What are the health effects of smoking tobacco products on the human body, and how has the tobacco industry changed over the past century? Tobacco has been a major cash crop for civilizations around the world for centuries. Many peoples have smoked,chewed and even cooked with this crop for its “supposed” medical benefits. However, how can we be so sure that Tobacco is a clean and safe crop? The overwhelming amount of research done on this topic has been under-way since the early 1800’s. Studies have shown that the use of tobacco, can and most likely will lead to Cancer, Heart Disease, COPD and many other diseases. Cancer is an abnormal disease where the blood cells of the body will divide out of control and invade other tissues. These cells spread to various parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems, this eliminates the body’s ability to flush out toxins and other pathogens. As an example, oral cancer may spread to other parts of the mouth, head and neck. After this spread, if left alone the cells will continue to multiply, and finally spread until it consumes the entire body. Cancer can be detected in many different ways, many general physicians will do general tests searching for symptoms such as patches on the skin, soreness that will not heal, lumping or other deformities of the body. Many doctors have tried to detect cancer early with high tech imaging equipment and often invasive surgical procedures that often unfortunately detect the disease too late. A
Tobacco has been around in the world for over 2.5 million years. It was not until a few hundred years ago when the tobacco industry decided to put these crops into use and conjure up tobacco products for the community. A popular tobacco product in society is cigarettes, as they are cheap and simple to use. As long as one is over eighteen, acquiring cigarettes is a straightforward process for a reasonable price, albeit the sin tax. It was not until recently when cigarettes became widely controversial due to the plant containing nicotine, an addictive drug to the body. Aside from containing nicotine and other hazardous chemicals to the body, cigarettes also cause a whole host of health implications
Since prevention is the most significant cancer preventing tool, it is essential that cancer be discovered as soon as possible prior to infecting the whole body. The symptoms of cancer will depend based on the location, size, and how greatly it influences the organs or tissues. If a cancer cell has extended over large area of the body, then symptoms will definitely appear in various parts of the body. When a cancer
Tobacco, Smokes, Cancer Sticks, Chew, Dip, whatever you want to call it, has been poisoning the innards of individuals since the days of the prehistoric Mayas of Mexico at around 600 to 900 A.D. This tobacco craze would resume in the society of the American Indians and later to the European settlers. In the early seventeenth century, tobacco was the chief cash crop of America’s first colony, Jamestown Virginia. This crop would continue to flourish in throughout history. By the early 1900’s, The American Tobacco Company was the leading and most influential tobacco corporation. The game completely changed at the time of the two World Wars however. Soldiers began receiving free cigarettes and the industry began targeting women as potential costumers as they were gaining new rights and liberties in society at this time. In 1964, the cigarette empire began to see its decline when the Surgeon General of the U.S. wrote a report about the dangers of cigarette smoking. After this statement by “America’s doctor”, legislation did everything in their power to detour people form purchasing these harmful products. They have gone as far as to make tobacco companies label “caution” on their products. Tobacco companies have recently been having trouble selling their
This, along with lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema are results of the consumption of tobacco. The author also explains the other factors tobacco has that can lead someone into addiction such as irritability, problems paying attention, trouble sleeping, increased appetite, and powerful cravings for tobacco. This information is important for our project because it describes the effects tobacco can have on someone. The author also states that consuming too much tobacco can lead to an overdose. Although it is not common, it can happen because nicotine is a dangerous
The consumption of cigarettes negatively impact the health of smokers and nonsmokers exposed. In this section we will focus in the negative heath effects of consumption in smokers. The consequences of tobacco consumption to the health appeared in the early twentieth century. there are published thousands of articles and reviews of this theme and show us that smoking is related with alterations in all organs and systems.
According to statistics in the 20th century the world over 100 million people died of tobacco-related diseases. However, the proportion of smokers has not decreased, or even increased due to the limited understanding of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke, knowledge is limited.
