
Total Laryngectomy Essay

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Management of dysphagia in total laryngectomy: A case study Mansi Sheth*, Mansi Jagtap** Undergraduate student (TYBASLP), School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University *Assistant Professor, School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, Bharati Vidyapeeth INTRODUCTION Swallowing is defined as the semiautomatic motor action of the muscles of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts that propels food from the oral cavity into the stomach. Some causes that are known to cause swallowing problems arise due to neurogenic (CVA, degenerative disease) and mechanical (head and neck cancers, corrosive poisoning) causes. Total laryngectomy is an extensive surgery which leads to drastic anatomical changes …show more content…

He complaint of food getting stuck after repeated swallow and vomiting sensation due to inability to swallow. History revealed squamous cell carcinoma of glottis. Case had undergone total laryngectomy and primary surgery for tracheoesophageal puncture. He had undergone 33 cycles of radiation therapy following the surgery. Case is using Provox tracheoesophageal prosthesis for communication. Case was on oral feed. Detailed swallowing assessment was done through clinical assessment and instrumental procedure (Videofluoroscopy swallow study). Clinical assessment of swallowing was done using four consistencies: water (thin liquids), soup (thick liquid), yogurt (semisolid) and chapati (solid). Video fluoroscopy was done using thin barium, thick barium and cracker coated barium. Clinical assessment of swallow revealed no difficulty in swallowing liquids. No leak for liquids was seen through the TEP. Case showed difficulty while swallowing semisolids and solids. He had to vomit out the chapati due to inability to swallow. Video fluoroscopy revealed prominence at the posterior pharyngeal wall (cricopharyngeal prominence). Poor pharyngeal clearance of thick and cracker consistency was observed. Case required multiple swallows to clear a single

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