Jacque Fresco once said “There’s no way to design a society that’s optimal or utopian. It’s better than the one that was. Systems always undergo change.” Are Utopian (perfect) societies even possible in American society? No, nothing is perfect nor will it ever be perfect. Perfect is having a supportive community, clean environment, and everyone being equal. No society will be utopian no matter how hard we try to make it like that. What is the definition of perfect? “Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be”. There have been not one but many attempts of people who have tried to make a utopian society. The only people that are able to make a utopian society are authors. In authors …show more content…
Hitler learned to hate jews with a passion, he saw them as a threat, he said they were the cause of everything. He didn’t just wanna just get rid of jews but also homosexuals, Roma and Sinti and the handicapped. His idea was to get rid of them all. Hitler was the cause of 6 million deaths getting rid of them was his idea of a perfect society. By Hitler doing this made people not feel safe, some hid from the Nazi’s. However, Hitler was not really able to create his idea of a utopian society. After WWII all of that came to an end. This is evidence that utopian (perfect) societies are not possible. What hitler tried to make a utopian society became a dystopian. Not everyone will have the same opinion, look the same, and have the same rights. No matter how hard we try to change that, it just won’t work out we will always live in a dystopian society. What does dystopian mean? Dystopian means “relating to or denoting an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one”. Here in America there is trash everywhere you go, even in the places you think are clean. You can see trash on the streets, freeways, and even
It seems as if the perfect society isn't so perfect compared to ours. Even though it sounds perfect there is so much time put it in for perfecting the society that it seems like they are destroying it. Anything can be said it's perfect. but is it really perfect or just saying it is because anybody can say
Although, everyone has a different idea of what a perfect society is, so everyone would disagree on how to make the perfect society. So really it is one person’s perfect society while it could be someone else’s nightmare. Even if the perfect society was created and everyone was equal eventually as people can not help but do the society would separate themselves into groups. When the society would do this they would favorite certain groups and neglect other groups needs. For example the book “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins is a book where they try and make a perfect society and the groups divide and some are praised while other groups are neglected. Creating a so called perfect society has not worked out in the fictional world, so expecting it to work in the real world is
Both ‘Pleasantville’ directed by Gary ross and ‘The Giver’ written by Lois Lowry clearly demonstrate that a perfect society is impractical. No matter how hard you try, the issues that break down a society will only resurface and ruin the perfect society. A utopian society would not be possible to sustain because Each person has a different idea of a utopian society, People also must feel sad to feel happy, the people of a utopian society don’t have freedom and finally People in the book are deprived of privacy. These are just some of the reasons why a utopian society is unrealistic.
“An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect,” is the definition you’d read if you searched up the word, “utopia.” Humans strive to achieve perfection- the perfect grade, a perfect family, having a perfect life, being the perfect person- to be flawless. We as humans, typically desire for what we don't have. After all, our world is not perfect at all. We face hardships, anxieties, pain, and much more.
Utopias are never created, as the idea of a perfect society exists only in dreams. It is human nature that sin and flaw exist, and while attempts to eradicate these should be promoted, outright removing them is almost impossible. Attempts exist to remove flaws, such as providing affirmative action to those in lower economic or educational standards than others, dress codes to make the student body equal, and even outright censorship or filtration of certain information on the internet, or even in public spaces by restrictions.
Between the 1820’s and 1860’s, Americans were trying new things and promoting different ideas and ways of thinking. Once such idea is that of a utopian society. A utopian society, simple put, means a perfect society.
A perfect society free of problems and worries, or a Utopia isn’t a new idea; various philosophers have contemplated this complex topic in hopes to create one. The problem is the word “perfect” is a relative term; nobody will ever have the same idea of a flawless civilization. However, some utopian designs appear as though they may actually come close to satisfying everyone’s needs, so that we may all live worry free. We know there’s never going to be a perfect society on this earth however I believe that Thomas Jefferson’s “Declaration of Independence” is the finest form so far. When the US liberated itself from Brittan in 1776 it was clear we needed something better to replace the former government.
Dennis Prager once said, “Although images of perfection in people’s personal lives can cause unhappiness, images of perfect societies, utopian images, can cause monstrous evil. In fact, forcefully changing society to conform to societal images was the greatest cause of evil in the 20th century.” (Prager Dennis, Search Quote) The meaning of this upscale quote goes to show how our generation evolves into society. In general, everyone wishes to live in a perfect world, with perfect, happy people, where no harm can be done. Each individual has their own way of wanting “a perfect society.” For example, it could be living in a world with no violence or war, and another person can think their “perfect society” would be living in a world of equality amongst our peers. In other words, this perfect world that one would want to/ think they live in is called a Utopia.
Jainaba Jawara Suess Is a perfect society actually perfect? Many people have different ideas what the perfect society would look like but for all people come together and have a perfect society would be impossible because too many ideas and people needs
It would be safe to say that in a perfect world, Utopian Communities would be ideal. The Socialist Party was fueled by the idea of Utopian Communities, in which communities possessed highly desirable or perfect qualities. Is this a realistic concept? Most would say no; it is impossible to create a perfect society, where there are no problems, as human nature does not allow this. People would try to construct “utopies on earth” via ideologies such as communism. Communism, as we know, is a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
In conclusion, all of my evidence shows that utopias aren’t perfect. As I stated in my introduction, utopias have many bad people, dangers, and not a lot of people agree with a “perfect” utopia. Sir Thomas More was the first person to create a utopia in 1516. Utopia is from a Greek ou-topos meaning of ‘no place’ or ‘nowhere’.
So, is a “perfect society” really perfect at all? There will always be consequences to having a perfect society such as no “true feelings”, no individuality, and a citizen will most likely realize that the “perfect society” is possibly not so flawless at all. First of all, in a perfect society the citizens never
A perfect society cannot happen if there are still people who are greedy and selfish. To compare with The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin, I chose are The Giver by Lois Lowry and The Purge directed by James DeMonaco. Deciding on those two texts were due to how closely related they are to portray a utopian and dystopian society. Although, each story/film used different ways to appeal to certain audiences to express their message. A utopian society is pictured as a paradise, but to reach the paradise, people have to sacrifice their freedom to make a better place. Greed and selfishness are the main reasons to why a utopia cannot exist because, through the greed and selfishness, people learn from their mistakes.
A utopia sounds like a wonderful thing. The Oxford English Dictionary defines “utopia” as an “imagined or hypothetical place, system, or state of existence in which everything is perfect, esp. in respect of social structure, laws, and politics.” (OED, 2015, entry 2) But what happens when someone tries to bring this imagined land of perfection into reality? Both in fictional literature and in real life applications, utopian dreams destroy societies.
A precedent of a utopian society in the United States was the Shakers. The Shakers were a religious group that escaped persecution in England and fled to the American colonies. While in America, they