One of the first avengers, in the comics, is a superhero with a scientific improbable suit named Iron Man. With his genius, he built a tool to use for the forces of good and saves the day with the weapon he has built. The man behind and inside the suit is billionaire, playboy, boy/man genius Tony Stark. He is constantly being praised for his intelligence and young genius. This all culminates with him being built up so high that nothing, seemingly, can take him down or out. The only problem is that, at least in the Marvel cinematic universe and in subsequent renditions of this character, Tony Stark has a strikingly blatant personality disorder. The Marvel cinematic universe began their long string of successful movies with the superhero Iron …show more content…
This idea that he should be the one to enforce the peace, going above the law of the land and even the local police department, shows that the thinker has an inflated ego. Most superheroes have this idea as most, if not all superheroes, do not answer to the police. They are, after all, sporting a vigilante justice system that they aren’t often called out one. However, this common delusion of grandeur shared by many superheroes does not end there as most other heroes do. With other heroes, this conceited attitude doesn’t carry into their ‘normal’ life. When one takes a look at Tony Stark’s general personality, one might call him ‘full of himself’ or, as this paper will define him, a narcissist. Iron Man shows all of the signs of a man suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder’s symptoms are described as a subject having an “Exaggerated sense of self-importance, exploitativness, [and] relationships [being] largely superficial” (Sue. 2006. Pg. 454) from …show more content…
As for treatment, there is no medication to treat such a disorder. The only treatment that would be available to treat Tony Starks Narcissistic Personality Disorder would be therapy. The problem with this is that People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder “are among the most difficult patients to convince to seek help. Indeed, the very nature of their ailment makes narcissists believe there is nothing wrong with them – they think they are smarter than everyone else, so why should they believe what others tell them?” (Marcovitz. 2009. Pg. 63). In the final scene in Iron Man 3 it is revealed that Tony has been telling the whole plot of the movie to Dr. Bruce Banner (aka: The Incredible Hulk), the entire movie being a flashback that Tony is narrating himself. The only problem is that Dr. Banner’s PhD is not held in the realm of psychology or medicine, but in the realm of science so visiting him would not be considered a treatment. At the end of the movie Banner says “I’m not that kind of doctor; I don’t have the…temperament” (Iron Man 3. 2013). Due to this lack of the proper PhD, his talk with Dr. Banner is less of a therapy session and more of him taking an opportunity to talk about
For the movie Iron Man, the whole movie focus on the life of Tony Stark, a billionaire, a technical geniuses, and he also own a weapon manufacturing company which was belonged his father. At the beginning of the film, his life can be describes as extravagant, but after he is kidnapped by the new-found troop, he has some changes on his character trait. After Tony survives from the new-found troop, he decides to shut down his weapon manufactory. Next, he tries to put his focus on the iron armor, he wants to make some useful products to benefit the society rather than keep his weapon business because his weapons in different hands will have different results, some of them bring disaster to the world. When Tony decides to attack the troop to save the innocent villagers in Gulmira, he shows he wants to become a better person. Tony tries to practice virtues in his life to become better human being, and these behaviors helps him to bring good life for his communities.
The first Iron Man with Robert Downey Jr. came out in 2008 originally a comic book series and tv show remake. Iron Man starts off as Tony Stark a businessman on a trip for his job and being attacked and held captive until escaping by making the first version of the Iron Man suit. After there were many conflicts involving attacks with other robotic machines. American mythology writer Joseph Campbell suggests that most hero’s follow a specific pattern called the hero’s journey. In this pattern the hero leaves their regular life and plunges into the unknown with many challenges to overcome.
Tony Ede, a volunteer, has experienced the happiness that people get from the volunteering. From helping people through hard times as a pastor, saving lives as a volunteer EMT, and helping the homeless, Tony is a real hero to people in Delaware County.
In the first place, due to their inherent characteristic of being a narcissist, these patients may not even want to seek medical attention. When the mental condition worsens, this could lead to undesirable health consequences and problems. Moreover, there is no exact medicine that can cure this disability except therapy.
