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Date: Spanking as an Effective Discipline Physical punishment as a mode of behavior correction is a controversial issue amongst both professionals and society. The meta-analysis of research studies can be found to support and oppose the efficacy of spanking as an ideal or effective form of modifying maladaptive behavior in students and children (Brouwer 35). Spanking is a form of corporal punishment because it entails inflicting physical pain to deter an offense. Therefore, the purpose of corporal punishment is to deter the wrongdoing or offense from ever happening again through instilling the undesired acts with
Child discipline is an important part of parenthood. It is challenging for adults to manage children’s behaviors and find the correct lessons that will benefit their children. According to the research performed by Flynn (1998), most parents in the United States agree that "it is sometimes necessary to discipline a child with a good, hard spanking" (p.26). Socolar et al. performed research which agreed that “corporal punishment of children persists—roughly fifty percent of the parents of toddlers in the United States use corporal punishment as a regular method of disciplining their children.” (as cited in Gershoff, 2010, p.32). That is not to say that physical punishment is the solution as it can stop a behavior immediately but the results
When someone becomes a parent they constantly worry about how their child will turn out, if they’ll raise their child correctly, and some people even obsess with wanting to use the best disciplinary methods on their children. Everyone has their own input, their own view, and their own opinion about how to parent a child correctly. Spanking is a universally debated topic. Many experts go against corporal punishment, but many parents still think that spanking is an effective discipline strategy. Should they do it? Is it effective? What are the consequences and the effects? Throughout my paper I will go over the many reasons as to parents should not spank their children.
This issue of corporal punishment is a current issue that many people have on their minds. The issue strikes an emotional chord for many whom were or were not punished by spanking during their own childhoods. The issue generally focuses on the effect that spanking or other discipline methods will have on children. I will specifically be exploring the question: is it ever appropriate to spank a child? The cases for and against the spanking of young children are many and varied. But the main issue is the level of appropriateness that the act can reach.
Jordan Riak, leader of Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education, once said, “Spanking does for a child's development what wife-beating does for a marriage.” Spanking has become a highly accepted form of child abuse in today’s society. Spanking can lead to psychological and mental struggles, behavioral and violence issues, lower cerebral capacities, and less remorse for wrongdoings as an adult. So why are we still choosing to hit our children? It is impossible for children to learn from their mistakes from spanking. The reasoning and understanding portion of their brain shuts down due to fear. However, when approached about their behavior verbally and when the issue is worked through reasonably with
Spanking is an ineffective method for disciplining children as it both validates violence and creates antisocial behaviour while failing to teach a child why their actions were wrong. As some parents continue to utilize spanking, the children often internalize many negative side effects. They learn to “legitimatize violence”2 thus carrying these issues into other interpersonal relationships. Using their caregivers as models, they are more likely to hit others such as peers & siblings “as means of resolving their conflicts.”1 Ironically, this is exactly what some parents are trying to eliminate. Other children may become increasingly antisocial. From the perspective of a child, those who are supposed to protect them chose to hurt them instead.
Let’s look at the results of this survey. All of the Republican voters believe that it is acceptable for someone to spank their children. On the other hand, 33 percent of Third Party voters agree with spanking while the other 67 percent disagree with spanking. The Democratic voters are the ones whose beliefs on spanking are quite evident—only 13.86 of them agree with spanking—while the rest, a whopping 86.14 percent, do not agree with spanking their children. Do you notice a trend here? As shown by the results of the survey, Democrats tend to not agree with corporal punishment. Although this doesn’t hold true every time (there are exceptions), if someone doesn’t agree with corporal punishment then they are extremely likely to be a Democrat.
Spanking, also known as corporal punishment is a highly controversial method of discipline that parents currently use in an attempt to modify their children’s misbehavior. This type of punishment is not known to uplift the essence of education in children, and many parents and researchers feel that spanking leads to developmental problems. Research studies show how spanking produces a negative effect in children, and parents and caregivers should reconsider the use of corporal punishment as a form of discipline for their children because of its harmful effects. In addition, there are other, better alternatives that can be used to discipline children.
Have you ever been spanked as a kid and felt angry towards your parents? Did you feel they just hated you? Spanking is a form of corporal punishment which is a punishment intended to cause pain in many different ways. Corporal punishment started in slavery and led to schools and homes. Although many states have banned corporal punishment it is still allowed in 19 out of 50 states. Many adults will agree children just need a ‘good ol’e spanking’ and others will argue that it is a negative way to parent and causes more problems. Spanking children is not a proper way of parenting because it gives a negative effect on children.
