
To What Extent Was The Civil War Inevitable

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I believe the Civil War was inevitable. Both sides had strong beliefs and had a strong separation between them. At some point in time, the North and the South were doomed to fight for their beliefs on slavery. On one hand the North absolutely against slavery, while the South was for it. Between the North and South's different beliefs, tension, and laws the Civil War was bound to happen.
To begin, one reason the Civil War was unavoidable was both sides had because very strong opinions. The North and South both strongly believed in their way of life. On the North’s side of it, they were against slavery. The North was made up of many abolitionists that truly believed in their cause to end slavery. However, the South was determined not to let …show more content…

One source of tension was when Lincoln who was a Northerner against slavery, became president. The pro-slavery southerners were much against Lincoln becoming president. Another event that increased tension between the North and the South was the Kansas-Nebraska Act. In the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the citizens of the territory got to decide for themselves whether slavery would be permitted or not permitted in the territory, introducing popular sovereignty. This act created tension through riots and attacks between Northerners and Southerners, which resulted in Kansas being nicknamed “Bleeding Kansas”. The Compromise of 1850 also created tension between the sides. In the Compromise of 1850, there were 5 major points included. There however there were three that created much tension about slavery. These included, that California would be admitted into the Union as a free state, The Mexican secession would be divided into two territories in which slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty. It also said slavery would continue and the fugitive act would be strengthened. This compromised made much more people in the North more upset that slavery would

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