
To Kill A Mockingbird Questions And Answers

Decent Essays

Question set:
What was your response to the ending of the novel? What questions are you left with? Having completed this novel, would you recommend it to others? Using specific examples, explain why or why not. I'm left wanting more! I have so many more questions i would ask if i could. What was Boo doing out there? Did ewell really off himself? Why was Boo in the house? Why didn't anybody notice or care?i found this book very intriguing and might recommend it to some people i know. But i would recommend it to some of the older audience i know, because as informative and interesting it was, it definitely requires a more mature palate to read for pure pleasure. Although the plot would interest younger people, the writing and the structure of …show more content…

Explain how it connects to a big idea (or theme), to character, or to some other significant aspect of the novel. “Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.” these words came out of atticus’ mouth. I think this is a great quote to sum up the whole book. Bluejays represent the african americans “who can not be trusted”, and the mockingbird represents the “pure” caucasians. You can shoot and kill and even convict as many african americans as you want because they are worthless, but it would be a sin to murder or put somebody in a bad situation if they are …show more content…

Using at least three specific examples from the book, show the struggle and how the character overcomes the struggle. Atticus’ biggest struggle was having to balance the circus act he was calling his life.between dealing with his family, defending tom robinson and dealing with outsiders looking in on him and wondering why he was defending an african american. He had to continuously be getting scout and Jem out of trouble and teaching them lessons and making sure scout wasn't punching anybody anymore and that they were both going to school. Honestly there was no was for him to overcome this struggle, it's called being a father. However he did handle the problems to the best of his ability. Then he had to defend an african american, one of the hardest things to be done back then, on top of that he had to combat the idea that Tom had hurt an innocent caucasian woman, making it twice as hard. But he got through it, and probably only by a sliver, all on the mere fact that he believed Tom was innocent. The same reason he dealt with all the criticism coming from his neighbours, peers and

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