1. The targeted audience for this ad is every adult since toothpaste is a universal product that everyone except for those who don’t have teeth use.
2. The purpose of this advertisement is to pursue the audience to use crest tooth paste to protect their teeth.
3. The persuasive appeal that is being used is logo pathos and ethos. For logo, they are using logic that if you don’t brush and protect your teeth you are “gambling” your teeth away and without teeth you can have serious health issues and be unable to eat solid foods, and they use pathos by scaring the audience of the risk that they might lose their teeth. For ethos, the use credibility by having the sentence that says, “The dentist’s choice for fighting cavities.” Stating that this
The recent, 3D white Strip ad, advertises their products in magazines, TV commercials, and in the newspaper, where people would most likely stumble upon it. The advertisement is mainly aimed at young adults, where looks are a major factor in finding potential love ones. By looking at the ad, the main objective is for people to get white teeth by using their product. To grab the audience’s attention, Crest places Shakira face in the center of the ad page with her beautiful smile being the point of interest. Her smile displays her white teeth, and that is a direct result of using the 3D crest strips. Under Shakira’s face, Crest places their product with a caption to provide details that their product not only works for Shakira, it can work for everyone with its Flexfit technology. By placing Shakira’s face and the product on their ad, many people will feel motivated to have white teeth because they know by using Crest’s products, they too, can obtain white teeth like Shakira. That includes me, just by looking at this ad, I too, would like to have white teeth just like
Most people, don’t stop and think how advertisers persuade you to buy their product. After reading Advertising’s 15 Basic Appeals, by Jib Fowles. I’ve learned that advertisers use one or more appeals in their ads, it can be used positively or negatively. While observing the tridents gum ad, it was obvious that the ad contained the need for sex, personification, and affiliation.
“ Look at your man, now back to me” is said at the opening of the commercial, as it sets a comical tone for the advertisement and draws the viewers’ interest. The relatively new company, Old Spice, founded in 1990 uses their new commercial series to promote their American brand of male grooming products. Old Spice in the past has focused on targeting middle aged to elderly men in their advertisement campaigns. This new series of advertisements is trying to reach to a new target audience of twenty to forty year old males. This advertisement is attempting to create a memorable impression to the viewer through appealing to pathos,
That scene is impressive because the guy falls down while taking the purse out of her mouth. This commercial prove that by using Close - Up, your teeth will be stronger and healthier; you protect your teeth, they protect yourself. This commercial is not only attract women, it attracts all people who want to have a healthy teeth. By pointing that scene, this commercial is successful by proving what is the benefit of using Close-Up toothpaste.
Crest, a toothpaste company, is known to be one of the world’s biggest dental hygiene businesses. They sell many products, including floss, toothpaste, toothbrushes, teeth whitening, and mouthwash. Their advertisements are in magazines, on television, and heard on the radio. The most common place one hears promotional Crest advertising is at your local dentist and orthodontist office. These Crest products may even be advertised in one’s own bathroom near the faucet. Crest’s main purpose of this advertisement is to lets its audience know the severity of oral hygiene. Crest’s uses efficient advertising to get its main message across by persuading its audience into buying its product by, explaining necessary precautions, targeting the appropriate audience, introducing credible information, playing on emotions, using strategic devices, and using creative weasel words.
Having escaped rule from a tyrannical British government, the United States was founded on ideals of freedom and equality for all people. These fantasies of universal egalitarianism turned out to be merely that: fantasies. American history is full of stories of the oppressed struggling to get the rights they deserve and of the controversy over these issues that consequently ensues. “The Hypocrisy of American Slavery” by Frederick Douglass and “We Shall Overcome” by Lyndon B. Johnson are two speeches made confronting two of these issues. Douglass’s speech, delivered in 1852, condemns the institution of slavery and maintains that slaves are men and are therefore entitled to freedom. Johnson’s speech, on the other hand, was written in 1965 and discussed the civil rights movement. In it, he implored local governments to allow all American citizens, regardless of race, to vote. Despite the significant gap in time between these two addresses, both speakers use similar persuasive techniques, including ethos, pathos, and parallelism, to convince their audience that change needs to be implemented in America.
