Because of safety concerns, many states have increased the age at which teenagers can begin to drive. Yet, many teens need to have a license in order to go to work, due to their guardian having jobs as well. Also, teenagers can be taught discipline and responsibility when they learn to drive. As well, it is quite convenient to have a car so you can do errands for your guardian while they are sick and can’t leave home or if the parents at work. I believe that teenagers should have their license at sixteen because it gets them to work, can teach teenagers responsibility, and can be quite convenient for the guardian(s).
First of all, teenagers at the age of sixteen usually have jobs and their guardian(s) are usually at work themselves.
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Some teens look forward to getting their license so they can be treated more like adult and are given responsibility to help them mature themselves. Driving can also teach teenagers to strengthen their attention span. Also, driving can teach teens to take more care of the things that they need to in order to be able to drive such as gas, oil, if they need to rotate their tires, if they need to change their tires, and to see if they need to add brake fluid. Driving can teach young adults to take control and learn …show more content…
Many teens need to have a license to get their guardian to places if the guardian can’t drive themselves. Many teens find themselves needing to go somewhere for an event at school and their guardian cannot get them there. Also, a young adult may need a ride to a friends house to do a major project that is important to the grade of the teen. As well the teen might need to pick up the guardian and take them to an important
Imagine your 15 and cant wait until you can drive on your own. The day you get your license you start driving just for the fun of it. Next thing you know your speeding and run right into the car in front of you. I think that 16 year olds shouldn't drive because the problem with them driving is some of them aren't very mature. Their irresponsible behavior can sometimes cost lives. They get excited they can drive on their own and there's usual deadly consequences involved.
Teens can’t always rely on their parents to take them everywhere. Being able to drive at 16 maybe early, but it’s a new experience and helps parents out big time. Teens can take themselves to school, work, and sport activities.
When driving at the age of sixteen, teenagers can have more freedom to do the things they want. When I turned sixteen and received my license, I could finally do the things a teenager could only dream of. I was finally able to start off my dating life by going on long dates without having to worry about my parents or other guardians. I can go on relaxing strolls through the neighborhood whenever I want to just clear my mind. I
Teens make up about 8% of drivers in the world but, teens are involved in 20% of the accidents (“Protecting Our Children” n.p). As a result of getting a drivers license, teens don’t have to drive with their parents anymore which can be a big problem. Teens become careless when getting into a vehicle without a parent present. They want to cram in as many people as they can fit, turn up the radio, and have reckless amounts of fun being able to transport themselves for the first time. “The Insurance Institue of Highway Safety conducted endless amounts of research on teen accidents. They found that there is a high crash rate for new younger drivers than older more experienced ones due to their decision making and inexperience” (Lund 28). It has also been recorded that 17 and 18 year olds have also recorded less accidents than newly licensed drivers (Lund 28). Laura Mcelroy, police spokewomen, said, “Raising the driving age will save more lives, a more mature person behind the wheel will make better decisions” (“Shifting the Drving Age” 22). Older drivers are proven to have better decision making skills behind the wheel that would lead to less accidents and would end up saving more
One of the biggest things a teenager can accomplish in life is passing the driving license test and receiving their license. When teenagers meet the requirements to get their license it is a very exciting moment for them. Teens get that feeling that they are young adults once they received their license. Young teenagers feel very independent after get there license and start driving. A lot of young teens are ready to start driving so they can hang out with their friends, drive to work, and drive to school so they won’t have to ride the bus. Teens are so over whelmed but that don’t realize how important driving is. Driving takes skills and learning things to master it.
Driving as a teen is needed they need that freedom. teen driving is rapidly rising, but there are good in teen driving.Although opponents claim that it would be safer to raise the driving age, they should not raise the driving age requirements because it teaches teens responsibility, teens need to be able to drive to get to school and activities, and allows them to get job opportunities.“But the newly released teens would have little practical experience in the world”, Teens need that experience(driving)in the states it because teens need a piece of the real world.teens need to be able to drive to get to school, work and sports
At the age of sixteen driving is a coming of age- a transition from childhood to adulthood. With many things the older a child gets the more prepared they are but with driving it is not dependent to a certain age but rather experience. To many American families teen driving is undeniably a privilege. To receive a license as a developing 16 year old one needs guardian permission. If such activity is a privilege to begin with it should come with certain requirements and regulations.
I am fully aware that many young adults are eager to get behind the wheel but doing it safely is the best method. Experts claim,” teens in these states may be waiting until they turn 18 to apply for a license because that allows them to bypass the restrictions”. Honestly, this is the reason for which I haven’t studied to receive my permit and get experience behind the wheel, may be also because I’m lazy it is another reason for which I think teens wait until 18. Waking up early on Saturday mornings to get a feel what it’s like is much more simpler than studying for it to get a permit when 16. I personally think I’d be wasting my time, but in this case it is more beneficial for the driver's
When teens are driving by themselves, they are making themselves become more independent. When teenagers come independent they start taking their responsibilities more serious, and become more like adults. When the parent drives the teen around all the time they are being more dependent just by sitting in the passenger's seat. The teen can learn more if they are in front of the wheel. Teens should be able to drive at the age of sixteen because they will become more helpful and being able to learn the way driving life world before they become an
When it comes down to the teenagers and getting their driver’s licenses it’s not a bad idea. “At least two bills are now working their way through Congress that will change the way a teenager in the United States obtain his or her driver’s licenses.” Teenagers who are sixteen years old and older should not have federal regulation on driving in most states.
Single parents with more than one child that participate in different activities that are in different places across town will start to stress and have to put off plans in their life. As teens age, they become more active. School clubs, social functions, weekend activities and after-school jobs typically require transportation. Parents are usually first on deck to provide it, and if there is more than one teenager in the house, the coming and going can become chaotic. Letting teenagers drive gives mom and dad a break as the teens take on more responsibility for getting themselves around. This will also be helping with the transportation needs of younger
First of all, learning to drive is a very practical thing to do. With a car, teens can be more efficient when it comes to traveling. Teens need this privilege because 16 is about the average age to get your first job, and would be a lot easier if teens could get there with a car. On top of that, there are other places needed to go as a teen. A commenter said on that a car is very useful in a teen’s
The ownership of a motor vehicle and the ability to drive provides teenagers with a sense of independence that they desire. As the teenagers grow up, they will inevitably have to live their own life at some time, and driving and car ownership is the introduction to this. Teenagers need the feeling that they are growing up, and don’t need to rely on their parents as much as they once did. In the article, “Reasons That Teenagers Should Be Able to Drive”, it states, “Driving is an important milestone that allows teenagers to transition from childhood into adulthood independently. Having access to a driver’s license means that your child can get from point A to point B alone -- and this is of major importance to
Many young people learn to drive as soon as they're old enough. Having a car is a huge freedom - you can go wherever you like whenever you like. Not only that, but many jobs require that you have a car or at least hold a driving license so that you can run errands or go to see clients.
Teens need to be taught that driving is a task that is complex and demanding. Parents know how much experience a young driver has, and they know exactly how inconvenient it is when they have to drive with their teen everywhere while they have their permit. Teens tend to cause most traffic accidents in adults’ eyes. They are not experienced yet, and often fail to pay attention to others on the road. They often think of a car as being some type of toy, but they do not know how powerful it really is. The driver education programs must be strengthened in order to make sure that students really have safer habits, behind the wheel experience, and by having a better understanding of all the laws on the road.