“To This day” is a phrase that usually refers to something that happened to someone and continues to affect them to this day. Suggesting the author Shane Koyczan had something traumatic happen to him in the past. This poem is designed to be a performance piece in tandem with a video set to dramatic violin music and reads a lot differently than it sounds. Shane uses metaphor and simile to describe the pain of himself and others being bullied throughout school and their lives. Alluding to the popular rhyme told to kids “about sticks and stones/As if broken bones/Hurt more than the names we got called”, Shane tells the reader how emotional pain can be as damaging as physical pain and often times more so. Therein lies the meaning behind this poem.
The poem “To This Day” written by Shane Koyczan, the symbolism is the black things grabbing the kid. This is showing that words do hurt and it stays with you this is shown through the whole story of the pain and suffering of the kid. This is said " who used to say that rhyme sticks and stones as if broken bones hurt more than the names we got called" this is showing word do hurt and the black things grabbing him is showing that like a broken bone it still hurts over time just like words do. With this evidence it shows that if you don't want to be called that don't say it at all.
To This Day by Shane Koyczan is a spoken word poem that is about a kid that thinks pork chops are called karate chops. So when he falls out of a tree and gets a bruise and his P.E. teacher sends him to the office. When he got there he said that his grandma gives him karate chops.So he got removed from his house and was bullied his whole life. The tank in the hall represents that the hall is a battlefield because kids get bullied in the halls. “we would stop getting bombarded by spit balls
In “The Poem You Asked For” by Larry Levis, he is comparing writing a poem by comparing it to a plant, stubborn person, and toad. Larry Levis, a 20th-century writer is well known for his brevity and surprise approach in poetry. This poem magnifies the complications that authors may face while trying to write something of such importance. The speaker uses an abundant amount of figurative language to personify how writing is so difficult, and can lead to many difficulties and dead ends. The author uses figurative language to portray the theme of difficulties in the writing process such as: difficulties prewriting, writers block, and how hard it is to let go of writing as an author.
In “Sweet Home Alabama,” by Ronnie VanZant, it appears that at least four times, “you” refers to the State of Alabama. VanZant writes, “Sweet home Alabama / Lord, I’m coming home to you,” the “you” being the Southern state. The other two times, “you” could be referring to Neil Young, writer of “Alabama,” because VanZant’s song is a reply to Young’s. “Does your conscience bother you? / Tell the truth.” It could be assumed that VanZant is questioning Young.
The poem begins with a painful memory from the speaker’s sixth grade classroom where he was slapped on the head and commanded to sit in the corner for not knowing the difference between
In Sharon Olds The Summer-Camp Bus Pulls Away from the Curb she states “With a pencil and two Hardy Boys and a peanut butter sandwich and grapes he is on his way, there is nothing more we can do for him” the narrator is sending her son off with what she thinks he will need not only for summer camp but for life.
In the Egyptian love poems, it is apparent that both the boy and the girl long for their lover when they’re away. In ‘Seven whole days’ the boy talks about how when his love is away he feels ill and no medicine or magic can make him better, only the sight and presence of his beloved can cure him. While in ‘Am I not here with you’ the girl speaks about her worry that the boy will leave once morning comes because food will be more important to him than the girl’s love and whatever relationship they
This is a poem that is mainly directed to the violence that was often experienced by children with an African-American ethnicity. The violence was mainly experienced on the streets where a majority of these children lived.
You know those memories that never seem to go away like the ones that you look back on for the laughs, midnight memories, or the stories that you will tell your children. Unfortunately, not all memories are that happy. In the poem, "A Litany", Gregory Orr is recalling the day that he accidentally shot his brother when they were both children. The poem portrays a time of great sadness that Orr wants to share with the world as a way to cope and to speak to others who have had significant death experiences. In his poem, Gregory Orr utilizes poetic elements to show that one event can change one’s life for forever.
In the poem to This Day by Shane Koyczan It symbolizes bullying and that words can actually hurt someone and so can sticks and stones can also hurt people but that it is not right to call people names because it can hurt them but they don’t show it and it is wrong to bully people with words and other
According to Kelly Clarkson, “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger”. This quote represents that every trial and tribulations happens for a reason and it makes others stronger in time. Bullying can be a hard situation to go through but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. In my personal experience, I was bullied throughout elementary school and middle school. In 2008 I was eight years old walking into Grayson Elementary in Grayson, Georgia. It was muggy afternoon it looked like it was the set of a cheesy yet predictable horror movie even worse “Friday the Thirteenth”, but in real life. Bullying is definitely a negative situation but at the end it gets better; therefore, if it’s not a blessing then it’s a lesson.
Each person experiences loss and the pain and grief that coincides with it at some point in their life. Often times, these people gain a new outlook on life, and begin to see the world differently. People change as a result of pain; they think and act differently. Margaret Atwood utilizes characterization through Verna’s presentation, thoughts, and actions in “Stone Mattress” to show that pain changes people.
Over There conveys a euphoric and patriotic theme throughout the song. This clearly shows the song writer's intent. Throughout the song it is clear the Over There is meant to give pride to the American citizens. The line “The yanks are coming, the yanks are coming” clearly shows this. Basically saying, don’t worry Europe, we will win this war no problem. Many lines of the song show how the writer views that America will be the one to save the day and protect everyone, giving the Americans listening to the song a sense of pride. The sense of pride is also shown though the line “hoist the flag and let her fly”, clearly showing that they will make the rest of the world know how great America is. The rhythm of the music also supports this. With
“I have the right to say what miseries I have endured since I grew up, new or old-never greater than now.” Even though this poem is relatively short, the vivid expression of grief is somewhat awe-inspiring.
Reflection on pg. 34 Night poem by Elie Wiesel In my eyes, this poem is a very powerful work, full of poetic devices that help drive home the point of the poem. This poem is written by Elie after he and his father realize that they have survived selection at Birkenau.