Picture a land without any form of protection to keep you safe from the criminals today. Now also picture that, that criminal has a gun and is trying to hurt you. What do you do? Some say they would attack them before they could shoot, others say they would just give up. This is what our world would be like if guns were banned in the United States.
In 1982 a survey was conducted in 11 state prisons by male convicts. This survey stated the information about crimes that were being committed but were stopped by someone who was legally carrying a gun. In the article it says that “34% had been scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim. 40% had decided not to commit a crime because they knew or believed that the victim was carrying a gun. 69% personally knew other criminals who had been scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim.” ( JustFacts.com).
For this reason it is safe to say that guns can help stop crimes from happening. In this same article it says that U.S. civilians used guns to defend themselves from about 989,883 crimes per year. Now just think about that number and think about what those numbers would be majorly lower than they are now without guns.
Some studies indicate that gun restrictions did not significantly decrease crime rates while gun ownership rates doubled
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Now just think if another shooting happened and guns were banned from the United States. Who would be able to stop a shooter who gained a gun somehow, but if someone (specifically a legally gun carrying civilian) had a gun and was able to confront the shooter then potentially that could save many lives. This is the case in the Sutherland Springs, Texas. In this mass shooting a shooter went into a church and started shooting it up. It wasn’t until a gun owning neighbor confronted him and shot him twice before the shooter left the
We should also take into consideration the adverse effect that gun ownership can have on crimes being committed. Guns in the hands of prospective victims of violence can deter criminal attempts, thus having a violence-reducing effect. Armed victims can also disrupt crimes, which suggest again that widespread civilian gun ownership can in certain instances deter criminals from attempting crimes in the first place. For example, a potential burglar might reconsider going through with the crime if he or she is aware that the population is armed.
Every religion have different ways of celebrating their culture’s festivals, occasions like anniversary parties, birthday parties and death days. One way I found in Mexicans that how they celebrate the Day of Death of their loved ones. Day of Dead is celebrated in Mexico because on that day they remember loved ones who were dead etc.
On the opposing side, some others may say that the equation of more guns equals less crime is absolutely absurd. Sabina Thaler the author against guns states “crime victims uniformly use guns in self-defense is false. Women, for example, are less likely to use guns to protect themselves and are in fact in greater danger when doing so.” This statistic will help show that even if you have a gun to protect yourself, you might put
Some people believe that the United States is safer when citizens are not allowed access to guns. The amount of organized crime would go down because all of their power is derived from their use of firearms and that is a significant amount of their profit. Gun control laws protect children and families; Moms Demand Action, a grassroots group founded in response to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, believes guns in America are creating a public health crisis that is attacking children, citing statistics
National Crime Victimization Survey data,”robbery and assault victims who used gun to resist were less likely to be attacked”. John Lott, PhD,and David Mustard. PhD, which claim “more guns equal less crime”. This shows that you don't even need to harm someone to protect yourself .
