-the character is 14 y/o girl heading into 9th grade
// "(text in parentheses like this is her thoughts)" gonna write it how it'll appear in the game basically bc idk how else
-character wakes up: 2 days before school starts
// I need to add proper punctuation, I also tend to skip words randomly because I fucking think faster than I can type.
// Also she kinda doesn't talk much bc that's how I imagine a depressed chick, might change that later, thinking she's like over dramatic or something like here's
// an example: ("I'm super popular, I've talked to a guy AT LEAST 6 times") *cut to guy asking her where a classroom is* ("I'm ALSO super generous") *cut to her picking
// up someone's pencil for them* or kinda in denial like ("I don't want
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*uncomfortable scene of the dad tryna shake her and shit so she gets up*
*button mash thing, it should be pretty easy since it's the first day if you fail the dad pulls her out of bed and says something like "it's the first day of school you have to go"*
"(ugh...)" // irratble bc stress
*walks out room with dad*
*cut to bathroom*
*character brushing teeth* // depressed people tend to neglect dental health so maybe sometimes she doesn't and just kinda sits on the toilet thinking, actually now // that I think about it she didn't brush her teeth for the past 2 days
(fuckin' toothpaste.)"
"(fuckin' school.)"
"(God, I'm gonna go to school and talk to no one.)
"(I'm gonna have no friends and it's gonna suck.)"
"(I'm gonna get teased, they're gonna call me a school shooter and get called a “gay ugly faggot whore”)" //...
"(Fuck, I don't wanna come out of here...)"
*knock knock*
dad: "Hurry up before I leave your ass home, I need to get to work." // self-insert much lmao?
"(As enticing as the sounds...)"
*turns off water and walks out of bathroom*
*character get's their class schedule somehow*
*walks to class*
*pauses before entering*
("There's already people in
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yeah... maybe they think I'm cool.") // She's stuttering in her thoughts lmao? Also, the sentence is overly long because she's over thinking it, yeah, good writing. Text scrolling // should be really fast too.
teacher: "Hey guys, I'm your [idfk] teacher Ms. [idfk]" // I don't think anyone talks like this teacher: "So hey, you guys are now in 9th grade, how about that?"
"(Oh God, I'm gonna have to go through this whole thing 7 more times...)"
(God, they all probably think I'm soo cringey...)
*random kid comes in and takes an empty seat, the main character doesn't even notice, contrasts how she thinks everyone would react*
"(They probably think I'm weird and ugly
To Kill a Mockingbird a novel written by Harper Lee is told by a girl named Scout. Is Maycomb an awful place.Maycomb is prejudice Francis is calling Atticus a nigger-lover because he’s going to be defending a black guy named Tom Robinson. On page 110 Francis says He’s nothing but a nigger-lover.Saying something like that is prejudiced because basically Francis is saying Atticus is loving blacks and Francis is saying it like its a bad thing.On page 135 “your father's no better than the niggers and trash he work for. Mrs.Dubose is saying that Atticus is no better than the trash he work for so she is saying the blacks are trash.Mrs.Dubose said something that is very prejudiced to Scout and Jem because she is saying there father Atticus is just
Though the black community is sad that Tom Robinson was found guilty they are still faithful that Atticus will protect and defend the black community. Bob Ewell is not happy at all with the way Atticus questioned him and his daughter and the way he defended Tom Robinson. Miss Stephanie says that"this morning Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life"t Jem's reaction to the verdict is that he leaves the courtroom and cries because he didn't think Tom would be guilty and he feels that it is an unfair verdict and he sees the town in an unfair way. I personally thought that this judging was just a way to seem like society was fair by giving a black man a “trial”. However, I think that they were going to say Tom Robinson was guilty either way.
This quote is significant because it shows the littlest things remind Aibleen of her son Treelore that had passed away in a tragic accident. It shows how connected Treelore
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a fictional novel that was published in the 1960’s. It tells the tale of a young girl named Scout, and her family who live in Alabama in the 1930’s where blacks still do not have equal rights. A black man is on trial for the supposed rape of a young lady, Mayella Ewell, and one courageous lawyer, Atticus Finch, the father of Scout, decides to prove his innocence even though the odds are stacked against him. In the novel courage is defined by a quote that states, “It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyways and you see it through no matter what…” (Lee, 149).
