
Tourette Syndrome

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There are many different ways and techniques to help and treat this condition. Certain medications are given by the doctor, but can vary for each patient. Small doses are given, then if the doctor thinks they should be increased they can be within time. Side effects like weight gain, fatigue or muscular rigidity can occur while taking the certain medication subscribed by the doctor (“Brain”). Different Treatment techniques can vary depending on the condition's level of interference with the patient’s every day life. For instance, if the patient is excited or worried the tics can become worse, causing a need for treatment. Being calm and focused will help the patient, causing no need for treatment at the time or even at all (“Tourette”). …show more content…

“If you have Tourette Syndrome, you make unusual movements or sounds called tics” (“Tourette”). “Tics are involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations. The three Tic Disorders are distinguished by the types of tics present (motor, vocal or both) and by the length of time that the tics are present” (“What”). Motor tics are movements that occur like eye blinking, facial grimacing, jaw movements, neck stretching, etc. Another tic is vocal tics. Vocal tics produce a sound. These tics can produce a sound from sniffling, clearing of the throat, grunting, to hooting or shouting (“What”). Both of these tics can be exaggerations. Some times the patient can hide or control their tics, but the buildup of tension can can become an involuntary action defending the tic (“Syndrome”). There is a certain “phase” that the patient may go through called “The Terrible Twos.” “This phase is typically observed among toddlers age eighteen to thirty-six months who exhibit intense outbursts of anger, displeasure, physical agitation and opposition in response to frustration” (“Walkup”). The tics can be both Harmful or Harmless. “Tics, although rarely disabling, can be quite troublesome for Tourette Syndrome patients because they cause embarrassment, interfere with social interactions and at times can be quite painful or uncomfortable” (“Walkup”). Becoming familiar with tics occurring with the condition can help the support and coping mechanisms from the

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