Discipline is very important in everyone’s life. All parents try to do their best for their children. However, this crucial issue is sometimes misunderstood by some parents when it comes to disciplining their children. Some parents use a very controversial method known as spanking which is a corporal punishment that can have tremendous consequences on a child’s life. Although defenders of corporal punishment argue that spanking allows parents to curb children’s behavior, spanking has been shown to have long lasting effects on a child. Not only does it teach children to be violent, it also reduces the trust between parents and children. Furthermore, it makes a child experience resentment towards his parents.
A recent study shows 70 percent of parents believe it is right to discipline a child through physical means. Most commonly, parents will spank their children but being hit with things like belts or other objects happens as well. Parenting methods haven’t changed much with time and discipline in similar no matter the country. With more studies out to find the most effective method of parenting and discipline it’s coming to attention whether or not physical harm is the best way to teach children. Parents want what is best for their children, so it is important to constantly bring up and question methods commonly accepted in the past. One method that is becoming more controversial is spanking children. Though it is still considered normal to do, it is gaining more traction and more studies are being done to find the problems it causes. Checking on parenting methods can be difficult as everyone is raised differently. It is also difficult to test which forms of punishment lead to certain outcomes. However, there is a trend of negative effects from hitting. Gershoff acknowledges, “several national professional organizations have called on parents to abandon spanking as a child rearing practice and for professionals to recommend disciplinary alternatives to spanking.” Spanking children is a terrible discipline method as it has negative effects.
Yelling in public, crying over the smallest things, throwing a tantrum every five minutes; all these things have the same solution, which is spanking. People think spanking is a way to raise their children. Spanking is used among parents to teach their children a lesson if they act in a way they are not supposed to act. Some parents use spanking as a way to discipline, a way to teach the child a lesson, or it can be a natural thing in their household. The method of spanking as child rearing has caused some controversy about whether spanking negatively influence a child’s future behaviors and actions. The practice of spanking can later reflect their violent behavior as they get older. Children can easily misunderstand the message behind spanking and unknowingly use it the same way as their parents. Children can, therefore, use the method of spanking toward their new upcoming urge for violence or bad behavior. All of their future actions are now reflecting what they learned in their few years as a baby; they have learned the pain and method of spanking. It is only natural for them to use what they learned in their future. While the method of spanking for child rearing is used among many families, it is important to know whether this practice of spanking is effective in a beneficial way or if it is a definite way to create a child who has a violent behavior. It is better to know whether spanking is favorable in a child’s rearing years, rather than to use the
It had to control non-spanking related factors that might affect the children’s outcomes. And, lastly, it had to have findings with statistical strength. (Perry). Making sure each criteria eliminates the past doubt many had with other meta-analysis studies on spanking. After leading the study, Gershoff and Grogan-Kaylor verified that spanking has many negative effects. Such as children who have been spanked in their childhood were more likely to support physical punishment. (Holeman and Wire). Also, this study displayed a positive correlation, meaning if there is an increase in the amount of spanking then there will be an increase in the child’s likelihood of anti-social behavior, mental health issues, and aggression (Holeman and Wire). The study even indicates, spanking will only discipline the child’s behavior for a small amount of time. Gershoff observed that, when there is a “long-term” behavior acquired by the child, the behavior disappears once the physical threat has left, then the child will go back to their old behaviors (Narvaez). Another conclusion from the study was if the parent spanked their kids then the parents have a higher chance of physically abusing their children. This recent study is very beneficial to help parents understand the consequences of spanking. “We as society think of spanking and physical abuse as distinct behavior. Yet our research shows that spanking is linked with the
17. Karl Marx viewed humanity as God. Fod was created by tour image and religion was created to worship ourselves. Marx believed that humanity as a role in history should change all social institutions and re-establish them on atheistic foundations. So he was determined to bring that change.
Many studies on cases of adults who have tendency to perpetuate abuses, either as a victim or as an abuser, are traced in the pattern of violence experienced at home, and many are reportedly experience being physically violated by spanking during their childhood. Despite the information and advocacy available in almost all media these days, there are still parents who thought that spanking their children to emphasize discipline is still beneficial. The benefits cited by those supporting spanking as acceptable method of discipline varied across culture and race. Generally, there are three views or positions about spanking as a form of discipline (Benject C. & Kazdin A, 2003) : Pro-corporal punishment, anti-corporal punishment, and conditional corporal punishment.
Discipline is one of the basic things a child learns from his parents before he or she faces the outside world to learn more about life as a whole. Teaching this trait can depend on how the parent shows it to their child and how they explain the importance of having this trait both in and out of their homes. Misbehaving children cannot be avoided as they are curious little beings and they have a tendency to explore. But there are some parents, even teachers, who do not tolerate misbehaving and they resort to corporal punishments such as spanking to make sure the child never forgets how painful it is to misbehave as they will remember the punishment entailed to it and become more disciplined. However, not all children would understand the