Tobacco products can harm your body, mind, and harm others around. Smoking can harm you in multiple ways, it can cause cancer in the throat, lungs, etc. As seen here by tobacco
Malignant tumor or malignantneoplasm, also known as cancer, is a disease caused by abnormal cell growth. The cell is potential to spread to other parts of the body. But not all tumors are cancerous such as benign tumors. They do not invade to other parts of the body. Some people may have symptoms such as abnormal bleeding, a prolonged cough, a new lump, unexplained weight loss, and a change in bowel movements among others. But those symptoms do not only indicate cancer, they can also occur because of other issues. Actually, there are over 100 different known cancers that affect humans.
Healthy People 2020 describes some of the harmful effects caused by tobacco. Those causes outlined are cancer, heart disease and stroke, lung diseases, reproductive effects, and many other diseases. (2017) These harmful effects are direct to the smoker but are also harmful secondhand to those who because subjected to the smoke. Children are especially exposed to secondhand smoke as they have limited control in escaping from it. Diseased commonly caused and also discussed in Healthy People 2020 are “severe asthma attacks, respiratory infections, ear infections, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)” (2017) The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services posted an article with the Surgeon General, titled, The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress.; outlined in
There are a wide variety of cancer types. They all have several things in common, however. Each cancer starts with cells that become abnormal or cancerous. These cells reproduce and form a mass of cancerous cells. This mass is called a tumor. When the cancerous cells spread, or metastasize, they can impact other tissues, organs, and systems of the body. A second commonality among cancers is that when they are detected early, they are easier to treat and the treatments are more likely to work. In many cases, a cancer that is caught early can be completely destroyed.
U.S. citizens have died early in result of using tobacco. Using tobacco will lead to disability and disease and harms multiple organs in the body. No matter how a person uses tobacco, tobacco still dangerous to a person's health. There is absolutely no safe substances in tobacco products. The substances that are inhaled do not just harm the lungs, they harm every part of the body. Throat cancer is hard to deal with. The tobacco commercials that air on T.V. are real people who face throat cancer. In result of using tobacco often, cancer could be found anywhere in the body. Most areas that cancer can be found, might surprise some people. Different areas that people would never think of is, bladder, esophagus, liver. The more areas of cancer,
According to “The Action of Smoking and Health,” every six seconds someone loses their life as a result of a tobacco related disease. It’s hard to realize how damaging cigarette smoking’s effect can be until you experience it first hand. It is almost certain that every one knows someone who is currently a smoker or was a smoker at some point in their life. For years smoking was the seen as the “cool” thing to do, it was how to “fit in.” There was no real emphasis placed on the dangers of this particular habit, and as a result, it became a world wide trend. In the past, technology and medicine were not nearly advanced enough to be able to determine just how harmful tobacco usage is. However, as we have made medical and
Smoking can lead to health problems that can destroy the consumers future. Smoking is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. each year. For example, "Smoking has killed more people in the U.S. alone than the number of Americans killed in battle or who died of war related diseases in all wars ever fought by this nation. The total number of U.S. deaths in the Vietnam War was 58,151,¨(¨Other Health Dangers¨). Smoking has many different chemicals that are harmful to the body. Some of the problems that are caused by smoking are lung cancer, cancers of the mouth, larynx (throat), esophagus, bladder, kidney, cervix, and blood (leukemia). These can all be caused by smoking and then there will be a greater risk of getting these
“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times”-Mark Twain. Have you ever smoked or used any tobacco products? It is well known that tobacco has become a big issue in the 21st century, these issues include underage smoking and harmful effects to the body. Tobacco is been identified under the category of peppers, potatoes and the poisonous nightshade. Tobacco is a harmful leaf from an American plant that has been linked to deadly diseases, such as cancer or lung diseases. This paper will examine the history of tobacco, the causes and effects of tobacco-related items, and why it is still legal.
Although it remains a large portion of the U.S’ economy, tobacco smoking can lead to a variety of diseases and disorders that affect the user. The effects of smoking tobacco not only affect the user but surrounding people as well: permanently destroying their lungs and children, increasing the chances of diseases and of cancer.