While it isn't made clear what age the main character Tony is in “Tony's Story” by Leslie Marmon Silko, it is clear that he faces two moments that can be considered a loss of innocence. These are when Leon is attacked by the policeman, and when he later kills that same policeman. In the first instance, Tony was faced with an authority figure who acted violently and cruelly in a manner that he was not expecting. This moment taught him of the evil in the world and it led him to associate the policeman and his actions with those of witched. In his mind, it is the policeman, or witch, that has upset the balance in nature and brought the drought upon the land. While Leon keeps talking about his rights, Tony only sees the policeman as an evil
Publicly stating he is Iron man: By revealing he is Iron man, Tony takes credit for all
B. Relevance: Have any of you seen a Spider-Man movie? What about Thor or Iron Man? Very few of us in this room can say we have not seen an action packed Marvel movie at least once. Since its humble beginnings in 1939, Marvel has revolutionized not only the comic book world, but also set the bar incredibly high for all potential superhero movies. Marvel is completely relevant to the yearly cinema culture we find ourselves in the midst of, and continues to grow in popularity.
The character’s name was Anthony Stark, but was known as Tony (Admin1). Tony Stark was an engineer who suffered from a heart injury when he was kidnapped by a group of terrorists. He created a suit of armor that empowered his escape, and helps in protecting the world. Tony Stark is a very witty character. Tony uses sarcasm throughout many comic books, and all of his movies.
Through Civil War, there exist a lot of differences between the world of government and superheroes. Many talented super heroes outdistanced the laws and were not under the control of the government. In order to let the superheroes work for the government and to control their power, the powerful government enacts the Superheroes Registration Act. This act divides the Avengers in to two sides; one is Iron Man, who stands on the government’s side, and the other one is Captain America, who supports freedom and the common people. This war not only represents Iron Man and Captain America, or even other Avengers’ freedom, but also represents many social problems and relationships in society today. These questions lead me to think of one question:
3). Tony has been in and out of jail since he was an adolescent. He hits, steals, and he destroys property and says he enjoys doing so "because people are stupid". He shows little remorse for his crimes, behaves impulsively, and lacks empathy for the rights and feelings of others.
Tony is an indian. In the beginning, you get the impression, that he is a sweet, innocent and caring boy. He’s very helpful but also very naive. Through the story, it gets more and more clear, that there is something mentally wrong with Tony. He keeps believing, that the cop is something that his parents warned him about in his childhood, wich he calls ‘a masked dancer’. His parents told him not to look into the eyes, so in Tony’s head, the cop’s sunglasses equals the masked dancer’s mask. And Tony ends up killing the cop, and telling Leon that everything is O.K., it’s killed, they somethimes take on strange forms. He also compares the cop’s raised billy club to the witch’s raised human-bone in his dream.
However, Superman does differ from most people in America as he strays away from involving himself in any politics and focuses on the idea that his “values are above mere politicians” (Goodale). Although as a young kid, he was just a “superthug” he grew to be the familiar role model that stands for the nation and not for politics or anything that can divide the people of the United States (Goodale).
Nearly all heroes are faced with a variety of inconceivable tasks which in turn help to overcome obstacles that the character may face. In Spider-Man, Peter Parker is forced to overcome these impediments so that he can help protect the people in his city. The task that first illustrates this quest is Spider-Man’s revenge on the man who killed his uncle and committed robbery. To catch this criminal, though, Spider-Man has to learn how to use his mind: thinking quickly and on-the-spot. Not only does it take courage for Spider-Man to defeat this criminal, it takes quick reflexes that only his “spidey senses” can offer him. In the end, Spider-Man tricks the man and is successful in turning him into the police. Another example of a
In the beginning of Iron Man, the main protagonist, Tony Stark, was generally a bad person. He was an extreme example of the celebrity stereotype-- flashy, arrogant, self-absorbed, and rude. Stark took personal honors, as well as relationships with others, for granted. But that all changed when Stark was kidnapped by a terroristic rebel group. During his time as a prisoner, Tony saw what horrors his technology could be used for, and later escaped captivity humbled and changed. From the moment he returned, Stark’s character started growing into a caring and heroic figure. Specifically, Tony Stark emerged as a new man, actually caring for his assistant, Pepper Pots, being concerned about what
Marvel Studios’ movies is like a path to travel on as an audience member (Menard, 2014, p. 28). Across a decade worth of films and tv shows, there has been a there has been more than 60 characters that the Marvel Studios universe contains (Menard, 2014, p. 54). There has been a lot of conflict and character development, because of the multiple events that happens in the other movies (ComicBookCast2,2016). There a lot of example of this happening, such as the new york event in The Avengers (ComicBookCast2,2016). The event in the Avengers spread into the Avengers, Iron man 3 Captain America: Winter Soldier, Avengers: Age