Professional interventions for Tourette’s disorder can include the use of medications and what social workers or other helping professionals use. For instance, even though medications cannot cure the disorder, it can help reduce the symptoms (Berlin, n.d.). Some of these medications include Haloperidol, risperidone, and olanzapine (Berlin, n.d.). Often the medications that are used to treat the symptoms are first administered in small dosages and increases steadily until maximum benefit and improvement of symptoms are accomplished (Collins, 2005). It is important to keep in mind that there are some side effects to taking these kinds of medications including weight gain, dry mouth, muscular rigidity, and social withdrawal (Collins, 2005). From
Tardive dyskinesia is a persistent movement disorder that can result from a prolonged use of antipsychotics and is more prominent with the use of atypical antipsychotics. My preceptor decided to start the patient on Clozapine because of its effectiveness with previous clients that had tardive dyskinesia. According to my preceptor, Clozapine has shown signs of minimizing symptoms of tardive dyskinesia. Treatment did not start immediately as the patient had to get baseline labs, which included absolute neutraphil count, blood glucose, and lipid levels. Patient's weight, height, and BMI were also obtained. AIMS scale was not used with this patient as it does not include tremors. Effectiveness was based on the patients subjective account, and physical observation. Clozapine was started at a low dose and titrated up to 125mg PO QHS. Patient is getting weekly lab work for absolute neutraphil count. To date, there is no sufficient data available that suggests a cure for this movement disorder. However, the question is, among adults, what available treatments have shown the greatest effectiveness in minimizing the symptoms of tardive
Diffie has been married three times. His first wife was Janise Parker, whom he married while in college. The couple had two children, Parker and Kara, then divorced in 1986.[62] Parker later worked as Diffie's on-road manager in the mid-2000s,[53] and in mid-2010, he and Kara auditioned for American Idol.[63] Two years after divorcing Janise, Diffie married Debbie Jones, a nurse technician. They had two sons, Drew and Tyler, the latter of whom was born with Down syndrome and nearly died in 1991 following complications from a tonsillectomy.[3][62] Diffie began an affair with Liz Allison, the widow of NASCAR driver Davey Allison, in 1993.[64] In 1994, a judge ordered Diffie to pay Jones $3,000 per month towards their pending divorce settlement,
Option 2: Reviewing Neurocrine’s impending Phase 2 results for treating Tourette Syndrome (TS) with Valbenazine. What can we expect data-wise and what could this mean for the market?
“Tourette syndrome is three to four times more common in males than females” (Tourette syndrome, 1). Tourette syndrome can be found in many people of all ages. Young age is typically when Tourette’s is most detectable. The main focus of Tourette’s is defining Tourette’s, neurological causes, behaviorism, and moral development theory.
Moreover, none of the available medications for TS completely eliminates symptoms and in addition, all medications have side effects. Instead, the available TS medications are only able to help reduce specific symptoms. Some patients who require medication to reduce the frequency and intensity of the tic symptoms may be treated with neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol and pimozide (Abuzzahab & Brown, 2001). These medications are usually given in very small doses that are increased slowly until the best possible balance between symptoms and side effects is achieved. Recently scientists have discovered that long-term use of neuroleptic drugs may cause an involuntary movement
Antipsychotic drugs such lithium is one that is commonly prescribed to help reduce anger, threatening behavior, outbursts, and combativeness in ASPD. It alters sodium transport and inhibits neuronal signaling that dials down the activity of hyperactive circuits involved in producing mania (Vallerand, Sanoski, & Deglin, 2017). Lithium dosage is PO in tablets or capsules at 300-600mg TID for adults but precise dosing is based on serum lithium levels. Side effects include polyuria, polydipsia, diarrhea, mild ataxia, leukocytosis, renal toxicity, drowsiness, and weight gain.
Children with ASD sometimes present aggressive behavior, self-injurious behavior and tantrums that impede their ability to learn in an educational environment (home school). Sometimes medicine is used in an effort to calm the child to the point where they are able to learn in an educational environment. It is recommended that behavior therapy be considered as the first course of action. Doctors recommended Risperdal for Marginee` inability to relax. Risperdal is also used for treatment of irritability in children with ASD. For example, children that struggle with aggression, melt downs (tantrums) and self- injury. Though Marginee` did not take any other medications, there are other medication available to children with autism. For example, Zyprexa, which is used for treatment of aggression and serious behavioral, Prozac and Zoloft, are used for treatment in depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. All medicines have to be monitored due to various side effects.
Tim Howard, an amazing soccer player, also has Tourette syndrome. Tourette’s is a disease where people have tics and cannot concentrate on objects or things for a long time. Howard says, “Sports were my sanctuary. Being outside, playing soccer or basketball, I wasn’t focused on my tics, just on the opponent. I couldn’t even tell you if I dealing with tics. Sports were my escape” (Zuckerman 11).
For the treatment of bipolar disorder, antipsychotic medicines are sometimes prescribed to treat episodes of mania or hypomania. Examples of antipsychotic medicines include: aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone. These drugs may also be used as a long-term mood stabiliser and quetiapine can be used for the treatment of bipolar depression in the long-term. Antipsychotic medicines can be particularly useful if symptoms are severe or behaviour is disturbed. As there is a chance that the antipsychotics could cause side effects, the initial dose will usually be low. These side effects could include weight gain, blurred vision, constipation and dry mouth. If prescribed an antipsychotic medicine, regular health checks will be required at least every three months. If the symptoms don 't improve, the patient may be offered lithium and valproate as well.
Many drugs have been used to manage behavioural problems. The most commonly drug used was thioridazine (Melleril). It is now no longer used due to a greater awareness of its side-effect profile has developed. Other drugs have included haloperidol (Serenace), chlorpromazine (Largactil). In Scotland, SIGN (1999) undertook a literature review and it was concluded that there was well defined lack evidence for the efficiency of these drugs.
Tourette’s Syndrome, often shortened to TS, is an inherited neurological disorder. Although the cause is unknown, studies suggest that it occurs when the nerves in the brain have trouble communicating and when there is a disturbance in the balance of neurotransmitters.
There are many things about the animated movie and the book of Exodus that are different. One thing that really stood out to me was in Bible Moses was sent down the river by his mother. It does not say anything about it being a crazy, life-threatening ride. However, in the movie Moses goes through so much during his rid in the basket. There were many times where as the watcher, you may have though he could have lost his life. I think that this modification was done in the movie to make it more exciting and thrilling for the viewers. Having conflict and action will make it so much more interesting to watch. I know that the this is a large change from the book to the movie but I think that it is very helpful to really grasp that Moses was sent
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a disorder of the brain that is observed in people who have involuntary movements or vocalizations called tics. Named after Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette who first discovered this disorder, this French neurologist described a noblewoman who exhibited these symptoms in 1885. These tics could range from repetitive movements to inappropriate vocalizations.
Treatments include medication, supportive psychotherapy and occasionally ECT. Medications include lithium, anticonvulsant drugs (carbamazepine (Tegretol), valproate (Depakote), gabapentin (Neurontin) and lamotrigine Lamictal), antidepressants (such as bupropion (Wellbutrin)or sertraline (Zoloft)), neuroleptics (e.g. haloperidol) and benzodiazepines (e.g. lorazepam) Treatment choices depend on the
Welcome to our Word of the Week Devotion. Each week we analyze a word by examining it through the lens of Scripture. Questions or suggested studies prompt thoughtful reflection. Keep a journal handy to log notes to refer to later.