Candidate Stances in Relation to the Constitution
Should Interrogation Techniques That Some Consider Torture, Such as Waterboarding, Be a Legal Option? This has been a controversial issue for a long time, the fact that it’s supported by some and others not so much has also been debated. Hillary clinton does not support this, where as Donald Trump is in agreement with it. Also Should the United States Send Ground Troops to Fight ISIS? The war in the middle east is still alive and raging on, and the U.S involvement is an often discussed issue. Should we or shouldn't we be over there? These are both good question in which we will discuss. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have almost opposite opinions everything.
Interrogation of prisoners
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Hillary doesn't want there to be any form of torture at all in the American government or military process. The fact that she said “America is at our best when our actions match our values” comes to the conclusion she feels strongly that the U.S needs to be a country respect for its values, and virtues. Also that the U.S should be the leadership of the world. Now Trump on the other hand states his definite agreement with the tactic of torture, and its many upsides. Donald said that he believes to beat ISIS we need to be stronger as a country. That we need to use these torture tactics or waterboarding to show this, and it's nothing compared to what ISIS does for torture. Trump also states that waterboarding is a good alternative to other ways of the craft “torture”. The United states needs to be strict and persistent in the fight on ISIS, and waterboarding should be brought back Trump said. This relates to the constitutional amendments 5, 6 and 8. The 8th amendment states that one's punishments should match the crimes and no unusual or cruel punishment should be taken. Now to merge this with torture, there has to be the understanding that someone that threatens the lives of the …show more content…
The constitution is a very critical piece of any presidential election. Every Candidate needs to be in the regulation of the constitution otherwise they are not in compliance of be the president. So which candidate will be the president this november? And who will you be voting
The War on Terror has produced several different viewpoints on the utilization of torture and its effectiveness as a means to elicit information. A main argument has been supplied that torture is ineffective in its purpose to gather information from the victim. The usefulness of torture has been questioned because prisoners might use false information to elude their torturers, which has occurred in previous cases of torture. It has also been supposed that torture is necessary in order to use the information to save many lives. Torture has been compared to civil disobedience. In addition, the argument has been raised that torture is immoral and inhumane. Lastly, Some say that the acts are not even regarded as torture.
Enhanced torture techniques such as waterboarding, have been brought up in several debates. Clinton’s views on whether enhanced interrogations for terrorists is that she feels it’s wrong and that our values shouldn’t be anymore or any less on religious issues:
Torture is not a new ethical dilemma, because torture has been practiced throughout human history and in different cultures. Now, however, the Geneva Convention and other modern norms suggest that human beings should not resort to using torture. Torture is becoming taboo as a method of intelligence gathering, which is why the methods used during the Iraq war were decried. However, the ethical case can be made for torture. If torturing one human being leads to information that could save the lives of a thousand, torture suddenly seems like a sensible method. This is a utilitarian perspective on torture, which many people find palatable. However, there are problems with this method of thinking about torture. The state-sanctioned use of torture creates a normative framework in which torture becomes acceptable. Torture sends the wrong message about what a free, open, and enlightened society should be. Even if torture is only acceptable in extreme circumstances, as with a suspect who might know something about an impending terrorist attack, who decides when and what type of torture should be used? There is too much potential for abuse of the moral loophole with regards to torture. If the United States hopes to be a role model, then torture cannot fit into its intelligence methods.
on voting for the President and Vice president of the United States of America. Within the
Torture is something that is known as wrong internationally. Torture is “deliberate, systematic or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons acting on the orders of authority, to force a person to yield information, to confess, or any other reason” (World Medical Association, 1975, pg.1). There is a general consensus that there is a right to be free from any kind of torture as it can be found in many different human rights treaties around the world. The treaties show that all of the thoughts about torture are pointing away from the right to torture someone no matter what the case
Torture has been a sensitive subject in our government and among the people of the US. The article “Torture is Wrong-But it Might Work” Bloche about how even though torture is not moral to some, it can still provide effective results because of advanced techniques and psychological studies. He goes on to say that many believe it is effective but others will say it does not provide adequate results in interrogation efforts. Senators such as John McCain (R-Ariz.) believe it does not help at all; however, other government officials, such as former attorney general Michael Mukasey and former vice president Dick Cheney, believe it does (Bloche 115).
