¨Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.¨ -Tom Paine. Tom Paine changed the world by influencing common sense. The book ¨To Kill A Mockingbird¨,US history, and my life all connect because there are moments when we want freedom but can not get it. My quote from Tom Paine relates to a character named Tom Robinson from the book ¨To Kill A Mockingbird¨ by Harper Lee. Tom was accused of raping a girl named Mayella, but there was no evidence to support her statement. He was going through a lot of stress to get his freedom back, but it is hard because of all the accusations that were said about him. Mayella told Atticus what Tom ¨did¨, Atticus repeated and said ¨Now,¨ said Atticus, “Miss Mayella, you've testified that are defendant choked and beat you.” (149) These were just some accusations that were said that day, but none of them had evidence on who actually did it. Tom Robinson undergoes the …show more content…
Slavery started around 1619 and in this country, it officially ended in 1863. The population of slaves ended with nearly 4,000,000 slaves. Slavery was a weed that looked like a flower, it grew more because people never noticed it was bad until it started growing bigger. Slaves wanted to have freedom but everyone else was too hard headed to the fact they were nothing, when the truth was they were. They begged for freedom and went through physical and mental abuse, ¨The slave owner profaned the Portuguese word for black, “Negro,” and made it “Nigger.” It was brutal, violent word that stung the soul of the slave more than the whip.” (To Be A Slave). This showed abuse, stress and more of what the slaves experienced. Slaves went through the heaviness pain other people put them through, so they could have a little faith they will be free again. They wanted freedom, but people thought something else, something no one will ever
Power, it is something that everyone wants, it classifies us. “To Kill a Mockingbird” is about a powerless black man, Tom Robinson, accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell. Because of Mayella’s class and gender she is powerless, but her race makes her have a little more power.
What exactly is power? Is it being able to control someone or simply being able to have everything under control. In To Kill A Mockingbird we will see different perspectives on things and on situations. For example, would you believe a colored man or a white woman. Is Mayella powerless because of her class and gender or is she powerful because of her race?
A black man Atticus is defending in court. Tom was accused of raping Mayella Ewell. Background on Mayella Ewell: Comes from a very poor family, Dad spends welfare money on whiskey and she only comes to school once a year. Tom Robinson is accused of raping her and Atticus is defending him. During the trial it is stated that Tom beat up the right side of Mayella’s face.
I am reading the book, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. This book is about a girl named Scout Finch who lives with her brother, Jem, and her father, Atticus, during the Great Depression. They live in a small town called Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb is a town where everybody knows everybody. There is currently a trial taking place; Mayella vs. Tom Robinson. Tom has been accused of rapeing Mayella. Tom has pleaded not guilty for the crime he has been accused of. In this journal I will be evaluating Tom’s character and questioning why the Ewells may be lying.
Tom Robinson s Innocence Introduction In Harper Lee s classic novel To Kill A Mockingbird Tom Robinson is accused of the rape and assault of Mayella Ewell. After reviewing the evidence, I believe that Tom Robinson is not guilty of the rape and assault of Mayella Ewell. Throughout the evidence presented in chapters 17-21, there are numerous ways to prove Tom Robinson s innocence. One of the things that could prove why Tom Robinson is not guilty is that there was a significant lack of consistency and certainty within Mayella s story of what had happened. Within this essay, I will be giving reasoning as to why Tom Robinson is innocent of the crimes he is accused of.
Apparently Tom Robinson raped Mayella Ewell and ran away, but Atticus Finch, who was defending him disagrees. Mr. Finch was providing evidence supporting the claim, an example is when Mr. Finch made Mr. Ewell write his name, and it was shown that he was left handed after Mayella claimed Tom punched her in her left eye. Writing his name proved that Mayella could only be punched by someone who was left handed.
Only two percent of the world gets falsely accused of rape a year, unfortunately, Tom Robinson falls in that category. Within the story of To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson and Atticus Finch are pleading a case of rape. Tom Robinson was accused by the Ewell family of raped Mayella Ewell. There were multiple things that could have made him found innocent, but he was a black man in a community that did not support people of color. Tom Robinson was found guilty and had to go to jail for something he did not do.
James Clear once said, “Maturity is learning how to start when you feel like procrastinating and learning how to listen when you feel like talking.” This quote shows that when one wants to put effort in, they are being responsible. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Scout, the narrator and main character, doesn’t realize her talent for being able to understand literature. Also, there have been rumors about her “creepy” neighbor, Boo Radley. She gets scared and believes these rumors are true as a kid.
A Message Every book has a main theme, but in To Kill a Mockingbird it has various themes to express. In Harper Lee’s epic book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch is the father of two young children Scout and Jem Finch. Atticus is the best lawyer in all of Macomb County. He was assigned a case, a case almost impossible to win just because of the person’s color.
As humans are in the early part of their life, they enjoy hearing and seeing only what they choose to. The idea of selective understanding relates to the quote from Harper Lee, “People generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for”. Harper Lee was the author of the very successful novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. The novel written by Lee is arguably one of the most influential books ever written, and can teach many lessons to young children and adults. The quote stated by Lee gives the idea that when a certain person does not want to hear what another person says, they only listen to a certain part from the other’s statement that pleases them.
Despite the case of Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird being written and published in the late 1950s, there are still many important and prevalent life lessons that can be applied to our own lives that are revealed in the novel. The lesson of perception and sympathizing with other people to gain a better understanding of your own world is revealed, which could be found through reading what Scout had to say near the end of the book, when standing on the Radley porch. Scout takes a moment to view the world of Maycomb in the same light as Boo Radley, which is substantial even if it’s just for a couple of moments. She is able to view Maycomb for what it is as well as the events that have transpired over the course of the novel through the eyes
This quotation quite literally means that when someone does something, they do not realize how it affects the person unless they experience it themselves. Atticus is saying “treat people the way you want to be treated” in this quotation. The mob that night was filled with regular people Atticus and the children saw on a daily basis, but there they were not themselves. Scout snapped them back into reality and let them know they were not doing the right thing. The use of wild animals symbolizing the mob truly showcases how strange they were acting due to a single court case. To me, the deeper meaning is that sometimes people do not do the correct thing and it makes them seem like animals, yet at the end of the day they are just like us. (Making a Connection/Interpreting)
Another way Atticus shows a way of courage is by being respectful to Mayella Ewell, the woman who accused Tom of raping her, in court. Atticus constantly called her ma’am and Miss Mayella, yet he had very little tolerance to how she was accusing an innocent man of such a hateful crime. The last way Atticus is such a courageous man is how he can stay cool headed. Mr. Ewell had the nerve to stop
Who would destroy something that contained a heart filled only with good? The answer to that can be found in the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee in an unjust time of unequal opportunity. The story follows the retelling of an 8-year-old girl named Jean Louis and those around her moral growth. She lives in Maycomb Alabama during the Great Depression. She has many chapters of growth including changing from afraid of a person to wanting to meet them, seeing people put on masks in order to avoid judgment, and watching an innocent man go to jail. Scout learns that to Kill a mockingbird is a sin for they have done no wrong, that people make that most meaningful mockingbirds, and the true significance of them because of the moral growth they bring about in people.
Slavery took root in the Americas during the early 1600s. It was a prominent factor for the advancement of the colonies and the formation of the United States of America. Due to the agricultural economy in the South, slavery became increasingly more important in the nation as a whole. Slavery lasted for as long as it did because slave owners used physical and psychological abuse and violence to maintain dominance over enslaved men and women. Their diverse tactics often left slaves feeling hopeless and dependent, aiding to the existence of slavery.