Courage, according to the dictionary is, “the ability to do something that frightens one.” On the other hand, courage defined in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, is, “ it’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyways and you see through it no matter what.” (Lee, 112) Through this quote, Atticus defines the fact that one must fight with all their might for something that is right despite if they win or lose. But what does it take to be courageous? Throughout the book, courage is best exemplified through the characters Atticus, Scout, and Jem.
“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is a novel that explores the theme of courage throughout key events and through character. The novel is narrated by Jen-Louise Finch over a two year period revolving mainly around the trial of Tom Robinson.
“Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway...” This quote among others show lessons and themes that the children learn over the course of the book. Honor and courage are the strongest themes in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and in the book, Atticus Finch shows how these characteristics can affect someone’s life.
Olivia Hopkins Mrs. Lagunas Period 1 English 1 15 March 2024. To Kill a Mockingbird Essay There is always a light if we're brave enough to see it. If we're brave enough to do it (Amanda Gorman). In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the narrator, Scout, is a little girl who grows and matures from society. Scout lives in Maycomb with her brother, Jem, and her father, Atticus.
“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” (Lee 149).
Power is too overpowering sometimes especially for class, gender, and race. TKAM is a book written by Harper Lee in 1960. Mayella Ewell is a white, 19-year-old woman, who accused Tom Robinson, who is Negro, for rape. The book takes place in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930s in the South during the Great Depression where there was a recession. Mayella is not a powerful character based on her class, gender, and race compared to Tom Robinson.
Revenge is something that everybody has once in awhile. In all the books we read this semester revenge plays a huge role in all of them. I think that this is going to be the easiest topic for me to do because if someone does something to me that I don’t like I usually stick up for myself and I sometimes want revenge on them. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time- Indian was mostly about revenge. During the whole book Junior is looking for revenge most of the time, he said that it’s his middle name.
As I am walking down the hall to Ms.Johnson’s room, I see something different. There is a sub today. I just really hope she isn’t as mean as she looks. When I walk into the classroom I get my folder and go to my assigned seat to start my “do now”. When the teacher walks in she says,”Everyone sit down and don’t make a noise unless you want a step!”
“You just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, don’t you let ‘em get your goat. Try fighting with your head for a change.” (Lee, 76). As seen in To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel about growing up and the reality of life, there are various events that influence one’s morality, behavior, and perspective towards life. From the innocence of a child to the maturity of an adult, growing up is a phase that generally everyone experiences throughout their lifetime. The quote above is said by Atticus Finch towards his feisty daughter Scout (who is in fact the narrator of the actual novel); personally, I can pertain greatly to what Atticus said, for I had to learn to depend not on my own strength but on the LORD’s to fight and win my battles, whether spiritual, emotional, physical, or mental. However, this change in attitude did not occur in an instant, but was the result of years of struggles and perseverance, from my childhood to my adolescence; it was initiated with my parents’ announcement of our move from our home in Palmetto, Georgia across the United States to Dinuba, California.
READIN’ and WRITIN’ in MAYCOMB “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela. Education is a necessity to living and to how you do things in general. Without education you wouldn’t know to talk, write, comprehend and spell words. Education changed everything, just think about it, if you were going to pick up a book and read, how would you know what those words meant, and what they sounded like?
In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Scout narrates the novel by telling the story of how Jem broke his arm. Atticus Finch is the father of two kids, Jem and Scout, who always get into trouble and are the most mischievous and nosy kids around. Atticus is a lawyer who is in a case defending a black man named Tom Robinson, who is harmless and innocent, while the kids are always tormenting and bothering the innocent Boo Radley. Because they are innocent and harmless, but treated with suspicion, both Boo and Tom exemplify the symbol of the mockingbird in this novel. Tom Robinson is represented by a mockingbird in this story by always being innocent and never harming, but always being tormented.