One of the most controversial topics in the U.S. has been Enhanced Interrogation techniques- also believed to be torture. These practices are said to be implemented on suspected terrorists to recover possible information of future attacks on America, although many have concluded that this practice was created out of fear after the attack on September 11, 2001 (What Motivated CIA Torture?, 2014). Some of these practices include sleep deprivation, stress positions and even insects inside of a confinement box. One of the most controversial of all of the tactics is waterboarding or essentially drowning. Abu Zubaydah, the Al Queda
Medieval Times was a very dark and evil place. They tortured people for saying a little white lie. Depending on how bad what they did, the more and worse the punishment is. During this time period, many people faced gruesome and violent punishments used with crazy, out of the mind torture weapons.
The first of three 2016 presidential debates held on Monday, September 26, 2016 at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York. The debate by Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump, the presidential nominees of the Democratic party and Republican party respectively, covered three primary areas: achieving prosperity, America’s direction and securing America. The debate was anchored by Lester Holt of NBC’s nightly news with Hilary Clinton answering the first question. This paper highlights some of the main points made by each presidential nominee under the aforementioned broad headings and concluding with an opinion of who came out on top.
Is torture justified? Does it make us feel safer? Most Americans would say that it is immoral to torture any human being for any reason. There are a few people left who would disagree with that and say that some deserve to be tortured in order to obtain information that could potentially save the lives of hundreds or thousands.
David Figueroa Eng. 101A Professor Stern 4/20/15 Final draft In conclusion, in discussions of torture, one controversial issue has been on the use of it. On one hand, the people against torture argue that it is cruel and unusual punishment. On the other hand, those for torture argue that it should be used for the greater good. Others even maintain that under extreme circumstances, it may be admissible if it can save American lives. My own view is that no one should be subjected to cruel punishment because it is not only illegal, unreliable, ineffective, time consuming, it also has too many flaws that could potentially ruin innocent lives. The definition of torture is any act, whether physical or emotional, or maybe both, is intentionally subjected to a specific individual or a group for many reasons. Most of these reasons that torture is administered is for extracting information from an individual or just for punishing him/her for a crime that he/she has committed or is suspected of committing. The use of torture can be used to intimidate a person to give information that may be beneficial for a nation. The use of torture has been used for many centuries. The purposes of using torture have changed over the years as well as the methods in which a person is tortured. One crucial piece that has been established that separates us human beings from barbarians is the prohibition of using torture. There are many reasons why torture has been deemed a crime now in society. There are
From the perspective of someone like Kant who believes that morality is absolute and torture is wrong, then it is never acceptable no matter what the consequences. Kant would argue that it is better to allow a 'ticking bomb' to go off and kill thousands by not using torture than to willingly torture someone, because as mere mortals we can never know for certain what the ultimate results of our actions will be - there may not be a bomb at all, or the man you have may not be the one who set it, or someone else may disarm it - but we can be certain of our intent, and thus we should never act with evil intent, which wilful torture certainly is.
Is there a case for torture? Throughout the world for many centuries torture has been a highly debated and very controversial topic. It all started in Greece when slaves would get tortured to collect evidence for trials, crimes against the state, and treason. Not long after, the Roman Catholic Church and the Nazis’ began to use torture as well. During this time witnesses noticed what was going on and did not agree with it but had no way of stopping it. All across the world, a group of nations came together to make an agreement in opposition to torture. Not all nations were agreeing to not allow torture in their country, yet the majority of countries did agree. Even today it is hard to make the whole world agree to not doing something but making these agreements allow individual countries to comprise a support system. Many public figures and educators have made their opinion public but it has not yet evoked a change in the agreements originally set by the Geneva Convention. Torture is still today a very controversial topic with compelling arguments for both sides of whether to torture or to not.
November 8, 2016, the day that will change America for the next four years. On this day, citizen will elect the next president of the United States of America. It is very critical that the American citizens go to vote. The last thing America needs is a president with the wrong intentions. In the past, America has had some interesting presidents. There has been a long list of presidents involved in scandals and scornful affairs. The latest presidential election is coming very soon and you must be prepared. So many rumors and derogatory articles have been floating through social media about each candidate. The one question I want to know is, whom will you choose?
The parts in well known movies where the victim is tied to a wall and another causes unnecessary harm to him is classified as torture. In the movie, Saw ll, Jigsaw places a group of people that he believes have done something wrong in a house. Their goal is to work together to escape with clues that Jigsaw gives them. Many torture devices are placed around the house such as a pool of used needles and a furnace. The way to survive the house is to go through torture to get injections needed to stay alive. Torture is pain or physical harm inflicted onto a person by something or someone else. There are many forms of torture and these punishments are usually inflicted for a reason. Like any issue, there are many arguments against torture based on the opinion that it is inhumane. Additionally, laws have been placed into effect to prevent future torture from occurring.