
To Kill A Mockingbird Comparison Essay

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A Relational Novel

Two of the greatest books that someone could read are, The Chosen and To Kill a Mockingbird. They are both widely famous and show to be excellent novels. They equally have great story lines and bring strong accurate morals. But if they were to be compared, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee would definitely trump The Chosen. Not because of the way it is told, but because of the relation it has to today’s society. By addressing many of the common issues in today’s world; such as racism, violent riots, and judging someone by how they live, the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, proves to be a more sufficient book.

Racism has shown to be a big issue in today’s world. Through police shootings and violent crimes, people always find a way to blame it based on someone’s skin color. It has stuck with us from the beginning of the foundation of America, to now. The issue of racism is shown to be in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. In fact, this becomes obvious when Atticus starts to discuss with Jem about the unfair decision of the court to send Tom Robinson to jail. He explained to her that “when it’s a white man’s world against a black man’s, the white man always wins” (251-252). From the explanation of the white man’s dominance over the black man because of his skin color, it addresses that racism …show more content…

Riots are dangerous. They reveal the anger and hatred in a group of people. Whether it happens because of an election or a pitiful matter, they still show violent. Violent riots are addressed in To Kill a Mockingbird. This is explained when Atticus decides to guard Tom Robinson’s jail cell because he knows that trouble will be stirring soon. This is shown when a “cold-natured” and “sullen-looking” mob showed up to the jail house and asked Atticus to step “aside from the door” in order to kill Tom Robinson (172-172). Because of this, it becomes obvious that riots were addressed in the

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