If gun control is regulated, then we will have less crime. Access to firearms makes killing easy, efficient, and impersonal, which increases the lethality of crime. Josh Sugarmann, the Executive Director of the Violence Policy Center has once said, "We recoil in horror and search for explanations, but we never face up to the obvious preventive measure: a ban on the handy killing machines that make crimes so easy.”Allowing untrained people to carry guns puts others at risk and it can result in self-inflicting injuries both by suicide and unintentional incidents. Gun violence in America kills more than 30,000 and injures almost 70,000 each year. Guns can be misused and abused, which is why gun
Gun violence in the United States is higher than ever, and criminals with guns will “…kill as many as 1000 people each day” (Alpers&Wilson). Taking this into perspective, it is only right to fight fire with fire or, in this case, use a gun to protect yourself and those around you. Gun control does not only decrease the ability for protection, it also decreases our rights as U.S citizens. The constitution clearly states that we are given the right to bear arms, meaning we may carry fire arms. Even if we have stricter laws for guns, it will not stop killers from shooting innocent people. These men and women causing damage to the lives of numerous individuals do not care if there is a law banning guns, because all they truly want to do is
Gun control laws do not deter crime; gun ownership deters crime. A Nov. 26, 2013 study found that, between 1980 and 2009, "assault weapons bans did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level" and "states with restrictions on the carrying of concealed weapons had higher gun-related murders." While gun ownership doubled in the twentieth century, the murder rate decreased. John R. Lott, Jr., PhD, author of More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws, stated, "States with the largest increases in gun ownership also have the largest drops in violent crimes... The effect on 'shall-issue' [concealed gun] laws on these crimes [where two or more people were killed] has been dramatic. When states passed these laws, the number of multiple-victim shootings declined by 84 percent. Deaths from these shootings plummeted on average by 90 percent and injuries by 82 percent." A Dec. 10, 2014 Pew survey found that 57% of people believe that owning a gun protects
If everyone had access to normal guns only, and the one bad person wants to go on a shooting rampage, he will not able to kill that many innocent people ,someone would have time to disarm that bad person or shoot him. For example, “in 2012, a gunman using several weapons, including an assault rifle, opened fire in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, killing 12 and wounding 58” (Assault Weapons) if there was a ban on those weapons he couldn’t of hurt that many people. Many lives could have been saved, and crimes could have been prevented with a banning in the use of assault
The Gun Control issue has sparked major controversy in America today. People who support gun control feel that guns are the reason for the soaring crime rate in our country. I disagree with the supporters of gun control. I feel that because of the black market, violent criminals being released from prison early, and the need to ensure personal safety, stricter gun control will have very little impact on violent crime in America.
As far as overall gun violence is concerned, according to the FBI's 1998 Uniform Crime Reports, the overall violent crime rate in the US decreased about 7%. Robbery alone declined by 11%, the lowest since 1969. In addition, murder dropped by 7%, the lowest since 1967. More significantly, despite the fact the number of firearms and handguns owned by individual Americans continued to increase from 1997-1998, the FBI also reported the rate of firearms used to commit murder and robberies decreased in 1998. (1998 Uniform Crime Reports). These facts conclusively prove that firearms owned by peaceable citizens do not lead to increased murder or violent crime rates. In fact, they demonstrate that armed citizens lead to reduced rates of violent crime. When the gun is in the hands of a well-rounded person, it is no more of a weapon than your every day curling iron.
One of the biggest arguments against gun control is that it does not prevent criminals from committing violent crimes, such as murder. Based on information gathered by Argesti and Smith, this A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) study showed that when a handgun ban was put in effect in Washington D.C. “the murder rate averaged 73% higher than it was at the outset of the law” (Argesti and Smith). Another report from the FBI showed that when Florida and Texas implemented a right-to-carry law, their murder rates dropped by 30 and 36 percent (qtd. in Argesti and Smith). It is blatantly obvious that areas with high crime will continue to have the same level of crime, even after the implementation of stricter gun control laws.
Analects, a compilation of Confucius’ teachings, is greatly recognized as a work of utmost importance and influence in the Chinese culture. The book conveys Confucius’ beliefs on a wide variety of topics, including propriety, education, family relations, and government in efforts to enhance social order.
(Tucci 1). Kleck has written many books about gun control and self-defense, and received the Michael J. Hindelang award in 1993. Kleck studied 2,000 households and found that guns have been used more for self-defense than committing crimes. Kleck did research in 1993 on self-defense and found much information regarding crime versus self-defense. Research has found that robbery and assault rates are lower when the victims are armed with guns. The study on guns and use of self-defense was one of the most damaging arguments against restricted gun rights (Garrett 1). The two most relied on surveys are National Self-Defense Survey, researched by Marc Gertz and Gary Kleck in 1995, and the Police Foundation Survey done in 1996. During 1988-1993, “there were 2.5 million incidents of defensive gun use per year in the United States”. It has been proven that “…defensive uses of guns are about three to four times more common than criminal uses of guns” (Kleck 2). Out of all the criminal gun assaults, only 3% involve anyone being injured. The
While mass shootings cause a huge unnecessary loss of life, most killings in the United States come from murders and crimes. Guns should be banned to lower crime rates. Because “more than 70% of homicides are committed with a firearm” (Cannon n.p.) and 2.