Torry Sheppard
Harney, Kevin. Leadership from the Inside Out. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007.
HARNEY BOOK REVIEW In Kevin Harney’s book, Leadership from the Inside Out, Harney discusses some foundational qualities that are essential to a leader. Many of these qualities are things that must be worked on internally before external results are noticeable. While Harney does provide some pragmatic examples of ways to implement such leadership qualities, each chapter begins with a brief survey designed to lead the reader into self-evaluation. For the purposes of this paper, I will explore and evaluate three of Harney’s topics: a leader’s mind, a leader’s mouth, and a leader’s libido.
A Leader’s Mind In this chapter, Harney discusses the
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This is not easy for many leaders because many leaders tend to be prideful; however, there is something that can be learned from everyone, even people you disagree with. Surround yourself with people who have something to offer and soak in what you can. It is ok not to have all the answers.
A Leader’s Mouth
This chapter is dedicated to creating a culture of blessing and affirmation in one’s church or organization. Throughout this chapter, Harney gives plenty of examples as to how he created such a culture at Corinth Church, the church where he served as the long-time pastor. By creating a culture of honesty and blessing, the staff at Corinth was not only able to work well together, but the church seemed more alive to the staff and congregation.
Some of the practical ways that Harney helped create such an environment was by asking an artist to create four generic cards to be used for passing notes of blessing (p. 101). This written encouragement meant more to the staff and members than anyone would ever realize. Furthermore, Harney himself would take a card and bless 3 people each day. The staff loved it.
Harney also writes about the importance of preventing a toxic environment. Gossip, will kill unity and life in a church fast, and it should be treated seriously. At Harney’s church they implemented a process for handling dispute in the church, and they pulled it straight from scripture (p. 107). The first step is to handle the issue one on one with the
Praise and testimony opened day two of the Conference. Even the outside dampness of the rain could not interfere with the warmth and praise in the beautiful sanctuary. Bible study, taught by Rev. Annette Hoskins-Satterfield, Pastor of Pierce Chapel AME Zion Church, was powerful, practical, and soul stirring teaching. In her message, “Stewardship,” she dealt fiercely with the four principles of stewardship: we do not own it, responsibility, accountability and reward. She reminded us that we are seeking to hear God say, “Well done!” As she closed, she shared that stewardship is a place of leadership, not grunt
During this week, I read an interesting book “Big four” wrote by Dr kidder. This reading assignment helps me see how the ministry can be fruitful when you are willing to commit your life to Christ the beginning of this book he point out the two things that every members desired about church. The thought church is an exciting place to do ministry and experience the grace of God in addition, the want their church to be a place where people can find they love of Jesus Christ.
The truth of being a leader is to sacrifice your interests for the benefit of others. A verse I dedicate to myself daily is: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” -Luke 6:31. As a person I strive to be the three rs. Resourceful, reliable, and respected!
There are three different themes when discussing creation myths: the motif of separation, the three-genes, and the motif of succession. The motif of succession is the most common theme out of the three. The motif of succession involves a fight between the older and younger gods. The younger gods will most likely fight the older gods and overthrow them. Due to the conflict between the older and younger gods, the beginning of the cosmic order comes into place.
Introduction: A Different Way to Do Church While Embarking on the Path to Change the World: A Story of Heartland Community Church
The music department was a small team of seven members, including her. Four of the team members were singers, one a drummer, and she played the keyboard while singing. Fearfully thoughts developed as she questioned her abilities’ as the minister of music. How will the praise team’s sound become unified when singing unto God? How will the drummer and pianist flow with one another in excellence creating an atmosphere of praise and worship? How will the team encourage the congregation to become more involved physically and spiritually? She knew team commitment and hard work would produce team growth, but there were also areas where she required personal growth. Dayon desired to increase her leadership skills through the guidance of The Holy Spirit and inspiring leadership books written by John Maxwell. Through reading, she discovered she lacked the key to good communication
What I have learned is that true leaders care about who they're leading. They must not just see others as a group, but also as unique individuals who have feelings, thoughts, needs, and wants. We must be compassionate, sympathetic, and generous to gain their respect. Through leading the band as drum major I have now realized this. While at times it may have been tough I always remember the Bible story of The Good Shepherd.
This weekly event invited all people of Schoenfeldt to spend time in a welcoming environment focused on developing our faith both individually and as a driving force in the growth of our community. Each week, I invited all members of Schoenfeldt to come enjoy food, conversation, and scripture as it applies to our everyday life. “Find out how to get to heaven, Mondays at 8:57.” During the actual event, we would begin with prayer, followed by an opportunity to share what has been on our minds. Next, the leader for the week read their passage and offered question for thought to guide the conversation. To end, we once again spoke whatever was on our minds and concluded with prayer.
It is very commonly stated that there are two types of people in this world: leaders and followers. A leader is someone who is brave, or good at divulging the bravery of others. A leader is someone who is relaxed, or able to bring serenity into a time of chaos. Most importantly, a leader is persuasive and able to provide people with the direction needed to achieve the task at hand. Unfortunately, these are not qualities that one can simply decide to possess. People are not followers simply because they choose to be, but because they do not have what it takes to be anything more. Although many people will try to rise above and lead others, there are only a select few that will succeed.
"Leaders are people who are able to express themselves fully they know who they are, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how to fully deploy their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. They also know what they want, why they want it, and how to communicate what they want to others in order to gain their cooperation and support. Finally they know how to achieve their goals" (Ingram, 2004).
When most think of philosophy a list of people come to mind. You have your “greats” such as Plato, Nietzsche, and of course Aristotle. However, this does not mean that their ideas cannot be challenged and questioned, as no one is above criticism. Aristotelian Virtue Ethics have a major flaw that strikes at the heart of the idea. There is a severe lack of guidance both in what a virtue is, and what happens when they conflict. The mains question is, is one virtue more important than another?
There’s a quote that says, “stay humble in the spotlight and true in the dark”. Leaders have to do the right thing—even when no one is watching. People may stand in the way of making the right decision. Leading also requires taking a narrower path. Choosing to take the long road—and sticking to it—is one of the many sacrifices of being a leader.
There are two kinds of people in this world, followers and leaders. Followers are the people that never take a leadership role in any activity. "They are more valued by followers and have higher performing teams." (Cherry 2014) However, leaders are the ones that use their leadership skills to make a difference in this world, such as presidents, teachers, or even college graduates. Leadership is not something you can learn from a book, but you have to gain this skill through experiences such as holding an office, organizing an event, speaking in front of people, or participating in a leadership program.
In order for a leader to be a leader he/she must begin with the assumption that you are the one who matters most. As a leader you have to possess that level of confidence in yourself that you are capable of leading yourself “before you can lead others”. And when you develop this belief then you are better able of affirmative influence “on others”.
There are two kinds of people in this world, Followers, and leaders. Followers are the people who never take a leadership role in any activity. However, leaders are the ones that use their leadership skills to make a difference in this world, Only one out of many can truly play the role of being a leader. Though there are a lot of people who try, very few are successful in leadership. Leadership is not something you can learn from a book, but you have to gain this skill through experiences such as holding an office, organizing an event, or speaking in front of a crowd. For me, leadership means being able to put myself in challenging situations to achieve my goals, and, at the same time, inspire and motivate those involved in the same mission as I am. Leadership is also a clear understanding of one's destination, knowing where one is now, and taking the step in the right direction. Many factors can cause people to criticize your leadership, therefore one must be fair towards the people who they lead. Personally, I had to learn the hard way, being in a male-dominated country as Libya made me push myself harder to get