1. What is the name of your movie and what year was it made? Synopsize the movie plot, etc
The name of the movie I chose for the assignment is Phoebe in Wonderland. This movie is about a nine year-old girl named Phoebe Lichten who is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland, and as a result, joins her school’s theater production of the Lewis Carrol novel, playing the lead of Alice. Throughout the movie, you can see Phoebe developing symptoms of Tourette’s syndrome such as spitting (a form of disinhibition known as “tics”), mimicking others, and unwillingly saying inappropriate things. Tourette’s oftentimes is accompanied by obsessive compulsive behaviors, which can also be seen in Phoebe as she performs obsessive, ritualistic actions such as jumping
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When I think of the “stereotypical” Tourette’s image, I tend to picture a child cursing, as seen in many movies, but Phoebe did not display this particular tic that is often portrayed. I believe the film accurately portrayed a child with Tourette’s syndrome because it depicted that feeling of loss and hopelessness a child can feel when they feel like they have no control of their body. Phoebe also presented the less portrayed, but more common, symptoms of Tourette’s such as the simple and complex tics. The Mayo Clinic states that Tourette’s patients commonly display simple and complex tics of either motor or vocal origin (Mayo Clinic, 2012). Phoebe’s mimicking of others, using different tones of voice, and saying inappropriate things (such as calling someone “fat”) are examples of complex vocal tics (Mayo Clinic, 2012). Her finger flexing when nervous is a simple motor tic, and her hopping and spitting are examples of complex motor tics. The movie also depicts Phoebe’s symptoms worsening with anxiety and stress, which is a common occurrence with Tourette’s syndrome as well as portrays accurately the ability for other related conditions to occur with Tourette’s (Phoebe’s OCD). The age of onset is also typically between the ages of 2 and 12, which falls into Phoebe’s age of onset at 10 years of age (Mayo Clinic, 2012). I Finally, I thought the film portrayed a positive outlook for Tourette’s patients by allowing Phoebe to realize that she can live a normal life with the
Although this paper uses a mainstream movie, at all times you should use scholarly writing and language throughout the paper.
1. What is the title of this film? When was it made? Who wrote the original novel?
In her younger years, she often felt panic, frightening and terrified about her mother’s and stepfather’s behavior (Comer, pg.47). She has repeatedly “felt the walls closing in on her” as well (Comer, pg.45). Jennifer also had behavioral symptoms which are actions. She often stayed in her house and in her bed or bedroom. When interacting with her mother, she forced herself to smile and pretend to be happy.
1.The movie Antwone Fisher and Good Will Hunting have very similar background while their story is not the same. Since man are more disconnected from their emotions than women, It took them such a long time for them to realize they had a problem. Both Antwone and Will had phycological treatment because of their past. They both dealt with child abuse. They both had aggression problem and were stock at a specific time in their life.
The documentary of Autism: The Musical showcases children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families throughout a twenty two week program ending with a live performance. The documentary not only highlights the growth the children experience socially and emotionally throughout the program, but the challenges faced by the families and the strategies they employ to overcome them. There are five children focused on over the course of the documentary, Neil, Lexi, Henry, Adam, and Wyatt. Each child is at a different place on the spectrum therefore each family is effected differently by it. In fact each family can be seen at a different stage of acceptance ranging from sock, denial, anger, loneliness, sadness, to acceptance (Autism & Your Family, 2015). Lexi’s father Joe nicely describes some of the stages he experienced starting with denial which he said ended up taking over his whole life for a period of time, a period he describes as fix it mode, then depression because the parent realized that no amount of money or wishing can change the fact that the child has ASD and will always be living with it and finally comes acceptance.
In 2011 began the start of the Le Roy Hysteria with Katie Krautwurst. Soon the numbers grew, all teenage girls, from 12 all the way to 18 in a school of 600. Many doctors assumed that Katie got tics from stress in her life, as the numbers grew the more people looked into the problem. The girls showed “strange Tourette-like condition with tics”. It is more common the Tourette syndrome is to appear amongst teenage males rather than females. It is so uncommon for a dozen females in the same location to suddenly develop the Tourette syndrome.
4.) What aspects of their past did characters in your film carry with them into the mysterious future?
What made taking care of Phoebe difficult was the fact that she had special needs. This caused Phoebe to have some behavioral problems and learning disabilities. During this time period it was difficult for kids with special needs to get into a regular public school and many people didn’t believe that it was okay for them to be mixed in with other students who were not special needs. The book takes place in both Lexington, Kentucky and Pennsylvania where the opinions on special needs children were all the same. It took place in more urban settings where change wasn’t expected to be taken lightly for it was the complete opposite. Overall the book pulled on the heartstrings while giving that on edge family mystery in which most adore. Therefore it would be only fitting to rate it a 4 out of 5 stars. Although this is because the book lacks some character development in, for example Paul, and stretched the details in some spots where completely unnecessary. All in all besides these minor setbacks this a novel in which should be recommended for all who love that good dark family mystery drama. It is a book that once it is picked up, it is just too difficult to put back
When working with children with behavioural difficulties it is important that practitioners respects the families culture, customs and values. Some children may grow up in a family where they value their father so it is important that practitioners take this into account when working with children with behavioural problems, as the child may listen more to male members of staff than female. Also some children may have been brought up by their grandparents where they are usually spoilt by them and get what they want and in the setting they cant always get their own way. When working with children with behavioural difficulties it is important that the practitioners have some knowledge on the child's background for example the child might have
For the middle school’s positive behavior quarter activity, the entire school went to the Lake City movie theater to watch the movie “Wonder,” which focused on a boy with facial deformities.
Nina is also having many hallucinations, besides seeing her sub-personality, she has seen feathers growing out of her skin, her legs crack/bend, and drawings of herself moving and taunting her. Schizophrenia seems to be the conclusion from these symptoms. Nina also is extremely paranoid about others around her and has had hallucinations regarding their betrayal of her. She is delusional in her beliefs of another ballerina trying to sabotage her and take her
4. Is the film reliable? Explain, using your conclusions from questions 1-4. (1 paragraph, 10
Identify the movie by stating its title, the year it was released, the name of the director, where the story is set, and the time period in which the story takes place.
A well-known phrase in the English language is, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This catchy slogan is commonly used to convey emotion, individuality, and personality in an image. In the film industry, creating movie posters will indefinitely be a part of the phrase above. According to Alexander (2011), “a movies poster encompasses the message and feeling of the film, it should be the main source of attention for the release of a new movie” (n.p.). For this project I chose the genre, Drama. Within this genre, I chose three movies that are very diverse to analyze. The movies that I chose were, Holes, Gone Girl, and The Shawshank Redemption.
Looking at the symptoms such as anxiety attacks, overeating, fear of accomplishment, fear of abandonment, and so forth—can be interpreted as outward manifestations of unconscious conflicts that have their origins in childhood experiences and defensive reaction to these experiences that are necessary to her as a child.