
Topographical Features at Divergent and Convergent Plate Margins

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Essay Question 1: Compare and contrast the topographical features at divergent and convergent plate margins.
Subject: Earth Environments 1: Geomorphology and Soils
Course Code: GEOG 1231

Divergent and convergent plate margins are both studied in plate tectonics; which is the study of the plates that makeup the lithosphere, their movements and how these movements has influenced changes in the surface’s topography (Strahler, 2011, 389). The driving force that causes these plate movements is the gradual movement of the semi-molten rock that makes up the asthenosphere (Kious, 1996, 28). Features observed at these margins share some similarities but, also vary quite largely. These differences are caused by the different movements displayed at …show more content…

Finally unlike divergent plate margins convergent zones can have a continental plate colliding with an oceanic plate. In this instance the more dense oceanic plate subducts below the continental plate. This forms a deep sea trench similar to the oceanic plate’s convergence, close to the shoreline. Also volcanic mountain ranges may also develop further in from the shore due to rising magma and folding. Such ranges include the Andes Mountain Range (“Plate Tectonics”).

Diagram 5: showing oceanic to continental plate convergence and resulting features (Pidwirny, 2006)

So divergent plate margins are where crustal plates are moving apart from one another. These margins can either consist of two oceanic or two continental plates. Convergent plate margins on the other hand are where two plates are being pushed towards each other. The combination of plates at this margin can be either two continental, two oceanic or an oceanic to continental. Both of these margins play a major role in shaping the Earths topographical features. Some of which are similar while others different. Both aid in the formation of volcanoes however divergent rift volcanoes do not form cone while convergent andesitic volcanoes do. Both also show faulting however divergent plate margins have normal faults versus the reverse faults found at convergent margins. Deep sea trenches, volcanic islands and fold mountains are exclusive to convergent

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