
To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

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¨Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.¨ -Tom Paine. Tom Paine changed the world by influencing common sense. The book ¨To Kill A Mockingbird¨,US history, and my life all connect because there are moments when we want freedom but can not get it. My quote from Tom Paine relates to a character named Tom Robinson from the book ¨To Kill A Mockingbird¨ by Harper Lee. Tom was accused of raping a girl named Mayella, but there was no evidence to support her statement. He was going through a lot of stress to get his freedom back, but it is hard because of all the accusations that were said about him. Mayella told Atticus what Tom ¨did¨, Atticus repeated and said ¨Now,¨ said Atticus, “Miss Mayella, you've testified that are defendant choked and beat you.” (149) These were just some accusations that were said that day, but none of them had evidence on who actually did it. Tom Robinson undergoes the …show more content…

Slavery started around 1619 and in this country, it officially ended in 1863. The population of slaves ended with nearly 4,000,000 slaves. Slavery was a weed that looked like a flower, it grew more because people never noticed it was bad until it started growing bigger. Slaves wanted to have freedom but everyone else was too hard headed to the fact they were nothing, when the truth was they were. They begged for freedom and went through physical and mental abuse, ¨The slave owner profaned the Portuguese word for black, “Negro,” and made it “Nigger.” It was brutal, violent word that stung the soul of the slave more than the whip.” (To Be A Slave). This showed abuse, stress and more of what the slaves experienced. Slaves went through the heaviness pain other people put them through, so they could have a little faith they will be free again. They wanted freedom, but people thought something else, something no one will ever

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