
To What Extent Was The Reconstruction Of America After The Civil War

Decent Essays

남북전쟁 후 공화당이 정치의 주도권을 장기간에 걸쳐 장악한 일은 그후 미국사회를 공업화하는 데 크게 도움이 되었다. 도시는 발달하고 교통기관도 확장되었다. 그러나 패전 후의 재건에 고심하는 남부는 여전히 농업사회로 남게 되었고 대(大)플랜테이션은 분할되었다. 해방된 흑인은 자본의 결여, 기술의 결여, 낮은 교육 수준 등으로 자립하거나 기간산업의 임금노동자가 될 수 없어 태반은 영세소작인이 되었다. 남부에 공업이 발달하여 흑인들이 공업 노동자가 된 것은 20세기에 들어와서부터이다. In chapter 15, the book tells about the situation of America in 1865 to 1877. The most important theme in 1865 to 1877 of America is the reconstruction of America after civil war ends. At this time, America could be defined as reconstruction era and the change of the south. As soon as the civil war was finished, Lincoln, who was the 16th president of America, proclaimed the emancipation proclamation to abolish slavery. However, unfortunately, emancipation proclamation had no good effect to release the slavery in entire states at the time when emancipation proclamation was declared. …show more content…

Therefore, actually emancipation of slavery could be possible, so that many African Americans could be free from their masters, and finally they could enjoy the human’s rights in America. For these freedmen, the federal government redistributed land. In fact, there were good advantages after the civil war, but there were also some bad points especially in the south. Many white who lived in the south part, lost their property during the war, so they should have become sharecroppers. Therefore, many southerners turned their anger on the African American. They proposed black code that discriminated against the black. Some southerners made The Ku Klux Klan to use violence to blacks. As a result, many African Americans were killed by riots which was happened by some

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