Colonist were far too particular in how their government should function and how life should go about its course. The revolutionary war was a very noteworthy and questionable war. Britain had sent several ships out to the new world to settle. Later on, Britain had imposed several taxes to the colonies in hopes to pay for the debt reaped by The French And Indian War. Colonist reacted very hostile to the taxes. From that point forward, colonist had ignited a flame within the colonies that was directed to the British and King George III. Violent events and actions were exchanged between the two, such as: The Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, and many battles. Britain and the colonies had begun a war over government. The colonist were not justified to rebel against their parent nation, because the taxes imposed were reasonable, Parliament had given birth to the settlement, and colonist had been attacking the one who was protecting them. …show more content…
There had been many taxes imposed on the colonist prior to the war, being: The Stamp Act (1765), The Tea Act (1773), The Townshend Acts (1767), The Sugar Act (1764), The Navigation Acts (1651, 1660, 1663). Each tax was placed to help resolve the debt reaped by the French & Indian War that Britain had. However, the colonist did not feel that they should be taxed. In addition, the taxes placed upon the colonist were miniscule compared to the citizen of Britain living in Britain (Document A). The evidence displays that colonist should not have declared war on their homeland because they were being treated as equal if not better in some financial
The Colonists were very much justified to break for independence and freedom from the British rule. The way the British tried to rule over the Colony helped feed the spark of revolution. The British were making the Colonists feel like they never got away from Britain and the King's rule. They made a British Parliament with no American representatives, taxed them for the French and Indian war, and sent in troops to live in their homes. These are just three of the many events that started the spark of revolution.
Parliament had put them there to keep peace between the colonists and Native Americans. Since the money was being used for their gain, they saw no reason why the tax would not be tolerable especially since it was not a very large amount of money. Also, some of the money from the tax went towards paying off the debt from the Seven Years War. Since the victory had benefited the colonies because they had endured intermittent warfare with the French for eighty years. They considered them British subjects, so they naturally they assumed that they should help with the cost just like every other British citizen. “If they are not subject to this burden of tax, they are not entitled to the privilege of Englishmen.” (George Greenville). After the French and Indian War, exports to America achieved a high on twenty-five percent of total British exports. Therefore America was sufficiently equipped to pay for its own defense, yet they still refused to do so. Smuggling in the colonies was excessive, and the enforcement of the trade laws was not closely watched. Deferring a new tax would give the Americans more time to form opposition, so the faster it is enacted the more likely the chance of success. The colonial people had the privilege of the rights of Englishmen and were given the freedom of their own government and raising
There are many reasons why the American colonist decided to rebel. One cause is the British Parliament. They started The Stamp Act and The Sugar Act. They made and raised taxes on sugar and on every printed piece of paper such as stamps, licenses, newspapers and even playing cards. Another reason they rebelled is the French and Indian war. This war lasted from 1754 to 1763. Colonists were taxed to help pay for the troops fighting in the war.The taxes were often raised and colonists were angry because of this. The last reason of why the colonist rebelled is the Boston Massacre. The British were angered by the taxes from the government so they decided to protest and a battle broke out and several people were shot and killed.
Huge debts were owed to Great Britain for supplying the colonists with military support and supplies. To pay the dues, there was the establishment of the Stamp Act, the taxation on domestic goods and services. A tax on domestic merchandise brought even more anger to the colonists. The Sugar Act, the Townshed Duties and the Tea Act were also all introduced with the same fundamentals: applying tax on goods whether it be directly or indirectly, domestic or international. “British commercial regulations imposed a paltry economic burden on Americans, who enjoyed a rapid economic growth and a standard of living higher than their European counterparts” (McGaughy). Each act resulted in irritated colonists. Some even retaliated by tarring and feathering certain English tax enforcers living in the colonies.
According to the Declaration Of Independence, abuse of the representative powers and their natural rights gave the people the right to eliminate their current government and create a new one. Thomas Jefferson outlines the mistakes of the British government, and asserts that citizens were restricted of natural rights. In such case, during the American Revolution, colonies had the right to get rid of their government because the king was not rightly protecting the citizens rights. Not only that, but direct taxes were enforced upon the citizens leading to acts being passed in opposition to the rebellion. All things considered, I would say that the American Revolution was justified under the Declaration of Independence.
They thought that there was not good enough reason for the new taxes. England on the other hand stated that they taxed the colonist more because they were nearly bankrupt after the French and Indian War. That felt someone had to help compensate and since the American colonies benefited more. They need to bear most of the cost for England’s’ protection and administration. (Pg.536). Between 1763 and 1774, the government passed a new series of laws; placing the colonies under strict restrictions and making them pay higher taxes.
