
To Kill A Mockingbird Narrative Voice

Satisfactory Essays

As a reader, it is important to be aware of the impact of the narrative voice in a text. Discuss in relation to the narrative voice in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.

There are three main voice in the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” Scout, Jean Louise Finch (Scouts Adult) and Harper Lee, also there are two narratives of Boo Radley (Mental Health) and Tom Robinson/ Ewells (Historical Racial/ Critical Lens) which are event that the voices all in some way encounter and expresses in there points of views.

Scout Finch, who is five in the novel at the start and eight at the end of the novel is also known as Jean Louise Finch at an older age, is presented as a first person narrator as well as a member of the novel, In the first chapter the viewers can see

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