You may have heard that tomatoes and processed tomato products such as tomato sauce, tomato paste, and canned tomatoes protect against some types of cancer. The cancer-preventing properties of tomato products have been attributed to lycopene. It is a bright red pigment found in tomatoes and other red fruits and is the cause of their red colour. Unlike other fruits and vegetables, where nutritional content such as vitamin C is diminished upon cooking, processing of tomatoes increases the concentration of lycopene. Lycopene concentration in tomato paste is four times more than in fresh tomatoes. This is because lycopene is insoluble in water and is tightly bound to vegetable fiber. Thus, processed tomato products such as pasteurized tomato juice,
Out of the three main forms of text, fiction, screen writing and plays, and poetry, poetry might be the most analyzed and critically thought out for of text. Poetry can be both simple or complex, it can be easy to understand or full of metaphors and symbols, on thing all poetry has in common is that it can be looked at using critical theories. A main theory that can be allied to most of poetry is structuralism. Structuralism is understanding concepts through their relation to other concepts (Alton, Structuralism, 1). Poetry is perfect for this because of the many metaphors and similes that poems can have. Stephen Dobyns’ poem Tomatoes. If a reader were to use the structuralism theory while reading this poem they might read it in a different way and not so literally.
GREEN TOMATOES, in addition with its rich source of antioxidants and vitamin B, also contain an alkaloid called tomatine. This alkaloid fetches a protective shield against harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Tomatine serves as anti-carcinogenic agent and henceforth inhibits cancers related to breast, colon, stomach, and liver.
A Google search for fruit and vegetable prescriptions programs yielded five program reports that included evaluation of participant’s health impacts. Following are program description and evaluation results:
19. Groups of people with high fruit and vegetable intakes often have low rates of cancer.
Used of lycopene have been studied extensively through epidemiological and biochemical investigations of its properties and its bioavailability. No adverse events have been reported in association with the consumption of lycopene-containing foods (Kalai, 2011). Lycopene is synthesized by plants and microorganisms, but not by animals. It is a red open-chain unsaturated carotenoid, acyclic isomer of beta-carotene, and longer than any other carotenoid. This highly unsaturated hydrocarbon contains 11 conjugated and 2 unconjugated double bonds, predisposing lycopene to isomerization and degradation upon exposure to light, excessive heat, and air (Lee and Chen, 2002; Yang et al.,2006).
Advancements in technology have changed the way of living. The benefits of swapping DNA make the organism more acceptable to the ecosystem; therefore, increasing the survival rate of the organism like cash crops. With our Economy, reliant on these crops there must be a way to produce the most yield without loss. By using GMOs, we can produce a better outcome without spraying pesticides, which is harmful, on the ecosystem. But the Media has portrayed GMOs to cause cancer in the consumer which is causing a concern if GMOs are safe for us to eat.
Tomatoes are also high in beta-carotene. They can increase skin pigmentation while improving your overall health. Tomatoes are filled with antioxidants that can help fight
Tomatoes are ripened with ethylene gases instead of ripened on the vine. According to the film makers, the food industry doesn’t want anyone to know about where our food comes from, how it is processed, what chemicals are used, and how things are prepared. This is due to the risk that no one would be willing to purchase and use many items. Corn is used in most processed foods in many forms, and 30% of U.S. land is used to grow corn. The government pays farmers to over produce corn.
During colonial times, tomatoes would not be eaten for people to enjoy, it was anything but that. Folklore had it were if you ate a tomato, your blood would turn into acid and you would die. Instead people used them purely for decoration. Although they thought this, some people also knew that they were actually okay to eat. The tomato was Also nicknamed the poison apple in the colonial times, but this is just another part of history that this great food has.
Guacamole has been known to help fight back against cancer. All you have to do is chop up tomatoes,
One study was performed on a group of rats (rats and mice share 99% DNA with humans) that ate Calgene Flavr-Savr tomatoes. These GMO tomatoes were made to look fresh for longer periods of time. After 28 days, all of the rats experienced bleeding in their stomachs due to stomach lesions and seven of these rats died. (Lendman).
However, the link between the consumption of red meat and various health risks including colon cancer and CVD is yet to be established given that the different types of studies have been shown to contradict each other. The future of red meat consumption is therefore still a debatable issue that will require more conclusive studies in future. However, given that no study has been able to disapprove the notion that red meat can increase the risk of a variety of health concerns, it is recommended that consumers reduce their consumption or red meat to at least prevent chances of developing these health risks. According to experts, white meat obtained from such sources as chicken and fish can be used as substitutes given that they have not been associated with these risks. However, they should also be consumed in moderation. Consumers can also acquire proteins and other nutrients from such plant foods as peas and beans among a variety of other
Everywhere you look there is a rising concern for health from these added ingredients. Let’s take a look at tomatoes, Fresh tomatoes are considered to be very good for you and aid to help prevent cancer, the canned ones not so much. Canned processed foods are a concern because of the material the can is made of. The lining of almost all canned foods contain a chemical called BPA. Studies show that BPA affects the way genes work inside the brain. Tomatoes are exceptionally dangerous due to the high acidic level. The acid reacts to the BPA making the chemical transfer into the tomatoes instead of staying in the lining of the can. This is just one example and one type of processed canned foods, there are thousands more. America is the most over fed, under nourished country
Firstly, the deliberate and constrained dissemination and acceptance of tomatoes are derivative of the fact that when first introduced into the “Old World”, and considered poisonous, people did not embrace them, particularly the wealthy, landed, educated, and farming classes. Indeed, tomatoes are a member of the poisonous Nightshade family, and people grew them as "botanical curiosities," not food. However, they grew well in Spain and Italy and by the 17th century had slowly dispersed throughout Southern Europe, eventually spreading to Northern Europe and the American colonies.
There are certain types of foods, which are known to increase the production of lycopene. Lycopene is a natural SPF. This antioxidant is mainly found in tomatoes, as well as other orange and red fruits and vegetables. It is very essential in providing additional skin protection against UV, by more than 33%. One rich source is tomato paste. Another group of foods that are beneficial to the skin are polyphenols. These antioxidants are mainly found in green tea. Dark chocolate is another great food substance, since it is high in flavonoids, which can protect the skin against sunburns.