
Tom Sawyer Research Paper

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Themes of Freedom and Childhood Fantasy in Tom Sawyer “There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy’s life when he has the desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure” -Mark Twain. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is about the boyhood of a troublesome kid named Tom who goes on many adventures. Tom causes lots of trouble in people’s lives, but is also a hero to many in his town. Through Tom’s ideas, adventures, and interactions between things and people, Twain explores themes representing freedom and childhood fantasy. Tom has many ideas that show he wants to be a free person and childhood fantasies of growing up. When Tom is whitewashing for playing hooky and skipping school, he shows he doesn’t wish to be doing this …show more content…

When Tom runs away to become a pirate, he has many newfound freedoms. His dream of being a pirate is coming true. Tom feels free when being a pirate. He says, “You don’t have to get up mornings, and you don’t have to go to school, and wash, and all that blame foolishness. You see a pirate don’t have to do anything” (Twain 85). Tom thinks he is finally free by going on this adventure. He doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to do. The childhood fantasies of Tom’s are coming true by going on this pirating exploration. Tom also is trying to to be free by going on an adventure with Becky. On page 184 Tom and Becky go into a cave together, when they aren’t allowed. They end up getting separated from the tour group, exploring the cave. Tom wants to be free with Becky, not being told what to do. Becky and Tom go into the cave, living a childhood dream of them being together forever. Twain shows how Tom is free from having to be told what to do. Going on this adventure allows Tom to have the childhood fantasy of love come true. Tom also goes on another adventure in the cave to get money. Tom says to Huck, “The money’s in the cave!” (Twain 198). Tom wants to get the money, because it means he can free of poverty and have what he wants. As a child Tom has always dreamed of being rich and now his dream can come

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