
To Kill A Mockingbird Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird there is a theme of courage throughout the story. Harper Lee’s message about courage is that adults and children can be equally courageous. Harper Lee wants her readers to know that courage can be shown in many different ways. Some of the courageous acts in this story are when Atticus takes the case for Tom Robinson, and when Scout stands up for Walter Cunningham. Other examples include, when Boo saves Scout’s life from Bob Ewell and when Mrs. Dubose overcomes her addiction. All of these actions display Harper Lee’s message of courage.

To Kill A Mockingbird is filled with acts of courage by adults and children. For example, Scout stands up for Walter Cunningham when Miss Caroline tries to give him money for lunch. Scout tells her “The Cunninghams never take anything they can't payback”(26). Scout shows a lot of courage standing up and defending another student, even when others would not show bravery. Another example is when Atticus takes the case of Tom Robinson. Atticus explains “I’m simply defending a negro--his name’s Tom Robinson”(100). Not many people during that time …show more content…

Miss Dubose, who recovered from being addicted to morphine, also shows courage in the story. Atticus tells Jem about Miss Dubose and says “She said she was going to leave this world beholden to nothing and nobody”(148). She did not want morphine to have the best of her at the end of her life, she wanted to be strong and to have no regrets. Likewise, Boo saving Scout is also a very courageous act. Scout explained, “The scuffling noises were dying; someone wheezed and the night was still again”(351). Boo was doing his job to protect the kids and keep the night nice and peaceful. He did not want Scout or Jem to be stabbed to death. Boo has stayed inside his house most of his life, so for him to come out and kill Bob Ewell to save Scout and Jem is a great representation of

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