
Totalitarian Government

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The concept of power has been seen through the decades, from the establishment of ancient civilizations such as the Romans and the Persians, to modern day countries such as North Korea. There has been no change in the fact that countries now and then want to possess power over the people that enlist under it. This is also known as a totalitarian government. A totalitarian government is defined as political authority or group that exercises absolute control over all aspects of life of an individual. The centralized government, known as The Party or INGSOC, in the book, 1984 by George Orwell demonstrates a totalitarian style of government over the Inner and Outer Party members in Oceania. The Party is headed by Big Brother, who is the original …show more content…

By monitoring every individual around the clock, the party is able to differentiate between the party followers, also known as the orthodox, and the party violators, known as unorthodox. This strikes fear into individuals, such as Winston as he writes in his diary, “The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself – anything, was itself a punishable offense” (Orwell 79). This quote shows the enormous power that a camera can have. From the constant monitoring, individuals must always behave in an orthodox manner, because if any aspect looks suspicious or rebellious to the party, it could have you sent to Room 101. Due to constant surveillance, individuals will become even more fearful of acting out of line, that they will devote more time into being orthodox, which is the main desire of the party. In addition, “The control of thought is the imposition of orthodoxy. Orthodoxy has to do with having the right beliefs, which means the beliefs that the Party wants people to have. the extent they can be avoided, through the use of telescreens making it is possible to prevent one’s mind from wandering” (Yeo 6). Michael Yeo of Laurentian University agrees with the notion that the telescreens spread the views of a totalitarian …show more content…

The Two Minutes of Hate is daily ritual in which the people of Oceania gather together and engage in a session of rage towards the “enemies of Big Brother”. The enemies of big brother tend to be Emanuel Goldstein and the other super states. The Two minutes of hate allows the party to further strengthen its power and existence, by advertising false information to the orthodox public. Winston describes the two minutes of hate as “A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge-hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic” (Orwell 19). This quote shows how the party is able to manipulate the minds of the citizens and make them “flip the switch” and obtain a strong desire to hate and kill those who don't follow with the party's views. This is the most effective way the party can influence its people by preaching the message of being orthodox and believing in the party. Comforting is the best way that a thought or idea can be passed on. This totalitarian strategy has been seen during the rule of Benito Mussolini as well as during the Nazi Regime. The Party also takes advantage of this cunning brainwashing strategy, by encouraging and rewarding the hatred to its enemies. Additionally, Kristoffer Rissanen states that the idea two minutes of

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