The advertisement of the Colgate toothbrush shows the positivity of the toothbrush. The advertisement is on a red background. They have their product which is a blue and white tooth brush, slanted in the middle of the ad. The toothbrush appears have blue, white, and yellow on the stationary part of the brush. The brush of the tooth brush has a glorified glow behind it in white. The bottom left of the
Recent studies show that at any time, over 1.4 million people worldwide suffer from hospital-acquired infections (Public Health Ontario). In Canada alone, approximately 250 000 patients every year contract infectious micro-organisms from their healthcare providers (Nagel 18). At London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) we take pride in providing world class care in a safe, comfortable environment for patients. However, between 2008 and 2010 the LHSC still had between 20 and 30 per cent non-compliance to proper hand-washing protocol (Nagel 20). This data is very troubling considering it is following the launch of “Just Clean Your Hands” pilot project. As student nurses and volunteers of the LHSC team we are equally responsible to increase hand-washing compliance.
Why spend money that is really needed for other things? Why live uncomfortably? Why be trapped in this hole called a home that belongs to another person? Why not live free and peacefully? When a person rents he or she usually throws away money that could be used to purchase something that belongs to them. Money is not easy to come by so why pay out hundreds toward something that is not benefit to the person paying it out. There is no good explanation for making a decision like this. The best option in a situation like this is to buy a house. Buying a house is a better option than renting an apartment.
Growing up going to the dentist we have all been told to always floss our teeth. You may remember going through those gruesome appointments where the dentist are flossing our teeth for us and it kind of hurts, feels weird, maybe even made our gums feel rubbery. And every few minutes when they are flossing our teeth; they make us take the tube out our mouth that’s sucking all the saliva in our mouth and spit in the little bowl. In that spit, if you haven’t been flossing you usually see a lot of blood come out. And it doesn’t stop. Then when you leave they give you a little bag of dental goodies for you to have. If you were like myself growing up, you probably forgot all the time. And it was an endless cycle at the dentist. Because of this I have spent a great amount of time this past month on flossing and why you should take time to properly floss your teeth every day. According to, US News they had an article published by Steve Sternberg in 2013 where they stated that on a national level those who floss daily amount to 30 percent of the population. Just over 37 percent report less than daily flossing; slightly over 32 percent say they never floss. This means that only 30 percent of people nationally floss at least once a day. And the other 70 percent of people floss here and there or not at all. This is very sad and disturbing because according to Lisa Zamosky on Web MD in 2014 flossing does about 40 percent of the work required to remove sticky bacteria, or plaque, from
There’s a saying, it’s that the three necessities of life are food, shelter, and toilet paper. In 1890, when toilet paper was first put on a roll, was when the world truly started. Toilet paper is the best invention ever created because it gets us clean and fresh in seconds. Joseph Gayette was the man behind it all. His invention has and will be used in the world for hundreds and hundreds of years. It’s almost as if you didn’t even leave to do your business. Imagine a life without toilet paper, I just couldn’t do it. Toilet paper is so easy to get rid of, practically everywhere, and it’s clean and effective.
“Your assignment is to write a persuasive essay and present it to the class in a week. You will be graded based on how convincing it is. Today we will be choosing topics,” announced Mr. Bowerbank, my 7th grade English teacher and ruler of classroom 110. My class simultaneously groaned at the prospect of work. I simply lifted my head with intrigue as it was already May and about time we had our first essay. He then proceeded to give examples of topics we could choose and gave us some time to think before we had to tell him our topic. My classmates were already rushing to tell the teacher their idea lest someone else steal it. That meant the usual abortion, death penalty, or drug use topics were out. I really couldn't think of anything and the teacher was slowly making his way through the remaining students like an executioner beheading criminals in a line. I have always thought that he would make a marvelous supervillain if he had a curly mustache, a tophat, and a cape. Eventually my name was called. I slowly dragged myself over to his desk. Even sitting down, he still seemed to tower over me. “What is your topic Cindy?” As usual in such desperate times, my mind turned to food. “Waffles are better than pancakes.” I figured that a waffle was just a differently shaped pancake with a nicer texture. “Hmm. Excellent topic. I look forward to your essay!” I survived to live yet another day.
Attention getter statement: Toothpaste: We use toothpaste to brush our teeth everyday (hopefully). We here in America love to have white teeth and from the time we are very young, we are told by our parents and our dentists that we need to brush twice daily with fluoride in order to prevent cavities. But what if I told you that toothpaste was poisonous?
Source: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Health, United States, 2002. Flegal et. al. JAMA. 2002;288:1723-7. NIH, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults, 1998.
Although many Americans have good oral hygiene due to fluoride and making everyday good decisions, others do not have any access at all to oral health care. Over the years, dentists have been trying to demonstrate the importance of oral care. (“Access to Dental Care”) From commercials to campaigns, dentists will continue to demonstrate to their patients as well as to the people who don't have insurance the importance of oral health care. They will teach them preventative care and some techniques on how to prevent from getting any diseases.