scout proceed to sneak around the Radley's house and make attempts to look in and touch the house. They even play "the Boo Radley Game." Where they proceed to act like the Radley family, and enact the various rumours of the family as well as their house.
The former half of the story begins during the first summer before Scout begins school. The reader is introduced to Jem and Scout’s childhood friend, Dill, who apparently has a knack for acting out scenes from books and movies he’s read and seen respectively as well as a fascination with the Radley residence, the house in which a family rumored to be unstable, unsociable, and potentially crazy reside. One day, as the trio of children are passing the Radley home,
In the beginning we learn the Atticus has a daughter named scout. It is quickly learned