
Tola Lesson Summary And Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

I'm not necessarily aiming for greatness; I just want to do something really cool. I'm not looking for praise; I just want to prove myself to the world. I have always been an amazing entrepreneur. I started making money online when I was ten years old. I've dabbled in affiliate marketing, product creation, and many other online businesses with enough success to afford myself nice teenage luxuries like cool electronics and fashionable clothes. I have even managed to build a healthy five figure website development and search engine optimization business. However, I know I'm far from done because I have this innate feeling inside of me that I will build something MONUMENTAL.

"Tola Lesson #1, turn bad experiences into opportunities". In grade ten, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease after two tough months. I remember going inside an emergency room for the first time in my life. Shockingly, although there was disgusting bile in a container, vomit all over the room and my intestines were …show more content…

As long as you keep learning from your setbacks, one day, things will start to click. When things click, it won't stop because success is a compound effect and builds upon itself. I finally got Gumlie up and running in December of 2015. Just ten days after launch, and Gumlie has garnered top thirty rankings in 56 organically ranked keywords all over the world, 18659 unique visitors, 8967 gameplays, 12900 minutes of gameplay, 186 registered users, and 36 daily active users. Gumlie as a gaming platform is gaining momentum and I know the sky is the limit. It feels really good to finally have validation, but I know this is just the first milestone in the journey of my company. Mark my words, 2016 will be Gumlies' breakout year. Gumlie is either going to hit eight-figure monthly visits, hit seven-figure monthly active users, hit nine-figure gameplays or shatter all of those milestones. Keep your eyes peeled for

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