All the dispute between American colonist and the government of United kingdom take place when King George III send his military to America to control the agony created by the American colonist. This move of ruling government was quite unacceptable for American colonist as they consider it quite uneasy situation for me (Neil L. York). This step enhances the resentment in local people, and they start showing their hate to the government and military of the ruling country. With the passage of time, the situation becomes worse for the government to maintain law and order situation in the colony of America. Ultimately all these small events of hate for the ruling government leads the situation towards the Boston Massacre.
war, it is a sign of radical action. Britains' army was four times as big
The Revolutionary War was not inevitable because America could have gained its independence in a more diplomatic way. Australia, Canada and Jamaica gained their independence from Britain without going to war. The colonists would have gotten their independence but it would have taken longer; and they would have had to deal with the taxing and restrictions on trade for a little longer. The colonists needed Great Britain less and less as the population grew, so it would have been difficult to keep absolute control like they wanted to. The revolutionary war was not inevitable because America would have been independent eventually.
Imagine a country where the government could do anything they wanted because it was simply their “right.” The revolution was caused by a series of events which were started by the king passing taxes on the colonists and enforcing laws which were violating the civilians natural rights. There has been an argument since the war started about whether the colonists were justified in declaring independence and breaking away from their home country. The American colonists were justified in waging war for independence against Britain because the british government ignored countless formal petitions sent, the government didn’t have the right to impose taxes on the settlers, and Britain waged war against the colonists.
Many people have the misconception that the American Revolution occurred because British colonists did not want to be British citizens any longer. This may have been the case for a select few, but many British colonists desired to maintain their status as British colonists and citizens. The foremost reason that the colonists began protests, boycotts, and petitions against the British was because they believed their innate rights as British citizens were being violated. The American Revolution occurred due to a chain of events and a complex set of intertwined reasons.
The british were very unfair and very unattractive to the american colonies mostly because of power and money the american colonies just wanted independence and self ruling for their own colony that's why we had the american revolution. In the 1760s, shortly after the conclusion of the french and indian war, the british parliament passed a series of laws and taxes on the american colonies.They created unfair laws and taxes on the british.The colonist disagreed with great britain on the fairness of these laws and taxes which led to conflict between the two sides.Eventually, this erupted into the American Revolution.(doc 1) The american colonies wanted to make there own decisions and have their independence.But the british wanted to rule and make laws and taxes for the american colonies also to punish the americans for their wrong doings.The american colonies do organized protest in spite of these laws and actions.Patrick henry responds to the stamp act patrick says in one of his speeches king George is a tyrant he breaks rules he is a threat to his own people.When Patrick Henry puts that in his speech it really lets you know that what they were doing was wrong and for king George to be leading it makes it even worst because he knows what he is doing and did not really care alongs as the british colonies were getting money for the debt they were in after the French and Indian war.
There were several acts that were passed without the consideration of the colonists that would force them to pay a ridiculous amount of taxes to the British mainland. One of these acts was named the Stamp Act, which was enacted in 1765, forced the colonists to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper that they used. This would include legal documents, license, commercial contracts and newspapers in the tax. This tax mostly effected the wealthier and influential of the colonists and would force them to unite in opposition. There were several other acts that would be passed that would force the colonists to pay undue taxes to the British, such as the Quartering Act and the Tea
And in order to collect the taxes, the Bratians raisen the Sugar Act and Stamp Act to put more restrictions on colonial trade and forced colonists to buy special stamped paper. That makes conlonist getting angry and to against the "Taxation without representation", the only thing they want to do is to elect their own colonial legislatures. Also the Proclamation of 1763, bans them from crossing and going to the settlement of the west. So the colonial rebellion is reasonable, they just deserved to have much more control over their own government. For the resistance, colonies coordinate to boycott the British goods. And the matter was worsened when the British government enforced the Townshend Acts through force, it imposed taxes on imported goods from Britain, which really hurt many colonial merchants. And colonies respond that with more boycott. Although the Tea Party removed taxes on tea sold by British, but American tea still taxed. So on the December 16th, 1776 the Boston Tea Party dump 90,000 pounds of tea into the ocean to resist. But after that, British soldiers flooded into Boston, and colonists had to feed and lodge them. The Continental Congress was formed to reason the King George, in the attempt to keep the peace between Britaish and colonies, but he refused the negotiation, and sent troops to
There was another by-product of the war for Britain; her national debt more than doubled during the course of the conflict. At a time when Britain was starting to bend beneath the weight of the debt, it was only a matter of time before parliament looked to the colonies to help shoulder some of the price incurred in their defense. The Sugar and Stamp Acts were the first of many measures to tax the colonists. The Townshend Duties and the Tea Act would follow. While these measures outraged the colonists because of their monetary implications, it was the constitutional implications brought on by the Acts that were most offensive to the colonists. Until after the Seven Years War, the colonists had been left to essentially tax themselves. Now the colonists had a rallying cry, as they deplored the idea of no taxation without representation. In 1765 the Stamp Act Congress was held, and in a bid of utter defiance the representatives agreed that the colonial legislative assemblies alone had the right to tax the colonies. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, but only after agreeing to pass the Declaratory Act, which informed the colonies that Britain did in fact have the right to legislate for the