
Toddler Quality Communication

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When caring for infants and toddlers there is a degree of care that has to be mutually positive between the child, the family, and the caregiver. I have been fortunate to experience this fully and have seen the wonderment of learning and independent development with children as they continue to grow. Unfortunately, I have also seen where this has not worked well. In supporting the infant who is seeking security I tend to maximize the quality in a routine of care for the reliance of the infant in their expectations of basic needs. I also consider high quality communication with the parents to be paramount in providing my third support of consideration the child’s change in needs. Understanding the state of a child when they have had their first long visit with grandma, may have long lasting repercussions in the child’s expectations and new sensations in smells, touches, and sounds that may provide …show more content…

With toddlers, the support in language is key to enhance quality communication. Whether it’s a native tongue, sign language, or body expression, offering reciprocating responses at their level enforces their practices and builds for further communication. In the transition from infant to toddler, a support I change is the routine. We move from a more care oriented routine to a independent support routine. It’s an evolution from ‘teacher-do’ to ‘child-do’. Providing accommodations for example in hanging up coats at the child’s level, providing a specific shoes only space, activity buckets with pictures for corresponding toy placement, and also a picture schedule of ‘what we did and what we will do’. These accommodations allows the child to rely on their own achievements through expected processes and placements, with added caregiver praise (most important) to give independent exploration and achievement within their

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