
To Start Movie Vs Book Analysis

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Have you heard of this wacky family and their crazy adventure? The Watsons are heading to Birmingham with their family including Daniel their father, Wilona their mother, Byron the older brother, Kenny the middle child, and Joetta the only sister. There are many similarities and differences in the Watsons go to Birmingham book and movie. There are lots of things that are the same and a lot of things that are different that make the book and the movie different and the same. To Start, there are many things that are in a similar fashion. Two of them are the character development by Byron and the church bombing. The church bombing is the bombing of the 16th street baptist church. The church that was bombed was the church that Joetta could have died in. This is important to the story because it shows that even when …show more content…

In the beginning of the movie/book Byron was very mean but as the story went on he became nicer. The reason why this is important is because if Byron hadn’t developed through the whole book/movie he might have not been as much of a leader later on in the story. Also another example of this is when in the beginning of the book/movie Byron was very mean to Kenny but then later on at the end he started being nicer to him. Secondly, there is a conflicting viewpoint in the book and the movie. In the book the main focus is the family but in the movie the main focus is on race and the hard times. This is important because in the movie if it wouldn’t focus on race and tell us what was happening outside of the Watsons story it most likely would be more like the book. For example in the movie when the cousins march and go to jail for 2 weeks they don’t talk about it in the book because this a lot to do with race and the main focus isn’t on race. In the book, it talks about the family more and shows a lot more of their lives. In the movie, it doesn’t talk about the family that

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