
To Kill A Mockingbird Essays: The Influence Of Animal Relationships

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Even though animal relationships can be pure, and painful, they are also sweet, and dreadful. If someone has never been hurt, they are either extremely lucky, or extremely lonely. The most important reason, is that monogamous relationships exist throughout the animal kingdom. As soon as we think there is no more place for romance in the world explained by scientist, people look into the eyes of their most beloved, and after, all of their knowledge will be pushed all the way back to the very back of their minds. In the end, the all the feelings, is what matters the most. This is the same way with animals. In addition, one thing that many people don’t know about animals, is that sea otters hold each other's hands, at night so they don’t drift apart. Also, puppies let the female win, even if they have the physical advantage. So in other words, it doesn’t matter if the female is stronger, or weak. The male pup will let them win most of the time, probably because they don’t want to feel bad. There are some places in the world that will pair up animals, such as cats, dogs, and any others if there is a boy, and a girl, this is called rehabilitation. …show more content…

Many people probably don’t know this, but when a female and male zebra mate, they are more likely going to change colors. About ninety percent of birds are socially monogamous but none of this keeps them from getting around. Bonobos in a number of behaviors that were once only reserved for humans. Even though animal relationships can be pure, and painful, they are also sweet, and dreadful. If someone has never been hurt, they are either extremely lucky, or extremely

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